OSP 2.4 Test Cases

OSP 2.4 Functional Testing - Test Cases/Scripts

New Testing Materials for OSP 2.9

(warning) Attention OSP Testers. A new set of scripts and instructions are now available for 2.9. Please use the new materials and scripts instead of those listed below. Testing instructions and links to the scripts are available at: QA Testing Information for OSP

This set of test cases will go through functional testing of the requirements for OSP 2.4.
For now, the nightly2 test instance will have the latest code: http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8084/osp-portal. NOTE: The nightly test instance will delete any data that is added each day.

If you want a slightly more permanent environment to use, you can use the QA instance at http://qa2-osp.sakaiproject.org:8084/osp-portal, which is updated about every two weeks (on average).
1. Try to test each case in a course site, a project site and a portfolio site
2. Try to test each case across various browsers
3. Only use the 'admin' login to create user accounts and worksites, then login with the appropriate user/role to run the tests.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive set of scripts.

This spreadsheet outlines the JIRA requirements and the stage in which the requirement is in.
And here is the link to the list of OSP 2.4 Requirements: 2.4 Requirements

To run through the full OSP 2.4 system test scripts, go to the System Test Scripts page.

Goal Management Tool

Script Information


These scripts contain general setup and usage procedures for the Goal Management tool.


Instructor, Student - for course sites; CIG Coordinator, CIG Participant - for portfolio sites, Maintain - for goal site (project site).

Special skills required to run test



Course site or portfolio site for adding activities and goal site for creating and tracking goals.

Time required

1 hour

Administrator - Set up course and goal sites

Set up the Goal Site (Project Worksite)



Expected Outcome


Login as Sakai administrator and click Worksite Setup



Create a project site - name it 'Goal Site'

This will be the container site for the published goals.


Select the Goal Management and Site Info tools.



Click Site Info in the 'Goal Site' and add some instructors and students with appropriate roles selected.


Set up the Course Site



Expected Outcome


Login as Sakai administrator and click Worksite Setup



Create a project site - name it 'Course Site'

This site will use the goals as published in the 'Goal Site'.


Select the following tools: Assignments, Data Points, Forms, Matrices, Wizards, Resources, and Site Info tools.



Click Site Info in the 'Course Site' and add some instructors and students with appropriate roles selected.



Logout as administrator.


Instructor - Link Course Site to Goal Site



Expected Outcome


In the Goal Site and click the Goal Management tool.



Click Modify Worksite Associations

The 'Modify Worksite Associations' screen appears.


Place a check in the box next to the course site where the activities will be rated.



Click Save

A confirmation page will appear asking Are you sure you want to make the following changes?


Click Yes to save the association.

The 'Modify Goal Sets' page re-appears.

Also, try resetting the checkboxes to null with the Reset button.

Instructor - Set permissions for goal site

Set Goal Management permissions for goal site



Expected Outcome


Login as an instructor



Click the Goal Site tab



Click Goal Management from the navigation.



Click Set Permissions and make sure that the Goal Site is listed in the listbox.



Set the following permissions for maintain:

  • View_any_links_from
  • View_any_links_to
  • View_ratings
  • Modify_associations
  • Modify_goalsets
  • Modify_links_from
  • Modify_links_to
  • Modify_ratings

These will set the permissions as needed for the instructor/maintainer of the goal site.


Set the following permissions for access:

  • View_visible_links_from
  • View_visible_links_to
  • View_own_ratings

These will set the permissions as needed for the students as related to the goal site.


Click Save

This will set the requisite permissions for instructors/students in the goal site.

Set Goal Management permissions for the course site (from within the "goal" site)



Expected Outcome


Select "Course site"  from the listbox and click Set Permissions in the Goal Management tool of the 'Goal Site'



Set the following permissions for Instructor:

  • View_any_links_from
  • View_any_links_to
  • View_ratings
  • Modify_associations
  • Modify_goalsets
  • Modify_links_from
  • Modify_links_to
  • Modify_ratings

These will set the permissions as needed for the instructor/maintainer of the goal site.


Set the following permissions for Student:

  • View_visible_links_from
  • View_visible_links_to
  • View_own_ratings

These will set the permissions as needed for the students as needed in the course site.


Click Save


Instructor - Add/Remove/Update Goal Set and Goals from Goal Site

Add Goal Set



Expected Outcome


Go into the Goal Site to add the goal set and goals.



Click Goal Management from the navigation.



Click Add Goal Set

If you don't see Add Goal Set check permissions


Enter a name (required field) for the goal set and a description



Click Save when done.

This is the set of goals that will be shared with the course site.


Repeat steps 1 - 5 for additional goal sets

It would be best to have at least two goal sets.

Cancel Addition of Goal Set

Follow steps 1 - 5, but click Cancel instead of Save. The goal set should not be listed on the list page.

Edit Goal Set



Expected Outcome


In the Goal Site, click Goal Management tool to access the goal set(s).



Click the link for the goal set that was created previously.

The 'Detailed Goal Set View' page will be displayed.


Click the Edit button at the bottom of the screen.

The 'Edit Goal Set' page will appear.


Update the Name and Description fields.



Click Save

The 'Detailed Goal Set View' is displayed and the 'Name', 'Description' has been changed.

Remove Goal Set



Expected Outcome


In the Goal Site, click Goal Management tool to access the goal set(s).



Create another goal set and save it.

New goal set should be listed.


Click the link for the new goal set.

The 'Detailed Goal Set View' page will be displayed.


Click the Remove button at the bottom of the screen.

The 'Edit Goal Set' page will appear and the goal set will no longer be listed.

Add Goals



Expected Outcome


In the goal set that you created, click Add Goal



Enter a name (required field) and a description for the goal



Click Save

The goal should be listed under the goal set.


Repeat steps 1 - 3 for additional goals.

It would be best to have at least two goals for each goal set.
To fully test, try setting the "parent goal" to an existing goal to create hierarchical list of goals.

Cancel Addition of Goal

Follow steps 1 - 3, but click Cancel instead of Save. The goal should not be listed.

Edit Goal



Expected Outcome


In any goal set that has been created (published or unpublished), expand the goal set by clicking on the (plus)
symbol next to the goal set name and clicking on a name of a goal in that set

The goal should be displayed on the 'Detailed Goal View' screen.


Click the edit button

The "Edit Goal" screen should appear with the goal details filled into the form.


Edit the Goal details and click the Save button.

The goal should be displayed on the 'Detailed Goal View' screen with your edits.

Remove Goal



Expected Outcome


In any goal set that has been created (published or unpublished), expand the goal set by clicking on the (plus)
symbol next to the goal set name and clicking on a name of a goal in that set

The goal should be displayed on the "Detailed Goal View" screen.


Click the Remove button

The "Remove Goal" screen should appear with the following alert: Are you sure you want to delete this goal and all subgoals? This will also remove any links and ratings applied to this goal and all subgoals..


Click Yes to remove the goal.


Publish Goal Set



Expected Outcome


In the Goal Site, click Goal Management tool to access the goal set(s).



Click the link for the goal set that was created previously.

The 'Detailed Goal Set View' screen appears.


Click Publish

The 'Publish Goal Set' page will appear with the following alert: Are you sure you want to publish this? Once published, other users of the system will be able to see it.


Click Yes to publish the goal set.

The goal set will now be listed under 'Published Goal Sets' area.

Working with Data Points

Instructor - Set permissions for data points in the course site



Expected Outcome


Go into the course site and click Data Points



Click Permissions



Ensure that the following permissions for Instructor are set:

  • view_dp
  • modify_dp
  • view_dp_submissions

These will set the permissions for modifying and viewing data points and submissions as needed for the instructor/maintainer.


Ensure that the following permissions for Student are set:

  • view_dp

These will set the permissions for viewing the data points as needed for the students.


Click Save



Click the link Modify Submitter Roles

This will determine the roles for which submissions should be automatically generated.


Add a check next to Student.



Click Save

You will see a confirmation page to confirm submitter role changes


Click Yes to save the settings.



Repeat steps 1 - 8, and then click No to ensure that the student role is not checked.



Repeat steps 1 - 8, and click Yes to set the correct submitter role that will be needed for the rest of QA.


Instructor - Add a data point and link to a goal



Expected Outcome


Go into the course site and click Data Points or if you are already in the Data Points tool, click the Reset icon.

The 'Data Points' list page appears.


Click Add

The 'Add Data Point' page is displayed.


Enter a title and description for the data point.



Click Save

The 'Modify Data Points' screen appears and the new data point is listed.


Click Link under the new data point to link the point to a goal.

If you do not see Link underneath the data point, refer to Instructor - Link Course Site to Goal Site


Click the + next to the goal site (project site) goal set to expand them.



Click Add Link to create a new link.

The 'New Link' screen is displayed. This is where you define the data point rationale and rubric.


Check boxes next to Visible and Exportable under the 'Link' section.

