Grader: Use BasicText config for private and feedback editors
is related to
Thomas Kelsey August 16, 2023 at 9:58 PM
Verified on 23.x, , build: 2ef4397b
Only text formatting is available for add feedback comment, add private notes buttons.
Andrea Schmidt June 20, 2023 at 9:33 PMEdited
Yes, it looks like the fix was to remove the items and only have the text formatting available in the editors. I took a quick look at all the grader fields available and will set it to verified based on the comments
24x:, build:0905e554
Thomas Kelsey June 19, 2023 at 10:40 PM
Verified in 24.x, , build: 0905e554
Everything worked as expected from test plan. , from the description and attachment, it looks like the issue is that you can’t put a link in the feedback comments, but from the test plan it looks like the solution was to remove the link button entirely. Am I reading that correctly? If so, I’ll mark this as Verified
Automation for Jira June 14, 2023 at 8:46 AM
A pull request has been created, "SAK-48997 Grader. Use BasicText config for private and feedback editors", you can see it at
This is an issue with the rich text editor in the Grader in Assignments. If the instructor grades an assignment and adds a comment, the instructor is unable to add a link using the link symbol. The form that displays does not allow any input into the text boxes, whether typed in or pasted in.
Tested on Win10: Edge and Firefox