Responsive grader presents the submission before the grading controls, giving users scroll fatigue.
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Sam Ahrens June 2, 2023 at 3:43 AM
Verified on 23x Maria: , build: 7a50bf39
I was able to easily scroll through a long PDF, add comments, and grade the assignment from anywhere with a normal and shrunken browser size.

Andrea Schmidt May 31, 2023 at 11:18 PM
Linked issues have been fixed and verified, so am setting this to verified also.

Andrea Schmidt May 14, 2023 at 12:23 AM
The improvements with the new grader are really nice! I did find one issue with the remove links for comments/private notes ( )
There is also an issue with the rubric grading which has already been reported:

Andrea Schmidt April 17, 2023 at 10:08 PM
I was going to take a look but there are a couple of issues on the server, (and maybe I should wait until Wilma’s suggestions are implemented?).
a users.csv file cannot be imported, so I manually created a few users
I tried to add an assignment and received “An unexpected error has occurred”. I don’t have access to the logs, but this was in the console:
GET 500
Wilma Hodges April 17, 2023 at 7:43 PM
I’ve looked over Andrea’s comments and reviewed the images and video. (Thanks for such a thorough description!)
Regarding the removal of the Done and Cancel buttons - Normally I’d say remove them because that means less clutter and they don’t really do much as far as saving/clearing the data entered. However, the user does need a way to collapse the text box and/or rubric sections, and it feels like some sort of action is needed to confirm that the user is done editing that item. Otherwise it feels unfinished somehow. I would opt for leaving the Done button only for all three sections (feedback, rubric, private notes) as a way to let the user collapse the section when finished. If the user skips hitting Done (i.e. doesn’t collapse the section before saving), there’s no harm done, since the Save button at the bottom should save all the changes anyway. Removing the Cancel button makes sense if it doesn’t work as expected anyway.
Also, Andrea’s note about wanting to see the comments entered got me thinking. I agree that I’d like to see the actual comments, and not just a green circle to indicate that there are comments. How about including the first few characters of the comment text (maybe with an ellipse if the text runs longer) instead of the green circle? This would provide more meaningful information to the user, and it would be more similar to the treatment of the Feedback Attachments which show the filename and a Remove link if the user wants to delete the attachment.
In addition, I noticed as I was looking at the other feedback sections that the rubric icon is actually quite small and easily overlooked by comparison. In particular, the green rubric icon to indicate a scored rubric is bad from an accessibility standpoint, since color alone should not be used to convey information. I would recommend pulling it out as a button similar to the ones for Feedback and Private Notes. It would show no icon at all next t the button if there isn’t a scored rubric, and once there is a rubric saved, the icon would display along with a Remove link in case the user wants to delete the scored rubric and start over. (Note: If there is no grading rubric associated with the assignment, the Rubric button would not display at all.)
I’ve done a few quick mockups to show what I had in mind. I’d appreciate additional feedback on these to see if others think they make sense as well.
Ungraded submission: Mockup of Grader panel for an assignment with a rubric associated, but no grades or feedback entered.
Draft submission grade: Mockup of Grader panel after rubric, feedback, attachment, and private notes have been entered and collapsed, but not yet Saved or Saved and Released to Student.
Saved/Released submission grade: Mockup of Grader panel for a submission that has already been graded and saved. This is what it might look like if the instructor returns to a submission to review or edit the grade.
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Responsive grader presents the submission before the grading controls, giving users scroll fatigue.
From , when testing the last round of responsive changes in ..
“A few things I noticed though...Scroll fatigue. Because the grading panel now gets moved all the way to the bottom, if you are previewing a paper (doesn't even have to be a really long one) it feels like you have to scroll forever before you get to any of the grading options. While yes, you hope that the instructor reads the whole thing before assigning a grade, if you are just going in to update a score really quick, or add some additional feedback, it feels like a lot of work to get to the bottom of the screen where the grade entry items are”
“Also, even if you are reading through the submission through the first time, you might think of things you want to include as feedback, but since you can't annotate the preview, you have to remember those things until you get all the way down to the spot where you can enter them. It would be a lot nicer experience if the grading panel could maybe fly out from the right or left side when you select a floating icon or something. That way you could access the grade and feedback entry options at any point while viewing the submission”
“Rubrics feel a little clumsy. The criteria and ratings are a little hard to make out. I think maybe it is something to do with the shading. It all looks a uniform grey which throws me off for some reason. I'd like to see some cell/table borders or something, or maybe a white background on the criteria and rating cells to make them more defined against the grey background. Also, the student's name needs to display in the rubric somewhere (along the top ideally). This is particularly important in mobile view, since the rubric takes up the whole screen at that size, so you no longer have the student submission showing for reference. Also, the Grading Rubric, Student Summary, and Criteria Summary tabs at the top feel like they take up way too much space in mobile view. Those aren't things you need to look at or select each time. Most of the time you want to just select ratings for students, but you still have to look and/or scroll past those tabs at the top (which are two lines on smaller screens) to get to the other stuff.”
“The "Return to List" link doesn't look like a link (in both desktop and mobile). It looks like a text label. It should have an underline, or link color, or button styling, or something to indicate that it isn't just text on the page”