These will allow the students to see the link to view the goal.


Add text to the 'Rationale'

This will explain to the end user why you linked goal to this activity.


Add text to the 'Rubric' textbox.

This will explain the to end user how the activity will be rated.


Click Save

You should be back on the summary page for the data point.


Click Back to go back to the 'Modify Data Points' screen.


Instructor - Add a rating for a manually submitted activity



Expected Outcome


In the 'Data Points' tool, click List Submissions under the data point

There should be a link available for each student.


Click the link for a student's data point - this should read something like 'Student Name + name of data point + Submission'



Use the listbox to assign a rating



Provide a comment in the 'Comments' text box.



Click Save

The 'Confirm Ratings Changes' page appears where you will see a summary of the goal, rating, and comment.


Click Yes

The 'Data Point Submissions' page re-appears.


Repeat steps 1 - 5, then click No to not save the rating.


Administrator - Change ratings via Sites tool



Expected Outcome


Login as Sakai administrator.



Click Sites



Locate and click the Goal Site (the project site)



Click Pages



Click the link to the page for the Goal Management tool.



Click Tools



Click the link for the Goal Management tool id.

This is where you will change the rating scale from 0 - 4 to some other rating.


Scroll down to the bottom to the 'Configuration' area and enter the following:
ratingScale.stop 5
ratingScale.start 1



Click Save to save your settings.


Set up Assignment

Instructor - Check permissions on assignment tool



Expected Outcome


In the course site, click Assignments



Click Permissions, and ensure that the following permissions are set for the Instructor: _NOTE: These should already be set)

  • All.groups
  • New
  • Submit
  • Delete
  • Read
  • Revise
  • Grade



Ensure that the following permissions for Student are set:

  • Submit
  • Read



If you are using a TA, ensure that the following permissions are set:

  • All.groups
  • New
  • Submit
  • Delete
  • Read
  • Revise
  • Grade



If the information is correct, click Cancel, otherwise, make any changes and click Save


Instructor - Add assignment



Expected Outcome


In the Assignments tool, click Add to add a new assignment.



Fill out the assignment form to create the assignement.

This assignment will be linked to any goals, as needed.


Click Post when done.


Instructor - Link assignment to goal(s)



Expected Outcome


Click the Reset icon to reset to the Assignments list page, if you are not already there.



Click Link.

This will start the process to link the assignment to one or more goals.


Click the + link next to the goal site goal sets to expand the list of goals.



Click Add Link next to the first goal to link to the assignment.



Place a check in the boxes next to Visible and Exportable.



Enter the rationale and rubric.



Click Save



Repeat steps 1 - 6 for any other goals you would like to link to the assignment.



Logout as Instructor

The instructor's work is done for now.

Student - Submit assignment



Expected Outcome


In the course site, click Assignments.

The 'Assignments' list page is displayed and shows any assignments that are available (or open) to complete.


Click the link for the assignment to complete it.

The assignment instructions and Goal Management tags should be displayed. The Goal Management tags display the goal set, goal, rationale and rubric to the student. If you do not see the Goal Management tags (i.e. you see 'There are no tags to display.', then go to Instructor - Link assignment to goal(s) to link the assignment and goals and make them visible in the assignment.


Complete the assignment and click Submit


Student - View data points



Expected Outcome


Login as Student and go into the course site.



Click Data Points.



Click View Ratings

The student should be able to view the worksite, goal set, rating and comments on anything submitted and associated with a data point. If the student cannot see the information, then, the data points have not been set to 'Visible'. See Instructor - Add a data point and link to a goal


Click the Back button

The 'View Data Points' screen will be displayed.


Logout Student

The Student's work is done for now.

View Assignments and Ratings

Instructor - View student submissions



Expected Outcome


Login as Instructor and go into the course site.



Click Assignments



Click the Grade link underneath the assignment.



Click the Grade link underneath the student's name.



Instructor views submission.

Here the instructor views the submission, but does not yet return the assignment to student.


Click the 'Reset' icon to reset to the Assignments list page.


Instructor - Add rating



Expected Outcome


From the Assignments list page, click Grade underneath the assignment.



Click View Ratings under the student's name.

If you see the alert 'There is nothing to rate. This activity is not linked to any goals.', then go back to Instructor - Link assignment to goal(s).


Use the listbox under Rating to rate the quality of the assignment.



Enter comments in the Comments textbox.



Click Save

A confirmation appears 'Are you sure you want to make the following changes?'


Click Yes to save



Logout Instructor

The instructor's work is done.

Student - View ratings



Expected Outcome


Login as Student and go into the course site



Click Assignments



Click View Ratings

The student should be able to read the comments submitted by the instructor for each goal measured in the assignment.

This test case needs to be altered due to the changes in GM tool.

Student - View activity reports for the course site and download the results into a spreadsheet



Expected Outcome


Click Goal Management



Click the link View Activity Reports.

Here, the student can view link and rating reports for all activities in the worksite.


Click the link for the course site to view the activity report for the whole site.

The student can view a summary of the following: Worksite, Activity, Goal Set, Goal, Rubric, and Rationale.


Click Download Spreadsheet

A dialog box will appear asking you to open or save the file.


Click the radio button next to Save to Disk, and click OK.

The file, automatically named, gmt_report.xls, should be saved to your desktop.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the screen to go back to the 'View Activity Reports' page.


This test case needs to be altered due to the changes in GM tool.

Student - View activity reports specific to an activity



Expected Outcome


Click Goal Management



Click the link View Activity Reports.

Here, the student can view link and rating reports for all or individual activities in the worksite.


Under the 'Activities' area, click one of the listed activities to view the summary of the rationale and rubric for the selected activity.


Click the link Rating Report to view the rating given by instructor.


This test case needs to be altered due to the changes in GM tool.

Student - List Activities Ratings



Expected Outcome


Click Goal Management



Click List Activities

Here, the student can view all ratings by assignment or data point.


Under the assignment that was submitted, click View All Ratings

The student should be able to view a summary of goals, ratings and comments pertaining to the submitted assignment.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the page.

The 'Activity List' page is displayed.

Set up Goal Management in a Matrix

Instructor - Set up Matrix/Goal Linkage in Course Site

This set of scripts involves setting up a matrix scaffolding and cells. To see how to create a matrix, please refer to the 'Create a matrix' section of the System Test Scripts



Expected Outcome


Create the matrix scaffolding in the course site - do not publish yet.



Click a cell in the matrix grid to edit it.



Scroll to the bottom of the page to view the Goal Management area.

You should see 'There are no tags to display.' meaning that no goals have been linked to the matrix cell yet.


Fill out the description, guidance, add forms.



Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goal site can be selected, and a list of goals that may be linked.


Ensure that your goal site is selected in the listbox.



Expand the goal set by clicking on the (plus)
symbol next to the site goal sets.

The goal sets listed below will expand to show all of the goals associated with each goal set.


Next to one of the goals, click Add Link

The 'New Link' page is displayed where user can define the linkage rationale and rubric.


Place a check in the boxes next to Visible and Exportable

The checkboxes will ensure that the student can view the goal rationale and rubric.


Enter text into Rationale and Rubric



Click Save

The worksite association page re-appears, the goal that was added is now a link, and the 'Add Link' link next to the goal that was selected no longer appears.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the screen to go back to the matrix cell.

The Goal Management area at the bottom of the page now shows a row for the goal to which you linked.


When you are finished with the cell definition, click Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

The matrix grid appears.


Repeat steps 2 - 13 for any remaining cells in your matrix.


Instructor - Cancel linkage to a goal



Expected Outcome


Click a cell in the matrix grid to edit it.



Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goal site can be selected, and a list of goals that may be linked.


Ensure that your goal site is selected in the listbox.



Expand one of the goal sets by clicking on the (plus)
symbol next to the specific goal set name

The goal sets listed below will expand to show all of the goals associated with each goal set.


Next to one of the goals, click Add Link

The 'New Link' page is displayed where user can define the linkage rationale and rubric.


Place a check in the boxes next to Visible and Exportable

The checkboxes will ensure that the student can view the goal rationale and rubric before completing the matrix cell.


Enter text into Rationale and Rubric



Click Cancel at the bottom of the screen to cancel the edits.

The worksite association page is displayed and the 'Add Link' link remains in place next to the goal.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the screen

The matrix page is displayed and the goal management area at the bottom of the page is unchanged.

Instructor - Publish matrix



Expected Outcome


Click Preview and then Publish from the matrix list page to publish the matrix.

The 'Publish' link disappears, leaving the Revise, Delete, and Export links.

Instructor - Add New Goal Link in Matrix Cell

This test case will determine if goal links can be added after a matrix is published.



Expected Outcome


In a published matrix, click a cell to edit it.



Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goal site can be selected, and a list of goals that may be linked.


Ensure that your goal site is selected in the listbox.



Expand the goal set by clicking on the (plus)
symbol next to the site goal sets.

