Event Log that Tracks Entries, Submissions, and Errors
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Justin Kohlhepp March 26, 2015 at 10:07 AM
I am not able to reproduce certain activities shown in IU's screenshots. I'm using the trysakai.longsight.com instance.
In the screenshots and description, it states that an entry is created every time a student enters an assessment. I also see that is the case in the screenshots. If the student enters and exits the assessment 10 times and then submits, you'll see 10 rows of entrances and then a submit.
I am only seeing the very first entrance into the assessment. I tried entering an exam, clicking Exit, re-entering, clicking Save, re-entering, clicking the Reset button, re-entering (all without submitting the assessment), and I am still only seeing a single row in the event log. The "Entry Date" timestamp is the very first time I entered the assessment, so it is not updating the timestamp every time I enter the assessment again. From the screenshot and description, it seems like I should be seeing a new row in the Event Log every time I click the Begin Assessment button, but this is not the case.

Hudson CI Server May 30, 2014 at 12:04 PM
Integrated in sakai-10-java-1.7 #82 (See http://builds.sakaiproject.org:8080/job/sakai-10-java-1.7/82/)
database conversion scripts for 10 (Revision 309979)

Hudson CI Server May 19, 2014 at 5:03 PM
Integrated in sakai-trunk-java-1.7 #254 (See http://builds.sakaiproject.org:8080/job/sakai-trunk-java-1.7/254/)
Samigo event log from (Revision 309642)

Hui Tsao November 1, 2013 at 12:40 PM
Thank Ying! I have checked in the fix.

Ying Wang October 29, 2013 at 3:01 PM
Hi Karen,
You may have already received my email about this issue. For the reference, I will attach my message here.
I took another look compare trunk code to our code and I found the difference . I believe some code were merged wrong for method validatePassword().
Our validatePassword method:
public String validatePassword()
log.debug("**** username=" + username);
log.debug("**** password=" + password);
log.debug("**** setting username=" + getSettings().getUsername());
log.debug("**** setting password=" + getSettings().getPassword());
if (password == null || username == null)
return "passwordAccessError";
if (password.equals(getSettings().getPassword()) &&
// in post 2.1, clicking at Begin Assessment takes users to the
// 1st question.
return "takeAssessment";
return "passwordAccessError";
But in generic, it is :
public String validatePassword()
log.debug("**** username=" + username);
log.debug("**** password=" + password);
log.debug("**** setting username=" + getSettings().getUsername());
log.debug("**** setting password=" + getSettings().getPassword());
EventLogService eventService = new EventLogService();
EventLogFacade eventLogFacade = new EventLogFacade();
List eventLogDataList = eventService.getEventLogData(adata.getAssessmentGradingId());
EventLogData eventLogData= (EventLogData) eventLogDataList.get(0);
if (password == null || username == null)
return "passwordAccessError";
if (password.equals(getSettings().getPassword()) &&
// in post 2.1, clicking at Begin Assessment takes users to the
// 1st question.
return "takeAssessment";
return "passwordAccessError";
It is not correct that event log code is put in validatePassword method. So the fix will be remove event log code in validatePassword() method. Just use the first part of code (our code) for validatePassword().
Please let me know if it is not clear or if it fixes your error.
Fix versions


This is an enhancement that is already in production at Indiana University. The most recent design, which includes a few features that will not be implemented, is attached for review by the Samigo working group. I have also attached a screenshot of the current version of the tool. It doesn't yet include the ability to sort by column or filter by user. Another notable difference between the design and the screenshot is the fact that many items in the screenshot include a start date but no submission date. A log entry is created each time the student enters the assessment. So, if the student starts, but doesn't submit, the item will not have a submission date.