Add Publish on Date option to Site Info
- 31 May 2023, 05:57 PM
- 30 Mar 2022, 04:12 PM
- 30 Mar 2022, 03:32 PM
- 27 Feb 2018, 04:27 PM
depends on
is depended on by
relates to
Wilma Hodges January 25, 2024 at 5:18 PM
The default setting for this new publish feature is currently “auto.” In practice, this means that all existing sites in the current term, which have no auto/scheduled/manual selection will be set to auto. However, this is different than the prior behavior (which defaulted to manual, I believe), so it may come as a surprise to people when all of their course sites suddenly auto-publish at the start of the term.
I believe a better default setting for this feature would be to set it to “manual” when there is no selection. That setting is less likely to be disruptive to existing expectations. However, I also think there should be a created that allows each Sakai instance to specify their own preferred default. I will write up a separate Jira to that effect.
Earle Nietzel January 25, 2024 at 4:47 PM
Hi Alan, certainly a feature can be merged back however it is not the default and would normally need a to be advocated for inclusion at a core call.
Alan Regan May 31, 2023 at 6:24 PM
I’m curious, is this something that can be merged back to 22.x? We are planning an upgrade to 22.x (23.x is too different to adopt without more lead time), and we’d love to benefit from this new approach.

Thomas Kelsey May 31, 2023 at 5:57 PM
Verified on 23.x,
build: 7a50bf39
Options have been updated, as shown in screenshot below:
Dave Eveland September 23, 2022 at 4:55 PM
@Alan Regan , I could also be ok with an unpublish date option though I reflect on @Shawn Foster comment about being able to disable the auto-publish option if terms/dates are not used. If no dates are set, I would assume the site remains in the state it is in (or set to) due to actions on this part of Site Info.
I am really looking forward to being able to set dates on upcoming courses (to add value/semi automation ) for faculty - who already think that this happens ‘magically’.
Doing so would allow us to hold faculty to specific dates and times - and specify a setting and then ‘forget it’, rather than having to remind faculty to ‘publish their course ahead of the start of the semester/session.
In looking at how to automate course site publishing, would it be possible to provide a date/time picker along with a third option for publishing a course site in Site Info. Adding an option (and the back end logic) to allow an unpublished course site to publish itself (make available to participants) according to a time and date specified using the standard date/time picker.
This would allow an instructor to publish a course site at a specific time and date. This could alleviate the problem of instructors not publishing the course when they should and forget to do so. Instructors could set the date and rely on the date settings, much like how Assignments are not available to students until the date and time they're made available.
Here's a mock up of what it could look like:
I would suggest a change of the options to read in this sequence:
Publish site now - accessible to all site participants immediately after update
Publish site by date - accessible to all site participants after the specified date and time (date picker)
Unpublish/Leave as Draft - accessible only to site maintainers
In conversation about this idea earlier, @Jolie Tingen added the possibility of a field to set an unpublish time as well.