Feature request: Allow instructors to copy an existing group


We have several requests from instructors who use similar (relatively large) groups for multiple assignments, with only one or two members being changed from assignment to assignment. They'd like a way to copy their existing groups so they don't have to recreate the groups from scratch each time.

I imagine this would be done with a new column in the groups table to Copy Group, where each row would have a Copy link. Upon clicking it, a new row would be inserted in the table with the group name having a " - Copy #" appended on it, similar to how Samigo and Assignments append a Copy # on the end of copied items.

Note: "Copy" links need to be properly associated to group name for screen reader accessibility.

Recommended naming example to match Samigo/Assignments (copying a group named Group 1)

  • The name of the first copy would be Group 1 - Copy #1.

  • Copy the original Group 1 again without changing the name of the first copy, and the second copy would be Group 1 - Copy #2.

  • If you copy a copy without changing the copy's name, another Copy # would append, e.g., Group 1 - Copy #2 - Copy #1


Before copying:

After copying Group 1 once:





Wilma Hodges February 16, 2022 at 5:01 PM

The T&L group discussed this feature request and agreed that it would be a useful addition. Also, we agreed that Duplicate is better for terminology.

Tiffany Stull September 14, 2021 at 8:05 AM

I would be ok with "Duplicate" as the link text, but I would prefer "Copy Group" for the column header. When there are multiple items in the table (e.g., Groups and Joinable Sets), I think it's helpful to be clear which of those things will be duplicated.

Shawn Foster September 13, 2021 at 1:14 PM

"Duplicate" might be a better word than "Copy" and is used elsewhere in Sakai.







https://qa2-us.nightly.sakaiproject.org/portal/site/7cd60fad-5577-40aa-8a80-2ada278a2af1 Note: I cannot check nightly experimental at this time, as it is down. I assume the feature does not exist in any instance more recent than 20, however.
Created September 8, 2021 at 10:52 AM
Updated February 16, 2022 at 5:01 PM