
Initial Documentation

Project Lead(s):

Former user (Deleted)

Project Links:

Source Code https://source.sakaiproject.org/contrib/tinyurl/

What the project aims to accomplish and who should benefit from it - explained in clear, simple language.

TinyUrlService is a simple service that any other tool or service can use to make long urls short, useful for including links in emails. A servlet is also bundled which resolves tiny urls back to their full url and redirects the user.

Which institutions and individuals are committed to it, for how long, and in what roles.

Steve Swinsburg is personally committed to supporting and fixing bugs in this software for the foreseeable future. Aaron Zeckoski has also expressed interest in helping to maintain this project.

What other projects, if any, does this project relate to or depend upon?

TinyUrlService does not depend on any other project except core Sakai services. All versions of Sakai from 2.4 onwards are supported. Profile2 has a dependency on this service.

What does the project know and not know about how it will achieve its aims at this point?

This project has been essentially finished since the start of 2009. Some new features are planned (like custom urls and AJAX support via EntityBroker) but are not essential for its current state. It really just needs a 1.0 release with new features to be added at a later stage.

What public communication methods are being used, how may a curious person contribute to or track the project?

The best place to discuss this project is on the sakai-dev mailing list as there is no formal Confluence space as yet.
Feature requests and any bugs that are discovered are welcomed in Jira where they will be responded to promptly.

Ongoing Documentation


Brief quarterly status reports: a paragraph or two describing current status, what's been accomplished and what challenges are being faced.

Coming shortly....