2011-06-14 Internationalization and Translation Improvement For Sakai CLE

Internationalization and Translation Improvement For Sakai CLE




Former user (Deleted), UPMC
David Roldan-Martinez, UPV
Shoji Kajita, Nagoya University




5:00 PM - 5:30 PM


Santa Anita A/B


Presentation information

If you are a Sakai developer, if your institution is not restricting user language preferences to the default or if you just want to help, you may help improve the internationalization (ease of use in other languages and countries once translated) of Sakai or its translation coverage.

If you write or maintain code, you most likely will have or already have internationalization issues, even if you're not already aware of it. They will be numerous if you've not read the available guidelines and been very careful. Even if you have, to err is human, and we could still find a few. After getting rid of the errors, there are still improvements that might help translators' work.

If you're contributing to or checking the translation in one or more languages than the default, that's great. Did you ever have problems that cannot be solved in the translation only or have to translate the same sentence or button label several times? Even if you cannot fix this, you should report the issue unless you don't want it solved.

If your institution is providing Sakai in other languages than the default USA English and the ones you are checking or contributing to, you are relying both on the internationalization and the translation coverage of Sakai. If you know another language and/or Java, you may still help and improve your language and/or Java skills at the same time.

Even if you don't know Java and another language than the default, you can still help.

If you're a manager and want to help, come to learn about your team's skills that could help improve Sakai.

This session will cover all this and more with internationalization guidelines, explanation of the guidelines and how you could help improve Sakai internationalization and translation.

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