Rubrics: “Edit” and “Remove” options are still using generic “new Rubric” reference when edit Rubric page first loads


While testing SAK-49934 I observed a minor glitch, where the edit “Rubric” and “Remove” Rubric options are still referencing the generic “new Rubric” name when the various options to edit the Rubric are first being displayed.


 After selecting the “Add Rubric” option, able to use the “Add Rubric, New Rubric” dialogue that pops up to name the new Rubric, before tabbing to the “Save” button and pressing enter…


When the page refreshes, and the various options for editing the new Rubric are displayed, able to navigate through the different edit options for Rubric, Criterion, and Ratings…


This is what JAWS announces as you down arrow through that section of the edit Rubric page:


“Link, Name

Link, Origin

Link, Author

Link, Modified


Button expanded

(name of new Rubric)

Edit Rubric, new Rubric button collapsed

(name of Course Site)

(Instructor’s name)

(creation date)

Save as draft button

Switch to weighted grading button

Make public (name of new Rubric) button

Copy (name of new Rubric) button

Remove, new Rubric button collapsed

Export (name of new Rubric) button


Note: The “Edit” and “Remove” options are still using the generic “new Rubric” reference when the edit Rubric page first loads, while the rest of the options have inserted the actual name of the Rubric. However, as soon as you refresh the page, these get updated and display the name of the new Rubric (see attached demo video for more context)





Affects versions





Created May 17, 2024 at 5:14 PM
Updated May 17, 2024 at 5:53 PM
Resolved May 17, 2024 at 5:53 PM