Test & Quizzes preview done button jumps to another site's lesson page's linked test


Test & Quizzes preview done button jumps to another site

  • Create two sites

  • In Site A

    • add the T&Q and Lessons tools

    • publish a new T&Q assessment

    • create a link in Lessons to the T&Q assessment

  • In Site B

    • add the T&Q tool

    • publish a new T&Q assessment

  • In Site A, go to the Lessons tool and click the link to preview the assessment

  • In Site A, after previewing the assessment, click done

  • In Site B, from the main assessment list, click the assessment's action dropdown and select preview

  • In Site B, click done on the preview page

  • :minus: The browser will jump to Site A's lesson page.

If you restart the server (to clear the cache), then go to Site B, preview the test, then click the done button, it does NOT jump to Site A. It seems like you have to had previewed in both sites in order the problem to happen

I suspect that this is related to (I found it while testing these patches in 12.6):





Affects versions



Created September 25, 2019 at 4:31 PM
Updated May 5, 2021 at 7:23 PM

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