Events from timer thread should have a session that matches the user who submitted
If an event is posted from the timer thread (and possibly auto-submit job) it isn't able to be linked back to the user that actually submitted the assessment. It is a "dummy" session matching the server. Ideally a session should be created for that user to the event is correct. See test plan
Verified on 12x nightly that the events for context and session ID have proper values after timer submit.
see screenshot
Matthew Jones June 16, 2017 at 6:12 PM
This looks to also fix SAM-2788 need to test that one too. This one actually might be testable via the UI just by looking at the event log (or maybe sitestats?)
If an event is posted from the timer thread (and possibly auto-submit job) it isn't able to be linked back to the user that actually submitted the assessment. It is a "dummy" session matching the server. Ideally a session should be created for that user to the event is correct. See test plan