- Attendance: new comment generates confusing alertSAK-47140
- samigo, accessibility: Issues with "What's this?" pop-up windows for MC questions and mark for reviewSAK-47128
- samigo: Quiz with multiple audio recording questions only shows the last answer in the confirmation pageSAK-47127
- samigo: Feature request: Record the first submission's score for the gradeSAK-46887
- Resources - Add Last Modified By column in the main Resources tableSAK-46797
- Profile, accessibility: Improvements to Name pronunciation and pronouns areaSAK-46794Mitchell Dunn
- Roster, accessibility: Clean up roster views and improve accessibilitySAK-46779Mitchell Dunn
- Date Manager: Screen reader user may have difficulty telling which dates they are editing and noticing error messages.SAK-46731
- Date Manager, Samigo: Save confirmation dialog does not distinguish between draft and published assessmentsSAK-46729Resolved issue: SAK-46729Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Date Manager: Multiple issues with setting Samigo dates via Date ManagerSAK-46728Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- samigo, accessibility: Question pools UI accessibility issuesSAK-46708
- Better error message when attempting to publish assessment with wrong points value in a drop lowest categorySAK-46657Resolved issue: SAK-46657Sam Ottenhoff
- Discussions: Improve text of alert message for open/close date validationSAK-46655Resolved issue: SAK-46655Roberto Pérez Marcos
- Gradebook: Make the visible text of Category Average column headers consistent in GBs with different settings (Categories only and Categories & weighting)SAK-46646Resolved issue: SAK-46646
- Gradebook: Change incorrect text of category average column from "Weighted Average" to "Category Average"SAK-46645Resolved issue: SAK-46645
- samigo: Add more detailed logging for instructor edits to question poolsSAK-46642Mitchell Dunn
- assignment/gradebook: for external assignments, remove grades from GB when user submission removes source grade from assignmentSAK-46558Kevin Carruth
- Gradebook: Total or Relative weight on Category Average column is incorrect if the category drops gradesSAK-46549
- samigo: Feature request: User Activity Report needs a better way to find the desired student.SAK-46510Core Team
- samigo, accessibility: Accessibility issues with Export page.SAK-46505Mitchell Dunn
- Samigo: Request to start an assessment after due date should be loggedSAK-46495
- Discussions: While grading by topic, and changing the Gradebook item selection from the drop-down menu, incorrect grades display.SAK-46460
- samigo: Trash tab should show if there were submissions associated with deleted assessmentSAK-46459Jose Cebe
- Feature request: Discussions - Improve Discussions Statistics & Grading pagesSAK-46452Resolved issue: SAK-46452Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Feature request: Discussions - Option to export Statistics & Grading table as a spreadsheetSAK-46451Resolved issue: SAK-46451Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Feature request: Discussions - In Statistics & Grading, distinguish original post counts from repliesSAK-46425Resolved issue: SAK-46425Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Discussions/Forums: Comments/feedback auto-fill is not available in Statistics & Grading by TopicSAK-46372Resolved issue: SAK-46372Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Assignments, Accessibility: Save confirmation/error reporting method in Assignments is inaccessible and confusingSAK-46356
- skin, discussions/forums: Discussions/Forums is using old image icons, not Font Awesome icons, inconsistently in various templatesSAK-46348
- Announcements - Allow instructor to save preferred default email notification option on per-site basis.SAK-46313Core Team
- Discussions: Improve Notifications page accessibility and make options easier to understandSAK-46311Resolved issue: SAK-46311Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Lessons: Gradebook items created for Comments elements have an "item number" not specified on the page in LessonsSAK-46198Core Team
- Feature request: Allow instructors to copy an existing groupSAK-46196Core Team
- samigo: Issues regrading assessments with questions that have minimum point values enabledSAK-45986Core Team
- samigo: Remove "small" tags applied to part title and description in delivery, fix heading structure, and remove h4 from part descriptionSAK-45973Mitchell Dunn
- samigo: Display minimum point value and negative marking, when present, on the Questions editing screenSAK-45912Mitchell Dunn
- Calendar: Permissions: Subscribe to Calendars Only Works With Instructors, Not Other UsersSAK-45908
- Forums: View profile has vertical textSAK-45889Resolved issue: SAK-45889Miguel Pellicer
- Messages: Viewing the sender's profile doesn't have a way to return to message aside from Back button.SAK-45888Resolved issue: SAK-45888Miguel Pellicer
- Add name pronunciation to Forum/Messages profile blurbSAK-45887Bryan De Oliveira Brettas
- samigo, accessibility: Improve text of warning messages to students taking assessmentsSAK-45885Resolved issue: SAK-45885Markus Stetschnig (EDF)
- Calendar: List of Events: Display Site Events and Display Group Events Radio Buttons Do Not Filter DisplaySAK-45879Resolved issue: SAK-45879Bryan De Oliveira Brettas
- samigo: LATE marker on samigo Total Scores does not take exceptions into considerationSAK-45877Mitchell Dunn
- Calendar: Import Events: Microsoft Outlook Comma-separated File Does Not Import TitlesSAK-45873Resolved issue: SAK-45873Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- gradebook: Improve text of "Hide Item" menu option to make it clearerSAK-45852Resolved issue: SAK-45852Markus Stetschnig (EDF)
- samigo: Revert SAK-37153 code that removed the Feedback link when previewing an assessment with Immediate Feedback enabledSAK-45850Core Team
- samigo: All images and files embedded/attached within an assessment should be stored within the assessment and ONLY within the assessment, and should function INDEPENDENTLY of ResourcesSAK-45846Core Team
- Calendar: Importing Events - Meeting Maker is Obsolete/ Should be RemovedSAK-45836Resolved issue: SAK-45836Markus Stetschnig (EDF)
- samigo: Attempting to access Statistics before there are submissions throws a user-facing bug reportSAK-45834Resolved issue: SAK-45834Core Team
- samigo, gradebook: If you use Tests & Quizzes > Settings to change the title, recorded score, or category of a published quiz that has been added to a gradebook with categories, the gradebook item settings (e.g., extra credit) get resetSAK-45819Mitchell Dunn
50 of 311
Attendance: new comment generates confusing alert
PabloCreated April 8, 2022 at 11:13 AM
Updated April 11, 2022 at 6:39 PM
Shawn Foster April 11, 2022 at 6:39 PM
Attendance is a contrib tool, which uses GitHub Issues instead of Jira. Please report this to
Shawn Foster April 11, 2022 at 6:38 PM
What do you expect the message to say specifically? Can you provide examples of the expected messages, please?
On Attendance > Take Attendance
When the instructor inserts comment, a confirmation alert appears:
"van Dijk, Victor saved successfully as "None". The alert is wrong.
The alerts should describe separately: comments and event
or one generic alert: "successfully updated" or something like that.