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Phase I QA Testing - Mac Firefox

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1 Citation List Actions

1.1 Verify that you can reach the Citation List Editor


From Resources, Add a new item and select "Citation List" from the drop down menu for "Add Item Type". The page should change to show the Citation List Editor.

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1.2 Verify that you can save an empty Citation List


Attempt to save the list without entering the required Title field. You should get an error.

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Set the title to "Empty List", add any description and save the Citation List without adding any Citations.

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1.3 Verify that you can save a non-empty Citation List


Click "Search Library Resources" and add up to 10 Citations (one page). Set the title to "One Page List", add any description and save the Citation List.

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Click "Search Library Resources" and add more than 10 Citations (more than one page). Set the title to "Multi Page List", add any description and save the Citation List. Feel free to add multiple of these types of Citation Lists with an increasing number of Citations (i.e. "2 Page List", "3 Page List", "6 Page List", etc.).

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1.4 Verify that you can access (read-only) an existing Citation List


From Resources, click on "Empty List" to View it. You should see a read-only view of an empty Citation List.

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From Resources, click on "One Page List" to View it. You should see a read-only view of a Citation List with up to 10 Citations in it.

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From Resources, click on "Multi Page List" to View it. You should see a read-only view of a Citation List with more than 10 Citations in it. If you created multiple of these types of Citation Lists (i.e. "2 Page List", "3 Page List", "6 Page List", etc.), View those as well.

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1.5 Verify that you can Revise an existing Citation List


From Resources, Revise "Empty List" by adding any number of Citations to it. Update the Citation List and then View it in read-only mode to verify that your revisions have been saved.

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From Resources, Revise "One Page List" in any way that you'd like. Update the Citation List and then View it in read-only mode to verify that your revisions have been saved.

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From Resources, Revise "Multi Page List" in any way that you'd like. Update the Citation List and then View it in read-only mode to verify that your revisions have been saved. If you created multiple of these types of Citation Lists (i.e. "2 Page List", "3 Page List", "6 Page List", etc.), Revise and View those as well.

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1.6 Verify that you can Remove an existing Citation List


From Resources, select one existing Citation List to remove and Remove it. After confirming the Remove, it should not appear in Resources anymore.

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From Resources, select multiple existing Citation Lists to remove and Remove them. After confirming the Remove, the selected Citation Lists should not appear in Resources.

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2 Searching Library Resources

2.1 Verify that you can reach the "Search Library Resources" pop-up window


Verify that you can reach the "Search Library Resources" pop-up window by clicking the "Search Library Resources" button from the Citation List Editor.

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2.2 Verify that the "Search Library Resources" pop-up is initialized properly


Verify that the pop-up window has resized properly. Compare with this sample Search Library Resources pop-up screenshot.

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Verify that the Search Sets have been populated correctly. Compare with one of the following: sample IU Search Set screenshot, sample UM Search Set screenshot.

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Verify that the Search Terms input box has been sized correctly. Compare with this sample Search Library Resources pop-up screenshot.

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2.3 Verify that the pop-up window resizes properly when searching


Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in a large number of records found (i.e. General Interest, food). You should see results within approximately 10-20 seconds. The pop-up window should resize to accommodate the results, but its controls (the scrollbar, resizing in the bottom left corner, etc.) should remain within your screen. If you can easily change your resolution to test this, please try this at multiple different resolutions (i.e. 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, etc.).

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2.4 Verify that the "Searching..." Alert appears when searching


Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in a large number of records found (i.e. General Interest, food). You should see results within approximately 10-20 seconds. During this time, a red alert labelled "! Searching ..." should be flashing on and off. Compare with this Searching alert screenshot.

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Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in a large number of records found (i.e. General Interest, food). When the results are returned, click the Next Page button. While the next page is loading, the same Searching Alert should be flashing, but next to the Search Results Table header instead of next to the Search button. Compare with this Searching alert screenshot.

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2.5 Verify that your search criteria are persistent


Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in a large number of records found (i.e. General Interest, food). When the results are returned, your search criteria (the selected Search Set and your search terms) should remain in the Search Library Resources form.

