Negative Points option does not get counted in score
depends on
relates to
Sristi May 24, 2016 at 10:25 AMEdited
Tested on Trunk nightly server
Build info: Sakai - TRUNK - Sakai a9a15564f081fcf972f43bfc8d04aa22002eb5a2) - Server ip-172-31-6-159
OS: Windows 8.1
Browser: Chrome Version 50
Negative points are being counted now. Snapshot:
Earle Nietzel May 19, 2016 at 9:37 AMEdited
This depends on these other issues and because some additional validation was added as well as the min points validation was updated to allow for blank as an acceptable answer.
Earle Nietzel May 19, 2016 at 9:34 AMEdited
This ended up being a regression in SAM-948, the backing bean "ItemBean" was forcing a value of 0 which during scoring meant that min points feature is in use and it would override negative points. The solution was that min points should be null by default indicating that it is not used, this allowed the scoring logic to correctly score the questions.
Raúl Sánchez Vegas May 9, 2016 at 3:04 AM
It fails with 'Single Correct' and 'Multiple Correct, Single Selection'. It works fine with 'Multiple Correct, Multiple Selection'->'All or Nothing'.
Neal Caidin May 2, 2016 at 9:30 PM
I can reproduce the problem with Multiple correct, Single Selection on the Marist QA server.
create a test with at least one
1) Multiple Choice, Single Correct and Enable Negative Points option. Make the points for answering correctly 10, and points deducted if wrong to 2.
2) Add at least one other question of any type which is automatically graded (just to save you some time) and give it 10 points.
3) Publish the test
4) as student take the test and answer the one with Negative points incorrectly and the other question correctly. Submit.
5) Submit the test as student.
6) As instructor, check the score for the student.
Result: The points awarded for getting the question wrong is zero instead of -2 , points deducted for getting it wrong.