

Initial Documentation

What the project aims to accomplish and who should benefit from it - explained in clear, simple language.

Profile2 is a complete re-design and re-development of the existing Profile tool in Sakai. It gives you more of a Facebook style interface for editing your profile. In addition you have a comprehensive set of Privacy controls to allow you to choose who can see what part(s) of your Profile.

With Profile2 you can post updates (now also integrated with Twitter), search for people with common interests, view their profiles, view their connections, add them as a connection, and much more.

Profile2 aims to introduce the concepts of social networking to Sakai2, in preparation for institutions that may move to Sakai3.

Which institutions and individuals are committed to it, for how long, and in what roles.

Steve Swinsburg is personally committed to supporting and fixing bugs in this software for the foreseeable future. Lancaster University, UK are running it in production and as part of a JISC funded project, aim to enhance it into a cross institutional profile searching and matching application.

What other projects, if any, does this project relate to or depend upon?

Profile2 depends on an updated 'Common' bundle, the TinyURLService and EntityBroker 1.3.6+. For the full list of dependencies, see the install guide (link above). The roster integration is currently not implemented but is planned for the near future. All versions of Sakai from 2.4 onwards are supported.

What does the project know and not know about how it will achieve its aims at this point?

This project has had several full releases and is ready to rollout. As most features are added, more releases will be created. Again, see the confluence space for the list of issues planned (linked to Jira).

What public communication methods are being used, how may a curious person contribute to or track the project?

The best source of information about Profile2 is Confluence. This contains up-to-date information releases, install guides, and configuration tips. It also contains a list of all Jira issues.

Releases are also publicised on the blog http://steve-on-sakai.blogspot.com and on the sakai-dev and sakai-user mailing lists.

Feature requests and any bugs that are discovered are welcomed in Jira, they will be responded to promptly.

Ongoing Documentation

Brief quarterly status reports: a paragraph or two describing current status, what's been accomplished and what challenges are being faced.

I am currently building binary artifacts for easier deployment of Profile2, so one does not need to download the source and build it from scratch. This will make it much easier for implementors to add Profile2 to their installation.

One major issue left to resolve is Roster integration but this has been planned and work will be begin shortly.