Automatic Site publish option needs to provide more information


We discovered that the automatic site publish option needs to have one/two jobs set in the Admin Workspace → Job Scheduler in order to actually publish or unpublish classes. This information wasn’t available anywhere beforehand, so without the jobs configured, the sites were never published.

To prevent this from happening to others, we would like to see more information added to the Automatic option in Site Info → Manage Access.

  1. Display the term start and end date set in the Academic Term Manager in addition to the site publish/unpublish dates

  2. If the Course Site Publish or Course Site Unpublish job isn’t scheduled in the Quartz job scheduler, display a warning that this feature needs to be configured by the Sakai administrator in order to work and directing the instructor to contact their Sakai admin.

  3. The displayed Publish Date adjusts based on the grace period specified in Sakai properties and the scheduled Course Site Publish job. Display “Not Configured” in bold red if the Course Site Publish job is not scheduled.

  4. The displayed Unpublish Date adjusts based on the grace period specified in Sakai properties and the scheduled Course Site Unpublish job. Display “Not Configured” in bold red if the Course Site Unpublish job is not scheduled.

  5. Change the text above the dates to “Automatically publish and unpublish my site based on the term start and end dates. This is so the grace period can be adjusted within the properties easily (It looks like the 14-days after is hard-coded text, so this would be simpler than making the text change based on the properties)





Christina Schwiebert August 30, 2024 at 12:31 AM

Reopening and changing the scope based on discussion in the QA call.

Earle Nietzel August 27, 2024 at 7:45 PM

I tested this and there is a step missing in the test plan where you will need to run the “Course Site Publish” job, as this is how the site is actually published. The same would apply to unpublishing of a site as there is also a job to do that as well.



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Please Merge




Created June 11, 2024 at 9:48 AM
Updated September 5, 2024 at 3:45 PM