QA - UI Rework and Refinement

QA - UI Rework and Refinement

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SAK-6621 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-6621 - Display description and instructions to user


SAK-7537 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-7537 - OSP Form Display


SAK-7516 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-7516 - Support for hidden forms


SAK-6178 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-6178 - Hover-over action displays form type in Resources


SAK-6073 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-6073 - More Refined End-User Experience


SAK-7568 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-7568 - Folder structure in user's home resources area


SAK-7569 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-7569 - Auto-name forms from wizard pages and matrix cells


SAK-8249 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-8249 - Portfolio preview prior to publishing


SAK-8400 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SAK-8400 - Matrix cells form/feedback relationship needs to be expressly stated


SAK-6621 - Display description and instructions to user

In previous versions of OSP, descriptions and instructions could be encoded in the form definition to guide users. However, the description/instruction definitions were not fully integrated in OSP, so the user completing the form was not able to see this information. This requirement entails allowing the descriptions and instructions to be shown to the users when completing the form. Forms from OSP 2.4 Testing Resources#forms can be downloaded and used for the following tests:

Test Case SAK-6621-01: Upload a Form with an ospi.description label

If you need help on uploading forms into OSP the System Test Scripts - ST.Script.02.Set-up portfolio site has the step-by-step instructions.



Expected Outcome


As Instructor/Coordinator, add an .xsd file with ospi.description and ospi.inlinedescription used to Forms.

The form definition file should be listed in 'Forms'


Click Publish

The 'Publish' link will disappear and form will be available to use within Matrices, Wizards and Portfolios.


To an unpublished matrix cell, add the form, and click Save Changes.

The Instructor/Coordinator will be taken back to the 'Manage Matrices' page.


Click Publish underneath the matrix

The matrix will be published and available for Students/Participants to use.


Logout as Instructor/Coordinator and login as Student/Participant

Student/Participant in site will be logged in.


Student/Participant goes into published matrix cell and opens form.

The Student/Participant is able to access the form, and sees all descriptions as defined in the .xsd file.


Repeat steps 1 - 6 using various forms.


SAK-7537 - OSP Form Display

Please try the following test cases with each of these forms to ensure that each form field type is working correctly:

Test Case SAK-7537-01: Forgetting to fill in a required field - Data entered in other fields is not lost.

Previously, when a user would forget to fill in a required field and saved the form, all of the data that had been entered would be wiped out. This requirement ensures that even if the required fields are not filled out, the user is given a chance to correct it and retain the data that had been entered for the other fields.

If you need help on uploading forms into OSP the System Test Scripts - ST.Script.02.Set-up portfolio site has the step-by-step instructions.



Expected Outcome


As Instructor/Coordinator, add an .xsd file with two or more required fields to Forms.

The form definition file should be listed in 'Forms'


Click Publish

The 'Publish' link will disappear and form will be available to use within Matrices, Wizards and Portfolios.


To an unpublished matrix cell, add the form, and click Save Changes.

The Instructor/Coordinator will be taken back to the 'Manage Matrices' page.


Click Publish underneath the matrix

The matrix will be published and available for Students/Participants to use.


Logout as Instructor/Coordinator and login as Student/Participant

Student/Participant in site will be logged in.


Student/Participant goes into published matrix cell and opens form.

The Student/Participant is able to access the form, and sees all descriptions as defined in the .xsd file.


Student fills in one of the required fields, leaving others blank. Click Save Changes

The form is re-displayed with the alert Required value, and the data is still intact from the fields that were completed.


Student fills in remaining required fields and clicks Save Changes

The matrix page is displayed and the form is listed.


Repeat steps 1 - 8 with each of the forms listed above.


Test Case SAK-7537-02: Cancel a form after receiving a 'Required value' alert.



Expected Outcome


As Instructor/Coordinator, add an .xsd file with two or more required fields to Forms.

The form definition file should be listed in 'Forms'


Click Publish

The 'Publish' link will disappear and form will be available to use within Matrices, Wizards and Portfolios.


To an unpublished matrix cell, add the form, and click Save Changes.

The Instructor/Coordinator will be taken back to the 'Manage Matrices' page.


Click Publish underneath the matrix

The matrix will be published and available for Students/Participants to use.


