Wiki: Group support - jquery console error
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Andrea Schmidt May 18, 2024 at 10:34 PMEdited
Verified the console error is no longer present: 25x:, build: 2675302b
Editing the title since only the console error was fixed and will create separate Jiras for groups and manually created sections

Automation for Jira May 13, 2024 at 9:24 AM
A pull request has been created, "SAK-50088 Wiki : group support multiselect fixes", you can see it at

Bernardo Garcia Vila May 13, 2024 at 9:09 AMEdited
Hi, I’m going to fix the multiselect error. It seems a includeLibrary call was lost when moving from s2u-22x to master.
Regarding the group support, this feature only shows the groups where the current user is enrolled. I believe it was an original requirement but I wasn’t directly involved in the development, see . Maybe showing all the site groups for admins would probably be a “good to have”, so maybe a new feature request can be created for it.
Affects versions
Fix versions


I created 2 different sites:
Official site with 3 sections and 5 groups
Manually-created site with 3 groups
When creating new wiki pages, only the official site gives the option to Display this page to selected Groups only, but it only lists sections, not the groups. The manually-created site with groups only doesn’t even display the option. In both cases there is a jquery error in the browser console.