The goal sets listed below will expand to show all of the goals associated with each goal set.


Next to one of the goals, click Add Link

The 'New Link' page is displayed where user can define the linkage rationale and rubric.


Place a check in the boxes next to Visible and Exportable

The checkboxes will ensure that the student can view the goal rationale and rubric before completing the matrix cell.


Enter text into Rationale and Rubric



Click Save

The worksite association page re-appears, the goal that was added is now a link, and the 'Add Link' link next to the goal that was selected no longer appears.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the screen to go back to the matrix cell.

The Goal Management area at the bottom of the page now shows a row for the goal to which you linked.


When you are finished with the cell definition, click Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

The matrix grid appears.

Instructor - Edit Goal Link in Matrix Cell

In this test case, ensure that you choose a matrix cell that has a linked goal.



Expected Outcome


In a published or unpublished matrix, click a cell to edit it.



Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goals have been selected, and a list of goals that may be linked or unlinked.


Click the goal link that is associated to the matrix cell.

The 'Modify Link' page is displayed.


Make some text edits to the Rationale and Rubrics textboxes.



Click Update at the bottom of the screen.

The worksite association page is displayed.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the screen.

The 'Revise Cell' page is displayed and the updated text should appear at the bottom of the page in the Goal Management section.


Click Save Changes

A confirmation page appears asking if you are sure you want to change this scaffolding cell.


Click Continue

The matrix changes are now saved.

Instructor - Cancel Removal of Goal Link in Matrix Cell

In this test case, ensure that you choose a matrix cell that has a linked goal.



Expected Outcome


In a published or unpublished matrix, click a cell to edit it.



Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goals have been selected, and a list of goals that may be linked or unlinked.


Under the site goal sets, click the goal link.

The 'Modify Link' page is displayed with the rationale and rubric information filled in.


Click the Remove button at the bottom of the page.

A confirmation page appears asking 'Are you sure you want to delete this link?'


Click No to cancel the link removal.

The worksite association page re-appears and the link association has been left intact.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the page.

The 'Revise Cell' page re-appears and the linked goal still appears at the bottom of the page.

Instructor - Remove Goal Link in Matrix Cell

In this test case, ensure that you choose a matrix cell that has a linked goal.



Expected Outcome


In a published or unpublished matrix, click a cell to edit it.



Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goals have been selected, and a list of goals that may be linked or unlinked.


Under the site goal sets, click the goal link.

The 'Modify Link' page is displayed with the rationale and rubric information filled in.


Click the Remove button at the bottom of the page.

A confirmation page appears asking 'Are you sure you want to delete this link?'


Click Yes to remove the link.

The worksite association page re-appears and the link that was removed now has the option to 'Add Link'.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the page.

The 'Revise Cell' page re-appears and the linked goal no longer appears at the bottom of the page. If there are no goals linked to the cell you will see 'There are no tags to display.'

For the remainder of the matrix testing using the steps from the assignments:
1. Login as student to submit the matrix cell. You can review the steps at ST.Script.03.Site Participants Add Files to Matrix in Project.
2. Login as instructor to add the rating
3. Login as student to view the rating

Set up Goal Management in a Sequential Wizard

Instructor - Set up Sequential Wizard/Goal Linkage in Course Site

This set of scripts involves setting up a wizard with pages. To see how to create a wizard, please refer to the 'Add Sequential Wizard' section of the System Test Scripts



Expected Outcome


Create a sequential wizard with at least one page in the course site - do not publish yet.



If you are on the wizard list page, click Revise to edit the wizard.



Click through the introductory pages and click Revise under a page to edit.

The 'Revise Wizard Page Settings' page appears. There is a 'Link' option at the top of the screen and the Goal Management area is listed at the bottom of the page.


Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goal site can be selected, and a list of goals that may be linked.


Ensure that your goal site is selected in the listbox.



Expand the goal set by clicking on the (plus)
symbol next to the site goal sets.

The goal sets listed below will expand to show all of the goals associated with each goal set.


Next to one of the goals, click Add Link

The 'New Link' page is displayed where user can define the linkage rationale and rubric.


Place a check in the boxes next to Visible and Exportable

The checkboxes will ensure that the student can view the goal rationale and rubric.


Enter text into Rationale and Rubric



Click Save

The worksite association page re-appears, the goal that was added is now a link, and the 'Add Link' link next to the goal that was selected no longer appears.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the screen to go back to the wizard.

The Goal Management area at the bottom of the page now shows a row for the goal to which you linked.

Instructor - Cancel linkage to a goal



Expected Outcome


Click Revise to edit a page in the wizard.



Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goal site can be selected, and a list of goals that may be linked.


Ensure that your goal site is selected in the listbox.



Expand one of the goal sets by clicking on the (plus)
symbol next to the specific goal set name

The goal sets listed below will expand to show all of the goals associated with each goal set.


Next to one of the goals, click Add Link

The 'New Link' page is displayed where user can define the linkage rationale and rubric.


Place a check in the boxes next to Visible and Exportable

The checkboxes will ensure that the student can view the goal rationale and rubric.


Enter text into Rationale and Rubric



Click Cancel at the bottom of the screen to cancel the edits.

The worksite association page is displayed and the 'Add Link' link remains in place next to the goal.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the screen

The wizard page is displayed and the goal management area at the bottom of the page is unchanged.

Instructor - Publish sequential wizard



Expected Outcome


Click Preview and then Publish from the wizard list page.

The 'Publish' link disappears, leaving the Revise, Delete, and Export links.

Instructor - Add New Goal Link in Sequential Wizard Page

This test case will determine if goal links can be added after a wizard is published.



Expected Outcome


In a published sequential wizard, click Revise underneath a page to edit it

The 'Revise Wizard Page Settings' appears. The 'Link' option should appear at the top of the page.


Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goal site can be selected, and a list of goals that may be linked.


Ensure that your goal site is selected in the listbox.



Expand the goal set by clicking on the (plus)
symbol next to the site goal sets.

The goal sets listed below will expand to show all of the goals associated with each goal set.


Next to one of the goals, click Add Link

The 'New Link' page is displayed where user can define the linkage rationale and rubric.


Place a check in the boxes next to Visible and Exportable

The checkboxes will ensure that the student can view the goal rationale and rubric before completing the matrix cell.


Enter text into Rationale and Rubric



Click Save

The worksite association page re-appears, the goal that was added is now a link, and the 'Add Link' link next to the goal that was selected no longer appears.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the screen to go back to the matrix cell.

The Goal Management area at the bottom of the page now shows a row for the goal to which you linked.


When you are finished with the page definition, click Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

The wizard list page appears.

Instructor - Edit Goal Link in Sequential Wizard Page

In this test case, ensure that you choose a wizard page that has a linked goal.



Expected Outcome


In a published or unpublished sequential wizard, click Revise underneath a page to edit it.

The 'Revise Wizard Page Settings' appears. The 'Link' option should appear at the top of the page.


Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goals have been selected, and a list of goals that may be linked or unlinked.


Click the goal link that is associated to the wizard page.

The 'Modify Link' page is displayed.


Make some text edits to the Rationale and Rubrics textboxes.



Click Update at the bottom of the screen.

The worksite association page is displayed.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the screen.

The 'Revise Wizard Page Settings' page is displayed and the updated text should appear at the bottom of the page in the Goal Management section.


Click Save Changes

A confirmation page appears asking if you are sure you want to change the page.


Click Continue

The wizard page changes are now saved.

Instructor - Cancel Removal of Goal Link in Sequential Wizard Page

In this test case, ensure that you choose a wizard page that has a linked goal.



Expected Outcome


In a published or unpublished sequential wizard, click Revise underneath a page to edit it.

The 'Revise Wizard Page Settings' appears. The 'Link' option should appear at the top of the page.


Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goals have been selected, and a list of goals that may be linked or unlinked.


Under the site goal sets, click the goal link.

The 'Modify Link' page is displayed with the rationale and rubric information filled in.


Click the Remove button at the bottom of the page.

A confirmation page appears asking 'Are you sure you want to delete this link?'


Click No to cancel the link removal.

The worksite association page re-appears and the link association has been left intact.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the page.

The 'Revise Wizard Page Settings' page re-appears and the linked goal still appears at the bottom of the page.

Instructor - Remove Goal Link in Sequential Wizard

In this test case, ensure that you choose a matrix cell that has a linked goal.



Expected Outcome


In a published or unpublished matrix, click a cell to edit it.



Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goals have been selected, and a list of goals that may be linked or unlinked.


Under the site goal sets, click the goal link.

The 'Modify Link' page is displayed with the rationale and rubric information filled in.


Click the Remove button at the bottom of the page.

A confirmation page appears asking 'Are you sure you want to delete this link?'


Click Yes to remove the link.

The worksite association page re-appears and the link that was removed now has the option to 'Add Link'.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the page.

