Released to anonymous gives 500 error
relates to

Oliver Williams November 1, 2012 at 7:32 AM
Verified in with logged on as ow_student_1

Sam Ottenhoff October 18, 2012 at 8:35 AM
Committed Yuki's patch in r114745

Andrea Schmidt October 16, 2012 at 7:50 AMEdited
The problem is also occurring for assessments that do not allow a late submission and the student attempts to take the test by URL. I tested the following scenarios on
Sakai Revision: 114384 (Kernel 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT)- Server
"SAM-1591" and "SAM-1591C", both of which allow late submissions gave the 500 error.
- timed, late allowed
500 error
SAM-1591A - timed, late not allowed
Late Submission not allowed message
SAM-1591B - untimed, late not allowed
Late Submission not allowed message
SAM-1591C - untimed, late allowed
Clicked Begin button - 500 error

Yuki Yamada October 13, 2012 at 7:17 AM
I created a patch to fix this issue.
I think that it should be fixed as soon as possible because it might confuse QA workflow for Sakai 2.9.

Yuki Yamada October 2, 2012 at 4:19 PM
It has occurred since the fix via SAM-1368. Currently, because the fix is not merged into Sakai 2.9, it is not occurring in 2.9.
Created an assessment on trunk, released it to anonymous users
Student was logged into the course, and pasted URL into another tab
Received HTTP Status 500 page
(Checked QA3-US sakai-2.9.0-rc01 and it is not occurring there)
Am attaching bug report