- Translation for Swedish - patchSAK-27680Resolved issue: SAK-27680
- Entity broker and entities IDSAK-27673Resolved issue: SAK-27673
- "node already merging shared segments" on lone instanceSAK-27671Resolved issue: SAK-27671John Bush
- search entity provider is missing documentationSAK-27670Resolved issue: SAK-27670
- Upgrade to POI 3.8SAK-27655Resolved issue: SAK-27655David Horwitz
- Add <sakai.entitybroker.version> to search base pomSAK-27653Resolved issue: SAK-27653David Horwitz
- Upgrade to apache Tika 1.0SAK-27652Resolved issue: SAK-27652David Horwitz
- Fix checkstyle.xml so we can release 2.9.0b01SAK-27645Resolved issue: SAK-27645Sam Ottenhoff
- Fix search base pom in order to support Maven 2/3 releasesSAK-27642Resolved issue: SAK-27642Anthony Whyte
- Remove deprecated lucene method: issue: SAK-27635David Horwitz
- Index Worker uses inefficeint keyset iteratorSAK-27626Resolved issue: SAK-27626David Horwitz
- wrong log error message when admin user goes into the Search tool admin UI on a search client serverSAK-27617Resolved issue: SAK-27617Zhen Qian
- Duplicate indexes created on searchwriterlockSAK-27615Resolved issue: SAK-27615David Horwitz
- Largest transaction size is too bigSAK-27614Resolved issue: SAK-27614David Horwitz
- Remove Xebia-maven2 from <pluginRepositories>; add missing <groupId> for maven.jxr.pluginSAK-27613Resolved issue: SAK-27613Anthony Whyte
- Document contents gettign stored in indexSAK-27607Resolved issue: SAK-27607Aaron Zeckoski
- Site Id stored twiceSAK-27601Resolved issue: SAK-27601Aaron Zeckoski
- CLONE - Profile2 has no Swedish language packSAK-27058Resolved issue: SAK-27058
- Can't list names with connections in the "To" textbox of Compose MessageSAK-26943Resolved issue: SAK-26943Steve Swinsburg
- A typo of email template.SAK-26857Resolved issue: SAK-26857Steve Swinsburg
- Problem with profile2SAK-26720Resolved issue: SAK-26720Steve Swinsburg
- incorrect link in helpSAK-26717Resolved issue: SAK-26717Steve Swinsburg
- It is possible to upload more than 10 picturesSAK-26690Resolved issue: SAK-26690Daniel Robinson
- Possible for IndexOutOfBoundsException if user has made a friend request but their account has been removedSAK-26651Resolved issue: SAK-26651Steve Swinsburg
- Fix polls base pom in order to support Maven 2/3 releasesSAK-26536Resolved issue: SAK-26536Anthony Whyte
- Swedish translation patchSAK-26526Resolved issue: SAK-26526David Horwitz
- Cross project dependencies break mvn eclipse:eclipseSAK-26394Resolved issue: SAK-26394Matthew Buckett
- Allowing a user to choose multiple options in Polls results in incorrect percentagesSAK-26391Resolved issue: SAK-26391
- The swedish message always refers to an invalid date even if it is the time that in fact is invalid.SAK-26387Resolved issue: SAK-26387
- hide poll information/fields when students access the creat/edit link of poll itemSAK-26379Resolved issue: SAK-26379Core Team
- Bad restrictions on EntityBroker accessSAK-26378Resolved issue: SAK-26378Core Team
- i18n date formatting patchSAK-26376Resolved issue: SAK-26376Core Team
- Instructors can only vote once.SAK-26373Resolved issue: SAK-26373Core Team
- Student matrices are sometimes stored multiple times in databaseSAK-25373Resolved issue: SAK-25373
- Allow user to easily create New Forum and Topic and associate a gradebook item without scrollingSAK-25258Core Team
- Hide actions for Forum topics until hover over itSAK-25248Resolved issue: SAK-25248Core Team
- New Permission needed to not allow attachments in Forum PostsSAK-25247Resolved issue: SAK-25247Bryan Holladay
- Allow a daily digest option for Forum notificationsSAK-25243Resolved issue: SAK-25243Core Team
- Improve way users are alerted to unread messages in Messages and ForumsSAK-25231Resolved issue: SAK-25231Core Team
- Forums - Offer option for user to set default view to show latest messages first in a conversationSAK-25225Resolved issue: SAK-25225Core Team
- Forums - Offer option for participants to rate individual replies by 4- or 5-starsSAK-25224Resolved issue: SAK-25224Core Team
- Consolidate new message indicators for a topic within a forumSAK-25219Resolved issue: SAK-25219Core Team
- 'New messages' text is redundant, there is already a visual indicatorSAK-25186Resolved issue: SAK-25186Bryan Holladay
- messageforums-api/src/bundle/org/sakaiproject/api/app/messagecenter/bundle/ has used key with empty valueSAK-25170Resolved issue: SAK-25170Bryan Holladay
- datepicker is not i18nSAK-25164Resolved issue: SAK-25164Bryan Holladay
- NumberFormat Exception from Dicussion forum toolSAK-25155Resolved issue: SAK-25155
- Search returns no resultsSAK-25145Resolved issue: SAK-25145Bryan Holladay
- email address appears in To: field for auto forwarded email addressesSAK-25135Resolved issue: SAK-25135Bryan Holladay
- Forums displays erroneous breadcrumb trail to screen and in notifications when multiple tabs usedSAK-25132Resolved issue: SAK-25132Core Team
- i18n date/time formatting and pickingSAK-25131Resolved issue: SAK-25131Bryan Holladay
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