The 'Revise Cell' page re-appears and the linked goal no longer appears at the bottom of the page. If there are no goals linked to the cell you will see 'There are no tags to display.'

For the remainder of the sequential wizard testing using the same set of steps as recorded for the assignments tool:
1. Login as student to submit the wizard page. You can review the steps at ST.Script.04.Students Add Files to Wizards in Course.
2. Login as instructor to add the rating
3. Login as student to view the rating

Set up Goal Management in a Hierarchical Wizard

Instructor - Set up Hierarchical Wizard/Goal Linkage in Course Site

This set of scripts involves setting up a matrix scaffolding and cells. To see how to create a matrix, please refer to the 'Add Hierarchical Wizard' section of the System Test Scripts



Expected Outcome


Create a hierarchical wizard with at least one page in the course site - do not publish yet.



If you are on the wizard list page, click Revise to edit the wizard.



Click through the introductory pages and click Revise under a page to edit.

The 'Revise Wizard Page Settings' page appears. There is a 'Link' option at the top of the screen and the Goal Management area is listed at the bottom of the page.


Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goal site can be selected, and a list of goals that may be linked.


Ensure that your goal site is selected in the listbox.



Expand the goal set by clicking on the (plus)
symbol next to the site goal sets.

The goal sets listed below will expand to show all of the goals associated with each goal set.


Next to one of the goals, click Add Link

The 'New Link' page is displayed where user can define the linkage rationale and rubric.


Place a check in the boxes next to Visible and Exportable

The checkboxes will ensure that the student can view the goal rationale and rubric.


Enter text into Rationale and Rubric



Click Save

The worksite association page re-appears, the goal that was added is now a link, and the 'Add Link' link next to the goal that was selected no longer appears.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the screen to go back to the wizard.

The Goal Management area at the bottom of the page now shows a row for the goal to which you linked.

Instructor - Cancel linkage to a goal



Expected Outcome


Click Revise to edit a page in the wizard.



Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goal site can be selected, and a list of goals that may be linked.


Ensure that your goal site is selected in the listbox.



Expand one of the goal sets by clicking on the (plus)
symbol next to the specific goal set name

The goal sets listed below will expand to show all of the goals associated with each goal set.


Next to one of the goals, click Add Link

The 'New Link' page is displayed where user can define the linkage rationale and rubric.


Place a check in the boxes next to Visible and Exportable

The checkboxes will ensure that the student can view the goal rationale and rubric.


Enter text into Rationale and Rubric



Click Cancel at the bottom of the screen to cancel the edits.

The worksite association page is displayed and the 'Add Link' link remains in place next to the goal.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the screen

The wizard page is displayed and the goal management area at the bottom of the page is unchanged.

Instructor - Publish wizard



Expected Outcome


Click Preview and then Publish from the wizard list page.

The 'Publish' link disappears, leaving the Revise, Delete, and Export links.

Instructor - Add New Goal Link in Hierarchical Wizard Page

This test case will determine if goal links can be added after a wizard is published.



Expected Outcome


In a published hierarchical wizard, click Revise underneath a page to edit it

The 'Revise Wizard Page Settings' appears. The 'Link' option should appear at the top of the page.


Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goal site can be selected, and a list of goals that may be linked.


Ensure that your goal site is selected in the listbox.



Expand the goal set by clicking on the (plus)
symbol next to the site goal sets.

The goal sets listed below will expand to show all of the goals associated with each goal set.


Next to one of the goals, click Add Link

The 'New Link' page is displayed where user can define the linkage rationale and rubric.


Place a check in the boxes next to Visible and Exportable

The checkboxes will ensure that the student can view the goal rationale and rubric before completing the matrix cell.


Enter text into Rationale and Rubric



Click Save

The worksite association page re-appears, the goal that was added is now a link, and the 'Add Link' link next to the goal that was selected no longer appears.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the screen to go back to the matrix cell.

The Goal Management area at the bottom of the page now shows a row for the goal to which you linked.


When you are finished with the page definition, click Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

The wizard list page appears.

Instructor - Edit Goal Link in Hierarchical Wizard Page

In this test case, ensure that you choose a wizard page that has a linked goal.



Expected Outcome


In a published or unpublished hierarchical wizard, click Revise underneath a page to edit it.

The 'Revise Wizard Page Settings' appears. The 'Link' option should appear at the top of the page.


Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goals have been selected, and a list of goals that may be linked or unlinked.


Click the goal link that is associated to the wizard page.

The 'Modify Link' page is displayed.


Make some text edits to the Rationale and Rubrics textboxes.



Click Update at the bottom of the screen.

The worksite association page is displayed.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the screen.

The 'Revise Wizard Page Settings' page is displayed and the updated text should appear at the bottom of the page in the Goal Management section.


Click Save Changes

A confirmation page appears asking if you are sure you want to change the page.


Click Continue

The wizard page changes are now saved.

Instructor - Cancel Removal of Goal Link in Hierarchical Wizard Page

In this test case, ensure that you choose a wizard page that has a linked goal.



Expected Outcome


In a published or unpublished hierarchical wizard, click Revise underneath a page to edit it.

The 'Revise Wizard Page Settings' appears. The 'Link' option should appear at the top of the page.


Click Link at the top of the page

The worksite association page is displayed with a listbox from which the goals have been selected, and a list of goals that may be linked or unlinked.


Under the site goal sets, click the goal link.

The 'Modify Link' page is displayed with the rationale and rubric information filled in.


Click the Remove button at the bottom of the page.

A confirmation page appears asking 'Are you sure you want to delete this link?'


Click No to cancel the link removal.

The worksite association page re-appears and the link association has been left intact.


Click the Back button at the bottom of the page.

The 'Revise Wizard Page Settings' page re-appears and the linked goal still appears at the bottom of the page.

For the remainder of the hierarchical wizard testing:
1. Login as student to submit the wizard page. You can review the steps at ST.Script.04.Students Add Files to Wizards in Course.
2. Login as instructor to add the rating
3. Login as student to view the rating

UI Rework/refinement

JIRA Reference

Go to Test Cases

Ready to Test

SAK-6621 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-6621 - Display description and instructions to user


SAK-7537 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-7537 - OSP Form Display


SAK-7516 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-7516 - Support for hidden forms


SAK-6178 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-6178 - Hover-over action displays form type in Resources


SAK-6073 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-6073 - More Refined End-User Experience


SAK-7568 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-7568 - Folder structure in user's home resources area


SAK-7569 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-7569 - Auto-name forms from wizard pages and matrix cells


SAK-8249 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-8249 - Portfolio preview prior to publishing


SAK-8400 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-8400 - Matrix cells form/feedback relationship needs to be expressly stated


SAK-6621 - Display description and instructions to user

In previous versions of OSP, descriptions and instructions could be encoded in the form definition to guide users. However, the description/instruction definitions were not fully integrated in OSP, so the user completing the form was not able to see this information. This requirement entails allowing the descriptions and instructions to be shown to the users when completing the form. Forms from OSP 2.4 Testing Resources#forms can be downloaded and used for the following tests:

Test Case SAK-6621-01: Upload a Form with an ospi.description label

If you need help on uploading forms into OSP the System Test Scripts - ST.Script.02.Set-up portfolio site has the step-by-step instructions.



Expected Outcome


As Instructor/Coordinator, add an .xsd file with ospi.description and ospi.inlinedescription used to Forms.

The form definition file should be listed in 'Forms'


Click Publish

The 'Publish' link will disappear and form will be available to use within Matrices, Wizards and Portfolios.


To an unpublished matrix cell, add the form, and click Save Changes.

The Instructor/Coordinator will be taken back to the 'Manage Matrices' page.


Click Publish underneath the matrix

The matrix will be published and available for Students/Participants to use.


Logout as Instructor/Coordinator and login as Student/Participant

Student/Participant in site will be logged in.


Student/Participant goes into published matrix cell and opens form.

The Student/Participant is able to access the form, and sees all descriptions as defined in the .xsd file.


Repeat steps 1 - 6 using various forms.


SAK-7537 - OSP Form Display

Please try the following test cases with each of these forms to ensure that each form field type is working correctly:

Test Case SAK-7537-01: Forgetting to fill in a required field - Data entered in other fields is not lost.

Previously, when a user would forget to fill in a required field and saved the form, all of the data that had been entered would be wiped out. This requirement ensures that even if the required fields are not filled out, the user is given a chance to correct it and retain the data that had been entered for the other fields.

If you need help on uploading forms into OSP the System Test Scripts - ST.Script.02.Set-up portfolio site has the step-by-step instructions.



Expected Outcome


As Instructor/Coordinator, add an .xsd file with two or more required fields to Forms.

The form definition file should be listed in 'Forms'


Click Publish

The 'Publish' link will disappear and form will be available to use within Matrices, Wizards and Portfolios.


To an unpublished matrix cell, add the form, and click Save Changes.

The Instructor/Coordinator will be taken back to the 'Manage Matrices' page.