Logout as Instructor/Coordinator and login as Student/Participant

Student/Participant in site will be logged in.


Student/Participant goes into published matrix cell and opens form.

The Student/Participant is able to access the form, and sees all descriptions as defined in the .xsd file.


Student fills in one of the required fields, leaving others blank. Click Save Changes

The form is re-displayed with the alert Required value, and the data is still intact from the fields that were completed.


Student clicks Cancel

The matrix page is displayed and the form is not listed.

SAK-7516 - Support for hidden forms

Test Case SAK-7516-01: Add a hidden form

A new feature in OSP 2.4 is to have the ability to make certain forms hidden from the Resources area. In previous versions, forms could be added from within a matrix cell, wizard page, or via Resources. For some forms, the instructor may not want forms to be viewable or added from the Resources area.



Expected Outcome


As Instructor/Coordinator, click Forms from the left navigation.

The forms tool is displayed listing any forms that have been previously added and additional information such as who added them, and the state they are currently in.


Click Add

The 'Add Form' screen appears.


Enter a unique name for the form



Click the link Select Schema File next to the 'Schema File(xsd)' field.

The Resources area is displayed.


Hover over 'Add' next to the folder with the site folder.

A context menu is displayed to the right of the 'Add' button. It lists several options: Upload Files(s), New Folder(s), etc...


Click Upload File(s) from the context menu.

The 'Upload files' pages appears.


Next to 'File to Upload', click Browse to locate the .xsd file on your computer.



Locate the file on your computer, and click Continue

The 'Add Attachment' screen appears and the file that was selected is listed.


Click Continue

The 'Add Form' page is displayed and the file name is shown in the 'Schema File (xsd)' and the 'Document Root Node' is filled in.


Add instructions as desired.



Click the checkbox next to make this form hidden

Checking the box 'ON' will hide the form in Resources.


Click Add Form to save the form.

The Forms list page re-appears with the form listed in the unpublished state.


Click Publish under the form.

This will allow the form to be used throughout the site.

Test Case SAK-7516-02: Verify hover-over action and Check that hidden forms do not appear in Resources

A few words of caution: In the Resources area, a user is able to view forms from all sites in which s/he has installed forms. Therefore, if the same hidden form is being added to the Forms area in multiple sites, make sure that all of the forms added in other sites have the checkbox for 'make this form hidden' checked. In addition: Imported matrices and wizards may install forms in the Forms tool, and these will not be hidden by default.



Expected Outcome


Go to Resources



Hover over Add next to the site folder.

A context menu is displayed to the right of the 'Add' button. It lists several options: Upload Files(s), New Folder(s), etc...


Click New Form Item

A listbox is displayed with a 'Submit' and a 'Cancel' button.


Click the listbox to view all of the forms listed.

Ensure that only unhidden forms are selectable. No hidden forms should appear in the listbox.

SAK-6178 - Hover-over hints in Resources area

Test Case SAK-6178-01: Test External Resource Helper for Forms and hover-over hint

A user should be able to hover over a form that has been created and stored in Resources to view the type of form it was created from, i.e. Personal Information or Reflection.
If you need help with uploading forms into OSP the System Test Scripts - ST.Script.02.Set-up portfolio site has the step-by-step instructions.



Expected Outcome




SAK-6073 - More refined end-user experience

This also encompasses SAK-8221, SAK-8217, and SAK-8246

Test Case SAK-6073-01: User does not have to navigate to My Workspace to add files from Matrix

In previous versions of OSP, when the student/participant needed to add a resource to a matrix or portfolio, the user would be taken to the Resources area, but then would have to click 'Show Other Sites' to navigate to the personal workspace resources area. With this update, when the user adds a file, the Resources area will open up to the user's personal workspace.

If you need help on working with matrices in,OSP the System Test Scripts - ST.Script.02.Set-up portfolio site has the step-by-step instructions.
See associated PDF wire frame.



Expected Outcome


Matrix is created and published by Instructor/Coordinator

The matrix is available for students to populate.


Instructor/Coordinator logs out and Student/Participant logs in



Student/Participant clicks Matrices

The 'Manage Matrices' page is displayed.


