- thử thôiDOCS-39Docs Team
- on verra bienDOCS-38Docs Team
- refactor main jsDOCS-37Docs Team
- Deal with expired login when doing ajax requestsDOCS-36Docs Team
- Change javascript namescpace to "docs" and clean up the global scopeDOCS-35Docs Team
- Need to avoid opening huge folders in docs toolDOCS-34Docs Team
- Need paging or search of sites in paste destination picker for copy/moveDOCS-33Docs Team
- "entityId" a non-standard attribute nameDOCS-32Docs Team
- Provide user feedback after a multi item moveDOCS-31Docs Team
- make selected list scroll if large - pin the menu to topDOCS-30Resolved issue: DOCS-30Docs Team
- provide some minimal styling for target list in multi item actionDOCS-29Resolved issue: DOCS-29Docs Team
- cannot remove items from multiple selection holding trayDOCS-28Resolved issue: DOCS-28Docs Team
- Breadcrumbs in list view not being updated when you navigate to subfolders.DOCS-27Docs Team
- Access links for uploaded items do not workDOCS-26Docs Team
- permissions should be checked when retriving an itemDOCS-25Resolved issue: DOCS-25Docs Team
- create way to sync main list with hit listDOCS-24Docs Team
- Adding DOCS tool to site should create site's resources follection if it doesn't existDOCS-23Resolved issue: DOCS-23Jim Eng
- New items created in wrong folder after navigation to a new folderDOCS-22Resolved issue: DOCS-22Gonzalo Silverio
- add functionality for i18nDOCS-21
- add functionality for other sites twiggle and other sites contentsDOCS-20
- provide webdav pageDOCS-19
- item menu needs to match behaviour with old oneDOCS-18
- add functionalityt so that all item properties need to be editable were allowedDOCS-17
- add functionality to edit item content (html)DOCS-16
- add functionality to edit item content (link)DOCS-15
- add functionality to edit item content (text)DOCS-14
- add functionality to replace item (file)DOCS-13
- access setting needs to be reflected in listingDOCS-12
- add functionality to reorder root/folder itemsDOCS-11
- add functionality to change permissions of root and sub foldersDOCS-10
- Enable reordering of items in a folderDOCS-9
- Implement folder permissionsDOCS-8Docs Team
- Implement duplicate action for single itemsDOCS-7Docs Team
- Implement delete for multiple itemsDOCS-6
- Implement delete for single itemsDOCS-5Docs Team
- Implement move for multiple itemsDOCS-4
- Implement copy and paste for multiple itemsDOCS-3
- Implement move for single itemsDOCS-2Docs Team
- Implement copy and paste for single itemsDOCS-1Docs Team
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