Click Publish underneath the matrix

The matrix will be published and available for Students/Participants to use.


Logout as Instructor/Coordinator and login as Student/Participant

Student/Participant in site will be logged in.


Student/Participant goes into published matrix cell and opens form.

The Student/Participant is able to access the form, and sees all descriptions as defined in the .xsd file.


Student fills in one of the required fields, leaving others blank. Click Save Changes

The form is re-displayed with the alert Required value, and the data is still intact from the fields that were completed.


Student fills in remaining required fields and clicks Save Changes

The matrix page is displayed and the form is listed.


Repeat steps 1 - 8 with each of the forms listed above.


Test Case SAK-7537-02: Cancel a form after receiving a 'Required value' alert.



Expected Outcome


As Instructor/Coordinator, add an .xsd file with two or more required fields to Forms.

The form definition file should be listed in 'Forms'


Click Publish

The 'Publish' link will disappear and form will be available to use within Matrices, Wizards and Portfolios.


To an unpublished matrix cell, add the form, and click Save Changes.

The Instructor/Coordinator will be taken back to the 'Manage Matrices' page.


Click Publish underneath the matrix

The matrix will be published and available for Students/Participants to use.


Logout as Instructor/Coordinator and login as Student/Participant

Student/Participant in site will be logged in.


Student/Participant goes into published matrix cell and opens form.

The Student/Participant is able to access the form, and sees all descriptions as defined in the .xsd file.


Student fills in one of the required fields, leaving others blank. Click Save Changes

The form is re-displayed with the alert Required value, and the data is still intact from the fields that were completed.


Student clicks Cancel

The matrix page is displayed and the form is not listed.

SAK-7516 - Support for hidden forms

Test Case SAK-7516-01: Add a hidden form

A new feature in OSP 2.4 is to have the ability to make certain forms hidden from the Resources area. In previous versions, forms could be added from within a matrix cell, wizard page, or via Resources. For some forms, the instructor may not want forms to be viewable or added from the Resources area.



Expected Outcome


As Instructor/Coordinator, click Forms from the left navigation.

The forms tool is displayed listing any forms that have been previously added and additional information such as who added them, and the state they are currently in.


Click Add

The 'Add Form' screen appears.


Enter a unique name for the form



Click the link Select Schema File next to the 'Schema File(xsd)' field.

The Resources area is displayed.


Hover over 'Add' next to the folder with the site folder.

A context menu is displayed to the right of the 'Add' button. It lists several options: Upload Files(s), New Folder(s), etc...


Click Upload File(s) from the context menu.

The 'Upload files' pages appears.


Next to 'File to Upload', click Browse to locate the .xsd file on your computer.



Locate the file on your computer, and click Continue

The 'Add Attachment' screen appears and the file that was selected is listed.


Click Continue

The 'Add Form' page is displayed and the file name is shown in the 'Schema File (xsd)' and the 'Document Root Node' is filled in.


Add instructions as desired.



Click the checkbox next to make this form hidden

Checking the box 'ON' will hide the form in Resources.


Click Add Form to save the form.

The Forms list page re-appears with the form listed in the unpublished state.


Click Publish under the form.

This will allow the form to be used throughout the site.

Test Case SAK-7516-02: Verify hover-over action and Check that hidden forms do not appear in Resources

A few words of caution: In the Resources area, a user is able to view forms from all sites in which s/he has installed forms. Therefore, if the same hidden form is being added to the Forms area in multiple sites, make sure that all of the forms added in other sites have the checkbox for 'make this form hidden' checked. In addition: Imported matrices and wizards may install forms in the Forms tool, and these will not be hidden by default.



Expected Outcome


Go to Resources



Hover over Add next to the site folder.

A context menu is displayed to the right of the 'Add' button. It lists several options: Upload Files(s), New Folder(s), etc...


Click New Form Item

A listbox is displayed with a 'Submit' and a 'Cancel' button.


Click the listbox to view all of the forms listed.

Ensure that only unhidden forms are selectable. No hidden forms should appear in the listbox.

SAK-6178 - Hover-over hints in Resources area

Test Case SAK-6178-01: Test External Resource Helper for Forms and hover-over hint

A user should be able to hover over a form that has been created and stored in Resources to view the type of form it was created from, i.e. Personal Information or Reflection.
If you need help with uploading forms into OSP the System Test Scripts - ST.Script.02.Set-up portfolio site has the step-by-step instructions.



Expected Outcome




SAK-6073 - More refined end-user experience

This also encompasses SAK-8221, SAK-8217, and SAK-8246

Test Case SAK-6073-01: User does not have to navigate to My Workspace to add files from Matrix

In previous versions of OSP, when the student/participant needed to add a resource to a matrix or portfolio, the user would be taken to the Resources area, but then would have to click 'Show Other Sites' to navigate to the personal workspace resources area. With this update, when the user adds a file, the Resources area will open up to the user's personal workspace.

If you need help on working with matrices in,OSP the System Test Scripts - ST.Script.02.Set-up portfolio site has the step-by-step instructions.
See associated PDF wire frame.



Expected Outcome


Matrix is created and published by Instructor/Coordinator

The matrix is available for students to populate.


Instructor/Coordinator logs out and Student/Participant logs in



Student/Participant clicks Matrices

The 'Manage Matrices' page is displayed.


Click a 'Ready' cell to complete.



Click Select Item(s) to add a file from Resources.

The Resources area is displayed to the students 'My Workspace'.


Next to 'My Workspace', click Add New.

User is able to upload files.


Locate a file to add, then click Add

The user is taken back to 'Resources' and the new item appears under 'My Workspace'.


Click Continue

The matrix page is re-displayed with the new file that was added.


Click file link to ensure that it can be opened.


SAK-7568 - Folder structure in user's home resources area

Folders will be generate by the system in the user's personal workspace resources area to store Feedback, Reflection, Evaluation and other forms added from matrices and wizards. Previously these all defaulted to the root area of the user's home resources area. This is designed to reduce clutter, making the forms easier to find.

Test Case SAK-7568-01: Test for folder structure in a matrix

In the student/participant's personal workspace resources area, the user should see a folder called 'Portfolio Interaction', where completed Reflection, Feedback, Evaluation forms, and other forms will be placed. There is a hierarchical structure to this area:
Portfolio Interaction --> Course, Project, or Portfolio site name --> Matrix (or wizard) name --> Reflection folder. In the Reflection folder, you will find any reflection forms (i.e. from the Reflection area of the matrix or wizard page) that were completed.

SAK-7569 - Auto-name forms that users fill out

Test Case SAK-7569-01: Auto-name forms that users fill out from matrix cell

If the user is adding a reflection, feedback, or evaluation form to a matrix, then the user should see a filename similar to 'rowName-columnName(Page Name)'.

Test Case SAK-7569-02: Auto-name forms that users fill out from hierarchical wizard page

If the user is adding a reflection, feedback, or evaluation form to a hierarchical wizard page, then the user should see a filename similar to 'Page Name'.

Test Case SAK-7569-03: Auto-name forms that users fill out from sequential wizard page

If the user is adding a reflection, feedback, or evaluation form to a sequential wizard page, then the user should see a filename similar to 'Page Name'.

SAK-8249 - Portfolio preview prior to publishing

Test Case SAK-8249-01 - Ensure that 'Preview' functionality works in the Portfolio tool for a custom portfolio.

This will clear up some usability issues with the portfolio tool. Previously, a user had to click 'Finish' and then click on the portfolio name to preview the portfolio. Now, there is a 'Preview' button that does all of this in one step. When the button is clicked a new window opens that displays the presentation. The preview display does not render a form for comments.



Expected Outcome


Click Portfolios from the left navigation.

The Portfolio list page appears.


Click Add

The 'Add Portfolio' page is displayed.


Enter a title, description, an expiration date (if desired), check Allow comments, and click Continue

Step 2 of 3: Design screen is displayed.


Click Add Page

The page information area is displayed.


Enter a title, description, keywords, style (if preferred), choose a layout.

Once a layout is chosen the rich text editor is displayed below.


Enter content into the rich text editor, and click Add Page

The page is now listed and the 'Preview' button appears at the bottom of the screen.


Click Preview

Ensure that the page opens up in a new screen. Note: nothing can be added to the comments area in preview.


Close the preview page.



Click Finish

The portfolio list page re-appears with the new custom portfolio.


Check as another user in the site to ensure that the portfolio has not been published.


SAK-8400 - Matrix cells form/feedback relationship needs to be expressly stated

Test Case SAK-8400-01 - Ability to add feedback for a specific item

In previous versions of OSP, feedback could only be added to a matrix cell, but could not be tied to a particular item that a student added. With this version, a reviewer can add general feedback for the cell or feedback for a specific item that the student has uploaded.



Expected Outcome


Add a Matrix with Reflection, Feedback and Evaluation forms in each cell, and publish it.



