- Discussions: No keyboard only way to post a grade on discussionSAK-51159
- Fix serious and above aXe issues on homeSAK-50908Resolved issue: SAK-50908Sam Ottenhoff
- Accessibility: WCAG 1.4.3 (Color Contrast) on Gateway Welcome PageSAK-50849Resolved issue: SAK-50849Shivangi Kumar
- Assignments accessibility: Save confirmation/error reporting method in create Assignments is inaccessibleSAK-50714Resolved issue: SAK-50714Sharadhi Raghuraj
- Accessibility: Grade submission successful message not announcedSAK-50697Resolved issue: SAK-50697Shivangi Kumar
- Accessibility: Expand/Collapse state of More link is not renderedSAK-50693Resolved issue: SAK-50693Sam Ottenhoff
- Discussions: Select a Gradebook Item combo box missing labelSAK-50650Shivangi Kumar
- Accessibility: Button sizing and spacing issues for WCAG 2.5.8SAK-50615
- Syllabus: Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50589Core Team
- Drop Box: Folder Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50588
- Announcements: Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50587Core Team
- Lessons: Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50586Core Team
- Gradebook: Categories&Weighing Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50585
- Resources: Folder Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50584
- Site Info: Tool Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50583Core Team
- Statistics: "Show more" button does not have a keyboard focus indicatorSAK-50582Resolved issue: SAK-50582Sharadhi Raghuraj
- Calendar: Cannot remove a custom fieldSAK-50581Resolved issue: SAK-50581Sean Horner
- Site Info: info "i" circle on main Site Information page fails WCAG 1.4.13SAK-50580Core Team
- Lessons: "Add Question" fields have no indication they are disabledSAK-50579Core Team
- Assignments: Auto-save popup has a low contrast ratio and is hard to readSAK-50578
- Chat Room: Buttons overlap when zoomed inSAK-50577
- Worksite Setup: Create Site has a horizontal scroll barSAK-50576Core Team
- Rubrics there needs to be a keyboard-only method for screen reader users to mimic the “drag to reorder” option for editing criterion/ratingsSAK-50538Matthew Jones
- Discussions: Create discussion page does not follow dark modeSAK-50386Resolved issue: SAK-50386
- Navigation: Arrow key navigation does not work on certain pagesSAK-50260
- Dark Mode: Multiple tables in multiple tools do not follow dark modeSAK-50246Resolved issue: SAK-50246
- Search: Add/Update Help Documentation for Search ToolSAK-50228
- Inability to copy RSS URLs using keyboard commands in the Announcements and Calendar tools.SAK-50167
- Rubrics: “Edit” and “Remove” options are still using generic “new Rubric” reference when edit Rubric page first loadsSAK-50112Resolved issue: SAK-50112
- Rubrics” “Edit” and “Remove” options still using the generic “new Rubric” reference when edit Rubric page first loadsSAK-50111
- Dashboard: Inconsistencies with information being displayed in the “Grades” widget area of Instructor viewSAK-49999Adrian Fish
- Rubrics: New keyboard-only method for mimicking the “drag to reorder” option not working for screen reader usersSAK-49936
- Section Info: Need a direct way to navigate back to the main “Student Memberships” page/list of Students after assigning/unassigning a StudentSAK-49928Resolved issue: SAK-49928Matthew Jones
- "u" or "d" cannot be entered as Tool TitleSAK-49909Resolved issue: SAK-49909Matthew Jones
- Unable to remove Image from profile using keyboard testingSAK-49835
- Announcements: While Keyboard testing, when tried to copy the RSS URL within the tool, unable to copy and paste in a new browser using keyboard.SAK-49832Core Team
- Discussion- While keyboard testing, when tried to access the grade section within the tool, unable to grade.SAK-49831
- Notifications: “Profile Status” update alerts missing descriptions in “Notifications” panel displaySAK-49748
- Notifications: Screen reader focus moving outside of modal after selecting “Marked all as viewed” or “Clear all” buttonsSAK-49744
- Notifications: Screen reader's inability to interact with "red circle" graphic next to bell icon is rendering "Marked all as viewed" feature inaccessible as wellSAK-49743
- Notifications: The “red circle” graphic that appears next to the Bell icon in the top navigation is not screen reader accessibleSAK-49741
- Test and Quizzes: While keyboard testing cannot expand "CK Editor" menu.SAK-49737Core Team
- Section text in Lessons Reorder has insufficient contrastSAK-49706Resolved issue: SAK-49706Sam Ottenhoff
- Tests & Quizzes : While keyboard testing "Publish" button grey's out post selection.SAK-49696Core Team
- Test and Quizzes - Cant access the Add attachments button when giving feedbackSAK-49681Core Team
- CK editor : While keyboard testing Alt+F10 keyboard shortcut is not working in CK editor.SAK-49663
- Keyboard Testing: Under "Tests and Quizzes" unable to complete creating Assessment with "Hot spot" question type.SAK-49657Core Team
- Unable to activate the “Create New Site” button with the keyboardSAK-49624Resolved issue: SAK-49624
- While editing the grade in gradebook using keyboard navigation, the cursor is getting trapped in gradebook tableSAK-49589
- Gradebook – Screen reader automatically reads aloud help content when focus lands on the Grades data table “Keyboard Navigation” iconSAK-49528
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Cannot tab through options shown in dialogue box after the grade button is clicked on the discussions forum.