2.5 QA Testing

2.5 OSP Test Coordination

Objectives (in order of priority):

  • Regression testing of existing functionality (system tests, goal management and 2.4 changes)
  • Verify 2.5 Functionality is working as expected (writing of scripts is in progress, plz work through existing regression scripts)
  • Verify and close bug fixes in 2.5
  • Integration of 2.4 scripts into current system scripts
  • Integration of 2.5 scripts into current system scripts

High level overview of QA activities

This matrix is to provide all OSP volunteers with an overview of who's testing what when.  Please update the cell when you're running through a test script. 














Activity One: Test Preparation













Activity Two: User and Site Preparation












Users are already created and there are 2 sites (Test Portfolio #2 and Test Portfolio Site #3)

Activity Three: Set up CIGS

Updated Script 1 - VS
Begun Script 2 - VS
Tag Updated - VS

Begun Script 2 - VS
Tag Updated - VS




Begun Script 2 - VS
Tag Updated - CS




Updated Script 2 - VS



Activity Four: Participant Collects work

Begun - Sravanthi Tipirneni

Completed (except script 2) - Sravanthi Tipirneni




Completed (except script 2) - Sravanthi Tipirneni (Marist)



Completed - Sravanthi Tipirneni

Completed - Sravanthi Tipirneni



Activity Five: Participant Uses Work










Begun Script 1 - VS
Tag Updated - VS

Completed Script 1 - VS
Begun Script 2 - VS


Activity Six: Participant Designs Portfolio













Activity Seven: Reviewers review Work













Activity Eight: Evaluators Evaluate Work













Activity Nine: Reports













Misc Scripts













Goal Management path C













Goal Management path D













Goal Management path E













Goal Management path F













2.4 Matrix Authoring Flexibility













2.4 UI Rework and Refinement













2.5: Improving the User Interface













2.5: Aggregated View













2.5: Portfolios


updating script for SAK - 10140











2.5: Promoting OSP as a Core Tool













2.5: Institutional Priorities













JIRA Bug Verifications













Links to main pages of Scripts

Goal Management

High level breakdown of activity

A) Instructor - Add/Remove/Update Goal Set and Goals from Goal Site
B) Working with Data Points
Each of the following activities require the two previous activities
C) Set up Assignment
D) Set up Goal Management in a Matrix
E) Set up Goal Management in a Sequential Wizard
F) Set up Goal Management in a Hierarchical Wizard

Bugs Awaiting verification