Login as student, enter the matrix, upload an item, and complete the Reflection form. Then, submit the matrix for evaluation.



Login as instructor, click Matrices

NOTE: Ensure that the 'Instructor' role has 'Review' permissions.


Click the link to the matrix.

The read only matrix view is displayed, with a listbox where a student's matrix may be selected.


Use the listbox to select the student's name, and click Go.

The student's matrix appears, and the instructor can see that the cell the student submitted is pending.


Click the 'pending' cell and fill out a feedback form for the uploaded item and a feedback form for the cell.


Improve authoring flexibility

If you are unsure of how to create a matrix or other OSP functionality, the OSP System Test Scripts may help you get started.

***NOTE: Many of these test cases require a matrix to be created and published. If you need further assistance in creating a matrix, please follow the instructions from http://issues.sakaiproject.org/confluence/x/hVk under the areas titled 'Create a Matrix', 'Enter Guidance, Forms, and Evaluators to each Matrix Cell', and 'Publish Matrix'.

JIRA Reference

Go to Test Cases

Ready to Test

SAK-6064 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-6064 - Adding Rows and Columns


SAK-7644 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-7644 - Removing Rows and columns


SAK-7645 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-7645 - Changing the forms in a page


SAK-7646 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-7646 - Change the forms in a page when items added

Out of Scope

SAK-7647 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-7647 - Test a matrix before publishing

Not Yet

SAK-7648 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-7648 - Delete a matrix


SAK-8273 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-8273 - Hide a matrix

Out of Scope

SAK-6064 - Adding Rows and columns

JIRA Reference

Ready to Test

SAK-6064 - Getting issue details... STATUS


The following test cases apply:

  • Add a row and a column
  • Move a row
  • Move a column
  • Set Matrix Progression

Test Case SAK-6064-01: Add a row and a column

This script edited for release 2.5 - ejbauer



Expected Outcome


Create a matrix and publish it

Matrix cells should be in published state. The 'Publish' link no longer appears.


Click Edit

The matrix table appears in the 'Edit Matrix' page.


Click Edit Properties from the links listed at the top of the screen.

The 'Edit Matrix Properties' page appears.


Click Add Column to add a new matrix column.

The 'Editing Scaffolding Column' screen appears.


Enter the new column name and choose an appropriate background and font color. Click Update

The 'Edit Matrix Properties' screen re-appears with the new column listed.


Click Add Row to add a new matrix row.

The 'Editing Scaffolding Row' page appears.


Enter the new row name and choose an appropriate background and font color. Click Update to save the information.

The 'Edit Matrix Properties' screen re-appears with the new row listed.


Click Save Changes

The 'Save Scaffolding' page appears to ask if you are sure that you want to change the scaffolding.


Click Continue

The 'Edit Matrix' page appears with the table view of the matrix.

Test Case SAK-6064-02: Cancel addition of row

This script validated for release 2.5 - ejbauer

Follow steps in SAK-6064-01, but hit Cancel instead of Update to prevent the addition of the row.

Test Case SAK-6064-03: Cancel addition of column

This script validated for release 2.5 - ejbauer

Follow steps in SAK-6064-01, but hit Cancel instead of Update to prevent the addition of the column.

Test Case SAK-6064-04: Cancel final save of scaffolding

 This script validated for release 2.5 - ejbauer

Follow steps in SAK-6064-01, but click Cancel instead of Save Changes from the bottom of the 'Revise Matrix Properties' page. The original rows and columns should remain intact.

Test Case SAK-6064-05: Move a column

This script edited for release 2.5 - ejbauer

|| Steps || Description || Expected Outcome ||


From the 'Manage Matrices' page, click Edit under a previously published matrix.

The matrix table appears in the 'Edit Matrix' page.


Click Edit Properties from the links listed at the top of the screen.

The 'Edit Matrix Properties' page appears.


Under column to move, click the links for Down to move a column down down on the list.

The page refreshes and displays the new column order. All column labels should appear in the correct order.


Click the Up link to move a column higher up on the list.

The page refreshes and displays the new column order. All column labels should appear in the correct order.


Click Save Changes

The 'Revise Matrix' page appears with the new table view of the matrix.


Repeat this several times to ensure that the new functionality is stable.


Test Case SAK-6064-06: Cancel final save of scaffolding to cancel column move.

 This script validated for release 2.5 - ejbauer

Repeat the steps from SAK-6064-05 and hit Cancel instead of Save Changes from the bottom of the 'Revise Matrix Properties' page. The original column configuration should remain intact.

Test Case SAK-6064-07: Move a row

This script edited for release 2.5 - ejbauer

|| Steps || Description || Expected Outcome ||


From the 'Manage Matrices' page, click Edit under a previously published matrix.

The matrix table appears in the 'Edit Matrix' page.


Click Edit Properties from the links listed at the top of the screen.

The 'Edit Matrix Properties' page appears.


Under row to move, click the links for Down to move a row down down on the list.

The page refreshes and displays the new row order. All row labels should be displayed in the correct order.


Click the Up link to move a column higher up on the list.

The page refreshes and displays the new row order. All row labels should be displayed in the correct order.


Click Save Changes

The 'Revise Matrix' page appears with the new table view of the matrix.


Repeat this several times to ensure that the new functionality is stable.


Test Case SAK-6064-08: Cancel final save of scaffolding to cancel row move.

 This script validated for release 2.5 - ejbauer

Repeat the steps from SAK-6064-07 and hit Cancel instead of Save Changes from the bottom of the 'Revise Matrix Properties' page. The original row configuration should remain intact.

Test Case SAK-6064-09: Set matrix progression

This script edited for release 2.5 - ejbauer

|| Steps || Description || Expected Outcome ||


From the 'Manage Matrices' page, click Edit under a previously published matrix.

The matrix table appears in the 'Edit Matrix' page.


Click Edit Properties from the links listed at the top of the screen.

The 'Edit Matrix Properties' page appears.


Change the matrix progression to None



Click Save Changes

The 'Edit Matrix' page appears with the new table view of the matrix.


Repeat steps 2 - 4 for each progression type: Horizontal, Vertical, Open, Determined by Instructor Cells.


NOTE: Check to see what happens to color-coding if data is entered in one progression type and then the type changes.

Test Case SAK-6064-10: Cancel matrix progression changes

 This script validated for release 2.5 - ejbauer

Repeat the steps above and click Cancel instead of Save Changes from the bottom of the 'Revise Matrix Properties' page. The original matrix progression should remain intact.

Back to Top - Matrix Authoring Flexibility

SAK-7644 - Removing Rows and columns

JIRA Reference

Ready to Test

SAK-7644 - Getting issue details... STATUS


The following test cases apply:

  • Remove a row or column where there are no items (i.e. no forms, files, or reflection added) yet in the matrix.
  • Cancel row or column removal
  • Cancel scaffolding changes to prevent row or column removal.

Test Case SAK-7644-01: Removing a row when there are no items in matrix.

This script edited for release 2.5 - ejbauer

|| Steps || Description || Expected Outcome ||


From the 'Manage Matrices' page, click Edit under a previously published matrix.

The matrix table appears in the 'Edit Matrix' page.


Click Edit Properties from the links listed at the top of the screen.

The 'Edit Matrix Properties' page appears.


Under row to delete, click Remove

Alert should appear asking if you are sure you want to remove the row.


Click Continue

The 'Edit Matrix Properties' page should re-appear and row should no longer be listed.


Click Save Changes

The 'Edit Matrix' page appears with the new table view of the matrix.


Logout as instructor/coordinator



Login as student/participant



Go into the matrix to ensure that the row was indeed removed.


Test Case SAK-7644-02: Cancelling removal of row

 This script validated for release 2.5 - ejbauer

Repeat SAK-7644-01, but click Cancel instead of Continue on step 4 to ensure that row remains intact.

Test Case SAK-7644-03: Cancelling scaffolding changes to leave rows intact

This script validated for release 2.5 - ejbauer

Repeat SAK-7644-01 as instructor/coordinator, but click Cancel instead of Save Changes on the 'Revise Matrix Properties' page. Scaffolding should remain intact and row should not be removed.

Test Case SAK-7644-04: Removing a column when there are no items in matrix.

This script edited for release 2.5 - ejbauer

|| Steps || Description || Expected Outcome ||


From the 'Manage Matrices' page, click Edit under a previously published matrix.

The matrix table appears in the 'Edit Matrix' page.


Click Edit Properties from the links listed at the top of the screen.

The 'Edit Matrix Properties' page appears.


Under column to delete, click Remove

Alert should appear asking if you are sure you want to remove the column.


Click Continue

The 'Edit Matrix Properties' page should re-appear and column should no longer be listed.


Click Save Changes

The 'Edit Matrix' page appears with the new table view of the matrix. Removed column no longer appears.


Logout as instructor/coordinator



Login as student/participant



Go into the matrix to ensure that the row was indeed removed.


