SAK-13584 - Mailarchive conversion (2.6)
SAK-13584Getting issue details...
SAK-16554Getting issue details...
: Sakai 2.6 improvements to the Message API require that implementers upgrading from a pre-2.6 version of Sakai run both the 2.6.0 conversion scripts and a second
script that can be found in the mailarchive module in order to update your existing mail archive data to take advantage of the 2.6 Email Archive performance improvements.
-- SAK-13584 Further Improve the Performance of the Email Archive and Message API. Note you have to run a bash conversion script on your old mail archive data for it to -- appear in the new mail archive. The script is in the source as Please see the SAK for more information on this script or SAK-16554 for -- updates to this script. CREATE INDEX IE_MAILARC_SUBJECT ON MAILARCHIVE_MESSAGE ( SUBJECT ASC ); ALTER TABLE MAILARCHIVE_MESSAGE ADD COLUMN ( SUBJECT VARCHAR (255) NULL, BODY LONGTEXT NULL );