User manual, change for Samigo Tags

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How do I create a new question (with the assessment builder)?

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Tagging questions

If the administrator has enabled the tag service, it will be possible to add tags to the questions.

To add a tag, enter the characters that you are searching for to return available tags:

The system will search in the available collections for the tags that start with the characters entered. Click the tags you want to add. To remove the tags click the X icon displayed prior to the tag name.

Note: Options are available for the administrator to enable/disable. One option is to allow tags to be added to all questions in the system that are identical (based on hash value) to the question being edited. For instance, a question being edited in a question pool and this option is enabled, all questions identical to the question being edited and accessible to the user will be updated with the tag(s).

The second option allows tags that have been added prior to this update to be deleted from questions. If this option is disabled, tags can be added but tags will not be able to be deleted.

Changes in : How do I add a question to a question pool?

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NEW PAGE: How to search for a question

When adding a question in a test, it is possible to search for questions used in other tests or question pools by either tags or text. To add a question using the search function, select the “Search questions” option in the dropdown menu:

Once search questions has been initiated, the search questions page will be displayed. If the administrator has enabled the tag search, the page will be displayed as formatted below.  If the tag search has not been enabled, only the text search will be available on the page.  When performing a text search, the search will be performed in all data fields for the question including question text, answers, and options.

Each search type provides two search options. The first option is searching questions by matching “ALL” the search criteria (a logical AND search).  The second option is searching questions matching “AT LEAST” one of the criteria (logical OR search).

In the case of a text search, including text within quotes will make the search for this criterion an exact search.

  • “water sport” :  Search questions and return matches that only contain the exact text of water sport within the search fields.

  • water sport : Search questions and return matches that contain either water or sport within the search fields.

All searches are filtered by the sites and question pools that the user can access based on their permissions.

Once the search is completed, any results returned will appear in the table format displayed as shown below:

The fields displayed in the table are:

A preview button: Initiates a function to view all the contents of a question including question text, answers, options and all places where this question is used. This provides the user the ability to see additional information needed to determine the exact question they want to select.  

Question type: The type of the question. Multiple choice, true-false, etc.

Question Text: This is the text for the question. Text displayed from the question will be dependent on the type of question.

Tags: If tags are enabled, tags attached to the specific question will be displayed. Sometimes, identical questions may be tagged differently.

Origin: Identifies the location of the question displayed. Keep in mind that a question can have “identical questions” used in other places. For instance, a question from a question pool may be used in 10 different assessments. This search engine will show only one result for all of the identical questions. The origin will show where this specific result comes from. In the preview screen, the “Places that use this question” displays the list of places where this question is used. The list contains two formats. If the question is contained in a question pool, the entry in the list will display only the name of the question pool. If the question is contained in assessment, the entry in the list will display “site name:assessment name”.

Copy? Select All : Selecting this option will select the checkbox to add each individual question in the returned list of questions.

To select individual questions, select the checkbox associated with the question to be copied.   

To add the selected questions, click the “Add questions” button.  Clicking the cancel button will return to the previous page without adding any questions.