Test Case SAK-7644-05: Cancel removal of column

 This script validated for release 2.5 - ejbauer

Repeat SAK-7644-04 for the column removal, but clicking Cancel instead of Continue on step 4 to ensure that column remains intact.

Test Case SAK-7644-06: Cancel scaffolding changes to prevent removal of column

 This script validated for release 2.5 - ejbauer

NOTE: Repeat SAK-7644-04 as instructor/coordinator, but Cancel instead of Save Changes in step 5. Original scaffolding should remain, and column should not be removed.


The following test cases for SAK-7644 involve one user deleting a row or column, and simultaneously another user is editing a matrix, i.e. adding a completed form or filling out a reflection. These test cases will require two browsers to test for timing issues.

SAK-7644-07: Student edits matrix while instructor removes column

This script edited for release 2.5 - ejbauer

|| Step || Description || Expected Outcome ||


As Student/Participant, open a web browser (browser 1), and access a published matrix.

The matrix table appears for student.


As Instructor/Coordinator, open a web browser, and click 'Edit' under the same published matrix as the student is working in.

The matrix table appears for instructor.


Student/Participant in browser 1 clicks on matrix cell to add items. Click 'Save'.

The matrix cell page is displayed, and items are added and saved.


At the same time in browser 2, Instructor/Coordinator clicks 'Edit Properties'

The 'Add' or 'Remove' Column option is not visible.

SAK-7644-08: Student edits matrix while instructor removes row

This script edited for release 2.5 - ejbauer

|| Step || Description || Expected Outcome ||


As Student/Participant, open a web browser (browser 1), and access a published matrix.

The matrix table appears for student.


As Instructor/Coordinator, open a web browser (browser 2), and click 'Edit' under the same published matrix as the student is working in.

The matrix table appears for instructor.


Student/Participant in browser 1 clicks on matrix cell to add items. Click 'Save'.

The matrix cell page is displayed, and items are added and saved.


At the same time in browser 2, Instructor/Coordinator clicks 'Edit Properties'

The 'Add' or 'Remove' Row option is not visible.

SAK-7644-09: Instructor and Student edit matrix at the same time - remove column

NOTE: Two different browsers will need to be open for this test. In this case, the instructor/coordinator views the matrix at the same time a student/participant adds a form or reflection. Then, the instructor/coordinator attempts to remove a column into which the student has added the item. The column removal should fail.



Expected Outcome


As Instructor/Coordinator, open a web browser (browser 1), and click 'Revise' under an unused published matrix.

The matrix table appears for the instructor. The 'Add' or 'Remove' options for columns and rows should be visible.


As Student/Participant, open a web browser (browser 2), and access a published matrix.

The matrix table appears for student.


Student/Participant in browser 2 clicks on matrix cell to add a form or reflection item. Click 'Save'.

The matrix cell page is displayed, and items are added and saved.


As Instructor/Coordinator in browser 1, click Remove under the column in which the student added the form or reflection item.

An error should appear (or is logged), and column is not deleted.

SAK-7644-10: Instructor and Student edit matrix at the same time - remove row

NOTE: Two different browsers will need to be open for this test. In this case, the instructor/coordinator views the matrix at the same time a student/participant adds a form or reflection. Then, the instructor/coordinator attempts to remove a row into which the student has added the item. The row removal should fail.



Expected Outcome


As Instructor/Coordinator, open a web browser (browser 1), and click 'Revise' under an unused published matrix.

The matrix table appears for the instructor. The 'Add' or 'Remove' options for columns and rows should be visible.


As Student/Participant, open a web browser (browser 2), and access a published matrix.

The matrix table appears for student.


Student/Participant in browser 2 clicks on matrix cell to add a form or reflection item. Click 'Save'.

The matrix cell page is displayed, and items are added and saved.


As Instructor/Coordinator in browser 1, click Remove under the row in which the student added the form or reflection item.

An error should appear (or is logged), and column is not deleted.

SAK-7644-11: Instructor and Student edit matrix at the same time - remove column

NOTE: Two different browsers will need to be open for this test. In this case, the student accesses the matrix, instructor removes a column, and then student tries to add information to a cell affected by column removal. Student should not be able to add materials to matrix cell.



Expected Outcome


As Student/Participant, open a web browser (browser 1), and access an unused published matrix.

The matrix table appears for student.


As Instructor/Coordinator, open a web browser (browser 2), and click 'Revise' under an unused published matrix.

The matrix table appears for the instructor. The 'Add' or 'Remove' options for columns and rows should be visible.


Instructor/Coordinator in browser 2, clicks Remove under a column to remove.

Alert should appear asking if you are sure you want to remove the column.


Instructor/Coordinator clicks Continue

The 'Revise Matrix Properties' page should re-appear and column should no longer be listed.


Student/Participant in web browser 1, attempts to modify matrix cell affected by column removal.

Student is not allowed to make changes.

SAK-7644-12: Instructor and Student edit matrix at the same time - remove row

NOTE: Two different browsers will need to be open for this test. In this case, the student accesses the matrix, instructor removes a row, and then student tries to add information to a cell affected by row removal. Student should not be able to add materials to matrix cell.



Expected Outcome


As Student/Participant, open a web browser (browser 1), and access an unused published matrix.

The matrix table appears for student.


As Instructor/Coordinator, open a web browser (browser 2), and click 'Revise' under an unused published matrix.

The matrix table appears for the instructor. The 'Add' or 'Remove' options for columns and rows should be visible.


As Instructor/Coordinator in browser 2, click Remove under a row to remove.

Alert should appear asking if you are sure you want to remove the row.


Click Continue

The 'Revise Matrix Properties' page should re-appear and row should no longer be listed.


Student/Participant in web browser 1, attempts to modify matrix cell affected by column removal.

Student is not allowed to make changes.

Back to Top - Matrix Authoring Flexibility

SAK-7645 - Changing the forms in a page

JIRA Reference

Ready to Test

SAK-7645 - Getting issue details... STATUS


The ability to change or add forms to a matrix cell will be added to this release. Previously, once a matrix was published, it was locked against adding any additional forms, but with this requirement, forms will now be able to be added to a published matrix.

For this test case, you will need to add a form to a published matrix. To add forms to OSP, please follow the steps in the section titled 'Installing Forms' at http://http://issues.sakaiproject.org/confluence/x/hVk.
The following test cases apply:

  • Add forms to a published matrix cell - regardless of whether the matrix is used or not.
  • Select forms for Reflection, Feedback, and Evaluation - only for unused matrices.

SAK-7645-01: Add forms to a published matrix cell

Forms are able to be added to a cell whether or not it is used or unused. So this test case should be tested in both situations.

Pre-requisite: a new form needs to be added to Forms tool. You can download and save the following form definition to your computer, then follow the instructions under 'Install Forms' on http://http://issues.sakaiproject.org/confluence/x/hVk to install the Contact Information form, contactInformation.xsd, to your site.



Expected Outcome


As instructor/coordinator, create a matrix and publish it

Matrix cells should be in published state. The 'Publish' link no longer appears.


From the 'Manage Matrices' page, click Revise under a previously published matrix.

The matrix table appears in the 'Revise Matrix' page.


Click a cell in the matrix, locate the area where additional forms are added.

The 'Select a form' listbox should be available.


Select a form that will need to be completed by students/participants from the listbox.

Listbox should list additional forms that are available from the Forms tool.


Click Add

The name of the form should be displayed.


Click Save Changes.



Logout as instructor/coordinator



Login as student/participant



As student/participant, complete the form that was added in steps 4-5.

Student should be able to access and complete the additional form.

SAK-7645-02: Select forms for Reflection, Feedback and Evaluation

This test case assumes that the matrix is published, but unused (i.e. no form items, reflections or added files).

Pre-requisite: The reflection, feedback and evaluation forms need to be added to Forms tool. You can download and save these form definitions to your computer, then follow the instructions under 'Install Forms' on http://http://issues.sakaiproject.org/confluence/x/hVk to install each of the forms before proceeding with this test case: reflection.xsd, feedback.xsd, and evaluation.xsd.



Expected Outcome


Create a matrix and publish it

Matrix cells should be in published state. The 'Publish' link no longer appears.


From the 'Manage Matrices' page, click Revise under a previously published matrix.

The matrix table appears in the 'Revise Matrix' page.


Click a cell in the matrix to edit it.

The Reflection, Feedback, and Evaluation form fields should be open (i.e. not grayed out) to select one if none has been selected previously.


In the Reflection form area, use the listbox to select the reflection form that was added to the Forms tool.

The Reflection form should be listed.


Repeat steps 3 - 4 to add the Feedback and Evaluation forms.

The Reflection, Feedback and Evaluation forms should be selected in their respective listboxes.


Click Save Changes

The matrix cell changes should be saved.


Click the cell again to ensure that the forms are still in place.

The forms should be accessible and able to be changed should the form need to be changed.

