Wiki: Add group support to Wiki pages
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Andrea Schmidt May 12, 2024 at 2:58 PM
Following up on Sam’s comment…I have a site with 3 sections and 5 groups. When editing the new page and selecting Display this page to selected Groups only, it only lists the sections, not the groups.
25x: https://trunk-maria.nightly.sakaiproject.org/, build: 171476d4

Suport i Assessorament a l'Activitat Docent Tècnics de Docència Virtual May 10, 2024 at 5:46 AM
Does the site you are using have groups?
You can check it in “Site Info > Manage Groups.”

Sam Ahrens May 9, 2024 at 9:49 PM
I’m still not seeing the group selection options on this new page that I created. It’s a new page that is linked to the main page, since this seems like the only way to create a new page. Am I missing a step? Thanks!
Testing on , build: 8dbbfc97

Suport i Assessorament a l'Activitat Docent Tècnics de Docència Virtual May 8, 2024 at 9:15 AM
Group filters can be created on the edit page. You'll find the group selection at the bottom of the page.
Group selection are only available for new pages. The main page is always accessible to everyone.

Sam Ahrens May 8, 2024 at 4:54 AM
I’m trying to verify this Jira, but I can’t figure out how to assign a group/section to a page in the Wiki tool. All I see are the permissions for Instructor/Student/Teaching Assistant.
I assume I should be on the “Info” tab for a specific page, right? Can you give more detailed instructions on how to assign a group/section to a page?
Testing on (build: f571287a)
The Wiki tool allows users to create and edit collaborative documents. This feature will add support to groups for wiki pages, restrict the documents to group and section members.
Original request:
La herramienta Wiki del LMS Sakai permite a los usuarios de un sitio de la plataforma la creación y edición de documentación colaborativa. El desarrollo añadirá a esta herramienta el soporte de los distintos tipos de grupos que contiene el LMS (groups y sections) de forma que los documentos creados y editados podrán restringirse al acceso de determinados grupos seleccionados por el docente.
Test plan:
Create a site with two groups and two sections.
As instructor, create four pages, one to all groups, one by default, one assigned to one group and one section, and another one assigned to other group and other section.
As a member of the first group, access the wiki and ensure you only see the page associated to your group, the default page, and the page associated to all groups.
As a member of the first section, access the wiki and ensure you only see the page associated to your section, the default page, and the page associated to all groups.
As a member of the second section, access the wiki and ensure you only see the page associated to your section, the default page, and the page associated to all groups.
As a member of the second group, access the wiki and ensure you only see the page associated to your group, the default page, and the page associated to all groups.