Tagging Service and Samigo tagging and search


What is the Tags Service

The Tags Service allows to create collections of tags, that can be used later to tag elements in the different tools.

It is possible to create and maintain collections either manually from the user interface or by importing collections from external systems using the quartz jobs and some xml files.

How to access

This tool can be only accessed by the administrators. If the tool has been added to the Administrator Workspace, it can be accessed using the Tags Service link in the tools menu.

Tag Collections

The initial page displayed in the tool is the list of Tag Collections.

How to create a Tag Collection

There are 3 options to create Tag Collections. The first option uses quartz jobs and external xml files, the second option uses REST services and the third option uses the Tag Service admin tool. The first and second options are defined in other documents.  This document will define the third option.

To create a Tag Collection click the “Create Tag Collection” button. The following form is displayed:

Name: The name of the tag collection to be displayed to the users when the tag collection is displayed. This is the only mandatory field.

Description:  Information provided to better describe the tag collection.

External Source: The name of the external source for the tag collection.  This is not a mandatory field but this field is required if the tag collection will be updated by running the jobs.

Ext. Source Description: Information to be used to better describe the external source of the tag collection.

Once entry is completed, clicking the Save Tag Collection button will create the tag collection.  Clicking cancel will cause the tag collection to not be created.

How to edit a Tag Collection

Once a tag collection has been created, the tag collection can be edited by clicking the edit button associated with the tag collection. The fields available for entry are the same as when adding a tag collection (see field descriptions above).

How to delete a Tag Collection

A tag collection cannot be deleted until all tags associated with the tag collection are removed.  Once all tags have been deleted, click the trash can icon (shown below) associated with the tag collection.  A delete confirmation modal will be displayed.  Once the delete is confirmed the tag collection will be deleted.

Managing Tags.

As with a tag collection, tags can be managed using one of the following three options: Jobs, Rest Services or a User Interface. The first two options are defined in other documents.  This document will define the process using a user interface.

To access the tags inside a collection, click the “Manage Tags” button associated with the tag collection to access the list of tags.  

The first screen we view when we click on the “Manage Tags” button is the list of tags inside the collection. Tag collections are likely to contain a large number of tags.  To improve performance of the display of tags and provide an easier page view, pagination has been implemented as part of this process.


When you access a specific page, the URL for the page will be:

The last two numbers in the URL  “4/10”, identify the current page being displayed and the number of tags displayed on the page.  For this example, page 4 is displayed and 10 tags are displayed on the page. To access other pages directly or modify the number of tags displayed on a page, just modify these two elements.  For example, changing the 4/10 to 1200/50 will display page 1200 with 50 elements displayed on the page.

Depending on the type of collection (updated by external sources (preview only), or created by the user interface (editable)).  The format for the display of preview only tags is shown below:

The format for the display of the tags that can be edited or deleted is shown below:

When the “Preview” or “Edit” button is clicked, the following page will be displayed (Note:  The edit and cancel buttons will only be displayed for tags that can be modified.)

Label: The name for the tag to be displayed to users

Description: Information provided to better describe the tag.

External ID: Identifier for the tag if it is a part of an external collection.

Tag Collection Name: The identifier for the collection containing the tag. This can’t be changed.

How to Create a Tag

New tags can be added to tag collections that have not been generated by an external source.  Clicking the “Add Tag” button that appears at the top of the tag list initiates the process to add a tag. If the “Add Tag” button is not displayed on the page, the tag collection is updated by an external source and new tags cannot be added through the user interface.

When adding a new tag, the same fields will be available for entry as defined for the edit function above.  

How to Delete a Tag

A tag cannot be deleted if it is a part of a tag collection that is updated from an external source. To delete a tag, click the trash can icon (shown below) associated with the tag.  A delete confirmation modal will be displayed.   Once the delete is confirmed the tag will be deleted.





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