Back to Top - Matrix Authoring Flexibility

SAK-7646 - Change the forms in a page when items added.

JIRA Reference

Ready to Test

SAK-7646 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Out of scope

After a matrix has some data in it, the instructor/coordinator should be able to make some minor changes to the matrix forms as the curriculum changes.
The following test cases apply:

  • Ability to change a label in a published form
  • Ability to unpublish the old form in a matrix without losing the data
  • Ability to add a new form to the matrix

Back to Top - Matrix Authoring Flexibility

SAK-7647 - Test a matrix before publishing

JIRA Reference

Ready to Test

SAK-7647 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Not Yet

Previously, there was no way to test the matrix unless it was added to a site, published and tested. A participant could not access the matrix until it was published. This requirement adds in the ability to test a matrix before it is officially published.

SAK-7647-01: Preview a matrix



Expected Outcome


Create a matrix - Do not publish yet.

Matrix cells should be in unpublished state. The 'Preview' link should be available. The 'Publish' link will not appear yet.


Click Permissions

The Matrix Permissions screen appears.


Check the box at the intersection of maintain and Use (if a project site), Instructor and Use (if a course site), or Coordinator and Use (if a portfolio site).



Click Save

The maintainer of the site should now have 'Use' access to add files, forms, and reflections to a cell.


Click Preview

The 'Publish' link appears and the 'Preview' link disappears.


Click the link to the matrix to preview it.

You should see an alert that this is a preview mode.


Add some items, and complete the forms.



Click Submit for Evaluation


NOTE: check permissions for matrix to ensure that 'Preview' is listed.

SAK-7647-02: Make changes to a matrix in preview mode

If an error is found in preview mode, the matrix can be revised, and then previewed again.



Expected Outcome


Create a matrix - Do not publish yet.

Matrix cells should be in unpublished state. The 'Preview' link should be available. The 'Publish' link will not appear yet.


Click Permissions

The Matrix Permissions screen appears.


Check the box at the intersection of maintain and Use (if a project site), Instructor and Use (if a course site), or Coordinator and Use (if a portfolio site).



Click Save

The maintainer of the site should now have 'Use' access to add files, forms, and reflections to a cell.


Click Preview

The 'Publish' link appears and the 'Preview' link disappears.


Click the link to the matrix to preview it.

You should see an alert that this is a preview mode.


Add some items, and complete the forms.

This will add data to the matrix.


Click Submit for Evaluation

This will add an entry to the Evaluations tool.


From the matrix list page, click Revise



Make some changes to the matrix, and save the matrix.



Click the link to the matrix to ensure that changes you made are appearing.


NOTE: check permissions for matrix to ensure that 'Preview' is listed.

SAK-7647-03: Publish a matrix from preview mode

In this test, the data put in via preview mode should be discarded once the matrix is published.



Expected Outcome


Create a matrix - Do not publish yet.

Matrix cells should be in unpublished state. The 'Preview' link should be available. The 'Publish' link will not appear yet.


Click Permissions

The Matrix Permissions screen appears.


Check the box at the intersection of maintain and Use (if a project site), Instructor and Use (if a course site), or Coordinator and Use (if a portfolio site).



Click Save

The maintainer of the site should now have 'Use' access to add files, forms, and reflections to a cell.


Click Preview

The 'Publish' link appears and the 'Preview' link disappears.


Click the link to the matrix to preview it.

You should see an alert that this is a preview mode.


Add some items, and complete the forms.

This will add data to the matrix.


Click Submit for Evaluation

This will add an entry to the Evaluations tool.


From the matrix list page, click Publish



Check to determine that data was removed from the cell (from step 4)



As evaluator, check to ensure that the preview matrix cell submission is no longer appearing.

SAK-7647-04: Preview an imported matrix

When a matrix has been published, many times an instructor will export it and import it to another site. When a matrix is imported, it should have preview capabilities. You can save this exported matrix to your computer to import into your test instance.



Expected Outcome


Click Matrices to enter the matrix list page.

The 'Manage Matrices' page is displayed.


At the top of the screen, click Import.

The 'Import Scaffolding' screen is shown.


Click Choose File...

The Resources area for the site is displayed.


Click Add new and follow the steps to locate the 'Test1.zip' file that you saved to your computer.



Click Add to save the file.

The 'Select Item' page re-appears with the file you added under 'Items to attach'.


Click Continue

The 'Import Scaffolding' page re-appears with the file listed in the 'Import File' textbox.


Click Import Scaffolding

The 'Revise Matrix Properties' page appears with the scaffolding information.


Make any changes to scaffolding as needed .



Click Save Changes

The matrix grid page is displayed.


Click Return to List

The matrix list page is displayed, and the 'Preview' link should be available.


Click Preview

User should be able to preview the matrix.

Back to Top - Matrix Authoring Flexibility

SAK-7648 - Delete a matrix

JIRA Reference

Ready to Test

SAK-7648 - Getting issue details... STATUS


With this requirement, a matrix may be deleted even if there is data that has been entered. The user should be prompted with a 'This cannot be undone' type of alert before clicking 'Yes' or 'No' to delete or not.

SAK-7648-01: Cancel deletion of a matrix

In this test, a matrix will be published, and data added by a participant. Then user will go through the motions of deleting the matrix, but canceling before the final deletion.



Expected Outcome


Create and publish a matrix

Matrix cells should be in published state. The 'Publish' link should be unavailable.


As participant, add data to matrix.



Logout as participant, and login as coordinator.



Go to the Matrix list page and click Delete under the matrix listing.

A user prompt should appear letting user know that the removal is permanent and cannot be undone, and that data will be irretrievable.


Click No to cancel the deletion.

The matrix list page should reappear with the matrix listing still intact.


Login as student/participant to ensure that the matrix is still listed and accessible.


SAK-7648-02: Delete an unpublished matrix

In this test, a matrix will be left in the unpublished state. The coordinator will then delete the matrix.



Expected Outcome


Create matrix, but do not publish it.

Matrix cells should be in unpublished state. The 'Publish' link should be available.


Go to the 'Manage Matrices' page and click Delete under the matrix listing.

A user prompt should appear letting user know that the removal is permanent and cannot be undone, and that data will be irretrievable.


Click Yes to authorize the deletion.

The matrix list page should reappear with the matrix no longer listed.


Login as student/participant to ensure that the matrix is no longer accessible.

Student/Participant should not be able to see the matrix.

SAK-7648-03: Delete a published matrix without data

In this test, a matrix will be published, but no data added to the matrix. The coordinator will then delete the matrix.



Expected Outcome


Create and publish a matrix

Matrix cells should be in published state. The 'Publish' link should be unavailable.


Go to the 'Manage Matrices' page and click Delete under the matrix listing.

A user prompt should appear letting user know that the removal is permanent and cannot be undone, and that data will be irretrievable.


Click Yes to authorize the deletion.

The matrix list page should reappear with the matrix no longer listed.


Login as student/participant to ensure that the matrix is no longer accessible.

The deleted matrix should not appear in the list of matrices associated with the student/participant.

SAK-7648-04: Delete a published matrix with data

In this test, a matrix will be published, and data added by a participant. The coordinator will then delete the matrix.



Expected Outcome


Create and publish a matrix

Matrix cells should be in published state. The 'Publish' link should be unavailable.


As participant, add data to matrix.

The additional items should be saved in the cell.


Click Submit for Evaluation to submit the cell.

The cell should be locked.


Logout as student/participant, and login as instructor/coordinator.



Go to the 'Manage Matrices' page and click Delete under the matrix listing.

A user prompt should appear letting user know that the removal is permanent and cannot be undone, and that data will be irretrievable.


Click Yes to authorize the deletion.

The matrix list page should reappear with the matrix no longer listed.


Login as student/participant to ensure that the matrix is no longer accessible.


SAK-7648-05: Delete a published matrix with user data - User deleted

In this test, a matrix will be published, and data added by a participant. The coordinator will then delete the user from the site, and then delete the matrix.



Expected Outcome


Create and publish a matrix

Matrix cells should be in published state. The 'Publish' link should be unavailable.


As participant, add data to matrix.



Logout as student/participant, and login as instructor/coordinator.



Instructor/coordinator deletes student/participant from worksite.

The student/participant is no longer listed in 'Site Info'


Instructor/coordinator clicks on the link to the matrix to view the list of users associated with the worksite.

The deleted student/participant should no longer appear in this list.


Go to the 'Manage Matrices' page and click Delete under the matrix listing.

A user prompt should appear letting user know that the removal is permanent and cannot be undone, and that data will be irretrievable.


Click Yes to authorize the deletion.

The matrix list page should reappear with the matrix no longer listed.


Login as student/participant.

The worksite tab should not be listed.

Back to Top - Matrix Authoring Flexibility



Set up the Reports Tool

Run Canned Reports

Import Report Definitions

Run Imported Report Definitions

Check Data