Linear assessment preview fails when "available date" is in future
If an assessment has an Available Date value in the future, and the Assessment Organization option of "Linear access to questions with NO return...", users can only access the first question when in the Preview Assessment view. Attempts to proceed past the first question result in an error.
To reproduce:
1. Create a new assessment with at least two questions. 2. Set the Available Date to some future time. 3. Set the Assessment Organization option to Linear. 4. Go back to the list of assessments and click its name, then click Preview Assessment. 5. Answer the first question, then click "Save and Continue".
The following error will appear: "The assessment you have requested is currently not available. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Continue" to go to the system login page."
Thanks Karen, I've put it into our QA cycle. I'll follow up once we've tested.
Hui Tsao March 17, 2008 at 11:47 AM
I have merged the fix into 2.4.x. However, it has not yet been test by QA. Please apply the fix to your test environment first and let me know if the patch works. Thanks.
James Renfro March 17, 2008 at 11:11 AM
Looks like this is already fixed in 2.5.0 as per the linked bug.
If an assessment has an Available Date value in the future, and the Assessment Organization option of "Linear access to questions with NO return...", users can only access the first question when in the Preview Assessment view. Attempts to proceed past the first question result in an error.
To reproduce:
1. Create a new assessment with at least two questions.
2. Set the Available Date to some future time.
3. Set the Assessment Organization option to Linear.
4. Go back to the list of assessments and click its name, then click Preview Assessment.
5. Answer the first question, then click "Save and Continue".
The following error will appear: "The assessment you have requested is currently not available. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Continue" to go to the system login page."