2011-06-16 Sharing Google Docs Content in Resources

2011-06-16 Sharing Google Docs Content in Resources

Sharing Google Docs Content in Resources




Duffy Gillman, The rSmart Group, Inc., duffy@rsmart.com


June 16, 2011


10:15am - 10:45am


Beaudry A


Sharing Google Docs Content in Resources

As an initial investigation of use cases for integrating Google content and services into the Sakai collaboration and learning environment an integration of Google Docs into the Resources tool was completed. This work has been contributed to the Sakai community. This session describes the use of Google's data APIs and OAuth to achieve this integration. It demonstrates the integration and describes the options available to administrators and users. Finally it outlines potential areas for collaboration around improved integration of Google content in Sakai.

This session was convened with 2011-06-16 Sakai CLE and Google Integration and so shares slides with that presentation. Slides delivered for this presentation begin on slide # 22

Summary video


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