Click a 'Ready' cell to complete.



Click Select Item(s) to add a file from Resources.

The Resources area is displayed to the students 'My Workspace'.


Next to 'My Workspace', click Add New.

User is able to upload files.


Locate a file to add, then click Add

The user is taken back to 'Resources' and the new item appears under 'My Workspace'.


Click Continue

The matrix page is re-displayed with the new file that was added.


Click file link to ensure that it can be opened.


SAK-7568 - Folder structure in user's home resources area

Folders will be generate by the system in the user's personal workspace resources area to store Feedback, Reflection, Evaluation and other forms added from matrices and wizards. Previously these all defaulted to the root area of the user's home resources area. This is designed to reduce clutter, making the forms easier to find.

Test Case SAK-7568-01: Test for folder structure in a matrix

In the student/participant's personal workspace resources area, the user should see a folder called 'Portfolio Interaction', where completed Reflection, Feedback, Evaluation forms, and other forms will be placed. There is a hierarchical structure to this area:
Portfolio Interaction --> Course, Project, or Portfolio site name --> Matrix (or wizard) name --> Reflection folder. In the Reflection folder, you will find any reflection forms (i.e. from the Reflection area of the matrix or wizard page) that were completed.

SAK-7569 - Auto-name forms that users fill out

Test Case SAK-7569-01: Auto-name forms that users fill out from matrix cell

If the user is adding a reflection, feedback, or evaluation form to a matrix, then the user should see a filename similar to 'rowName-columnName(Page Name)'.

Test Case SAK-7569-02: Auto-name forms that users fill out from hierarchical wizard page

If the user is adding a reflection, feedback, or evaluation form to a hierarchical wizard page, then the user should see a filename similar to 'Page Name'.

Test Case SAK-7569-03: Auto-name forms that users fill out from sequential wizard page

If the user is adding a reflection, feedback, or evaluation form to a sequential wizard page, then the user should see a filename similar to 'Page Name'.

SAK-8249 - Portfolio preview prior to publishing

Test Case SAK-8249-01 - Ensure that 'Preview' functionality works in the Portfolio tool for a custom portfolio.

This will clear up some usability issues with the portfolio tool. Previously, a user had to click 'Finish' and then click on the portfolio name to preview the portfolio. Now, there is a 'Preview' button that does all of this in one step. When the button is clicked a new window opens that displays the presentation. The preview display does not render a form for comments.



Expected Outcome


Click Portfolios from the left navigation.

The Portfolio list page appears.


Click Add

The 'Add Portfolio' page is displayed.


Enter a title, description, an expiration date (if desired), check Allow comments, and click Continue

Step 2 of 3: Design screen is displayed.


Click Add Page

The page information area is displayed.


Enter a title, description, keywords, style (if preferred), choose a layout.

Once a layout is chosen the rich text editor is displayed below.


Enter content into the rich text editor, and click Add Page

The page is now listed and the 'Preview' button appears at the bottom of the screen.


Click Preview

Ensure that the page opens up in a new screen. Note: nothing can be added to the comments area in preview.


Close the preview page.



Click Finish

The portfolio list page re-appears with the new custom portfolio.


Check as another user in the site to ensure that the portfolio has not been published.


SAK-8400 - Matrix cells form/feedback relationship needs to be expressly stated

Test Case SAK-8400-01 - Ability to add feedback for a specific item

In previous versions of OSP, feedback could only be added to a matrix cell, but could not be tied to a particular item that a student added. With this version, a reviewer can add general feedback for the cell or feedback for a specific item that the student has uploaded.



Expected Outcome


Add a Matrix with Reflection, Feedback and Evaluation forms in each cell, and publish it.



Login as student, enter the matrix, upload an item, and complete the Reflection form. Then, submit the matrix for evaluation.



Login as instructor, click Matrices

NOTE: Ensure that the 'Instructor' role has 'Review' permissions.


Click the link to the matrix.

The read only matrix view is displayed, with a listbox where a student's matrix may be selected.


Use the listbox to select the student's name, and click Go.

The student's matrix appears, and the instructor can see that the cell the student submitted is pending.


Click the 'pending' cell and fill out a feedback form for the uploaded item and a feedback form for the cell.