- Lessons/Gradebook: Lesson Question gradebook item can remain associated to soft-deleted lesson pageSAK-51143Core Team
- Tags Service page should have message stating no tags available if none have been createdSAK-51100Core Team
- Site Info: Inconsistencies when two different languages are set on two different sitesSAK-51091Core Team
- Stacktrace when doing site importSAK-51069Resolved issue: SAK-51069Charles R Severance
- Site Info: Import from site does not show the resources folder if there are only instructor-uploadsSAK-51034Resolved issue: SAK-51034Charles R Severance
- Site Info: Back button not working as expected when manually creating a siteSAK-50979Core Team
- Released to groups > import from site: create empty groups when a tool uses groupsSAK-50975Core Team
- When adding a non official participant the account info is not parsed correctlySAK-50974Resolved issue: SAK-50974Earle Nietzel
- Import from Site - Web Content: open in new window checkbox not kept on importSAK-50973Core Team
- Site Info > Edit Group Name error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'disabled')SAK-50957Core Team
- Manage Tools: Disabled selected checkbox appears blankSAK-50913Resolved issue: SAK-50913Sean Horner
- Tests & Quizzes: Improve site import performanceSAK-50880Resolved issue: SAK-50880Markus Stetschnig
- Site Import: Assignments Options for publish doesn't appear with select all toolsSAK-50836Resolved issue: SAK-50836Sam Ottenhoff
- Site titles with ampersands distorted during publishingSAK-50813Resolved issue: SAK-50813Sean Horner
- Site Info > Lessons subpages checkbox not available until after Lessons has been added to the siteSAK-50805Resolved issue: SAK-50805Earle Nietzel
- Site > Publish Site button does not workSAK-50769Resolved issue: SAK-50769Earle Nietzel
- Ask for confirmation when adding participants to siteSAK-50670Core Team
- Site Info: Tool Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50583Core Team
- Site Info: info "i" circle on main Site Information page fails WCAG 1.4.13SAK-50580Core Team
- Site Info: Viewing Manage Partiipants can lead to error, if a User is not found by a providerSAK-50491Resolved issue: SAK-50491Core Team
- Site Info: Text highlighted during drag in Tool OrderSAK-50457Resolved issue: SAK-50457Sean Horner
- External Tool: edit form when adding from Manage Tools > External Tool needs to be modifiedSAK-50445Resolved issue: SAK-50445Charles R Severance
- Site Info - Manage Participants: remove redundant i18n templates for printable viewSAK-50439Resolved issue: SAK-50439Core Team
- Site level nav tool placement missing from Site Info > External ToolsSAK-50413Resolved issue: SAK-50413Core Team
- LTI: Text Label for "Install LTI 1.x Tool" should be changed to "LTI 1.1 Tool" and note added about LTI 1.1SAK-50412Resolved issue: SAK-50412Zhuo Yang
- Responsiveness issue on Site info > Manage ParticipantsSAK-50396Resolved issue: SAK-50396Adrian Fish
- Site info: Create group section does not follow dark mode themeSAK-50385Resolved issue: SAK-50385Core Team
- Site Info: Auto Groups Select Rosters does not follow dark modeSAK-50249Resolved issue: SAK-50249Core Team
- Site Overview: Blockquoted text does not displaySAK-50244Resolved issue: SAK-50244Mark Golbeck
- Email notification sent for inactive user when adding user to course siteSAK-50243Core Team
- Automatic Site publish option needs to provide more informationSAK-50211Earle Nietzel
- Site Info: UX issues with click events in Tool OrderSAK-50180Core Team
- Create site from template fails because of missing AcademicSessionSAK-50162Resolved issue: SAK-50162
- Site Info: Date Manager UX issuesSAK-50110Resolved issue: SAK-50110Sean Horner
- Site Info: Incorrect numbering when generating additional Joinable SetsSAK-50051Resolved issue: SAK-50051Manu Fuster
- Site Info: Students are able to join/leave a Joinable Set after the Close Date endsSAK-50008Resolved issue: SAK-50008Vicent Alfonso
- Site Info: Creating a Joinable Set with a 5-digit year has unknown behaviorSAK-50007Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Site Info > Auto-groups (official site): when creating groups for students, there are "extra" listings without name, user eidSAK-49979Resolved issue: SAK-49979Core Team
- Multiple tools always displayed in Dark Mode, regardless of settingsSAK-49973Resolved issue: SAK-49973Core Team
- Site Info: Tool reordering UX regressionsSAK-49955Resolved issue: SAK-49955Matthew Jones
- Site: Add fields for first publish, most recent publishSAK-49952Core Team
- Courses not automatically pinned for instructor until they log out and back inSAK-49942Resolved issue: SAK-49942Earle Nietzel
- "u" or "d" cannot be entered as Tool TitleSAK-49909Resolved issue: SAK-49909Matthew Jones
- Site Import - Granular tools can't add the tool to a siteSAK-49898Core Team
- Site Import - Merge is replacing data in ConversationsSAK-49897Resolved issue: SAK-49897Adrian Fish
- Create a Sakai Course Export with the same fidelity as Site Import when imported into another Sakai instanceSAK-49892Core Team
- Site Info: View section membership table not contained inside pop-upSAK-49830Resolved issue: SAK-49830kunaljaykam
- Site Info: View Membership links for groups missingSAK-49822Resolved issue: SAK-49822kunaljaykam
- Scheduled (un)publishing not pinning/removing sites correctlySAK-49716Resolved issue: SAK-49716Sean Horner
- Site Import doesn't allow users to import if all they have access to is template sitesSAK-49711Core Team
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