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Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in a large number of records found (i.e. General Interest, food). When the results are returned, click the Next Page button. When the new page is loaded, your search criteria (the selected Search Set and your search terms) should remain in the Search Library Resources form.

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2.6 Verify that you can view results


Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in over 100,000 records found (i.e. General Interest, food). You should see results within approximately 10-20 seconds. Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in around 1000 records found. You should see results within approximately 10-20 seconds. Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in around 100 records found. You should see results within approximately 10 seconds. Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in 20 or less records found. You should see results within approximately 10 seconds. Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in one or two records found. You should see results within less than 10 seconds. Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in zero records found. You should see (zero) results within less than 10 seconds. Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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2.7 Verify that you can page through results


Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in over 100,000 records found (i.e. General Interest, food). You should see results within approximately 10-20 seconds. When the results are returned, continue to click the Next Page button until you reach the "end." Please note that you may not be able to view all the records, but there should be some "end-of-list" indicator (i.e. "we can not fetch any more records"). Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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Once you are at the end of the above results list, continue to click the Previous Page button until you reach the first page. Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in around 1000 records found. You should see results within approximately 10-20 seconds. When the results are returned, continue to click the Next Page button until you reach the "end." Please note that you may not be able to view all the records, but there should be some "end-of-list" indicator (i.e. "we can not fetch any more records"). Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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Once you are at the end of the above results list, continue to click the Previous Page button until you reach the first page. Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in around 100 records found. You should see results within approximately 10 seconds. When the results are returned, continue to click the Next Page button until you reach the "end." Please note that you may not be able to view all the records, but there should be some "end-of-list" indicator (i.e. "we can not fetch any more records"). Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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Once you are at the end of the above results list, continue to click the Previous Page button until you reach the first page. Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in 20 or less records found. You should see results within approximately 10 seconds. When the results are returned, continue to click the Next Page button (depending on your default page size, this button may be disabled) until you reach the "end." Please note that you may not be able to view all the records, but there should be some "end-of-list" indicator (i.e. "we can not fetch any more records"). Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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Once you are at the end of the above results list, continue to click the Previous Page button until you reach the first page. Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in one or two records found. You should see results within less than 10 seconds. The Next Page button should be disabled. Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in zero records found. You should see (zero) results within less than 10 seconds. The Next Page button should be non-existent or, if it does exist, it should be disabled. Please try this with all the Search Sets available.

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2.8 Verify that you can change your page size


Conduct a search that produces multiple pages of results. Try all different page sizes on the first page of results.

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Conduct a search that produces multiple pages (more than 200 records) of results. Once the first page of results is returned, go to the Next Page, and then iterate through the process of changing the page size, moving to the next page, coming back to the previous page, changing the page size and then iterating again.

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2.9 Verify the "robustness" of the Search Terms keyword syntax


You should be able to search for phrases (i.e. search terms: <lyrics for "a day in the life">); common words {a,and,be,for,from,has,i,in,is,it,of,on,to,the,not,or} are ignored unless they are a part of a phrase; everything is ANDed; extraneous punctuation {?!;,':+-@#$%^%&*().} should be ignored; whitespace characters {tabs, extra spaces, forced newline characters} should be ignored. Please experiment with the keyword search's features to narrow or tailor your searches, or to try and break the search. It will be difficult to gauge the effectiveness of the search because the databases being searched have their own searching mechanisms and so does the metasearch engine. What we're looking for in this test is to see if there is any combination of search terms that breaks our keyword search and produces an error. These features may currently only be available at UM.

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2.10 Compare search result metadata


Select a Search Set and enter search terms that will result in a relatively low number of results (100 or less). When the results are returned, keep the pop-up window open and conduct the exact same search with another metasearch engine (Sirsi SingleSearch or UM SearchTools). If the metasearch engine returns search status instead of streaming in results (as UM SearchTools does), try and view results as soon as they become available as this is how our metasearch implementation is working. Compare records retrieved from Sakaibrary with the metasearch engine. In particular, if the same records appear in both result sets, view those records and note any discrepancies in metadata for the records. For example, a commercial metasearch engine may be getting the Date and Source Title information for all records from a certain database where we are not.

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2.11 Verify the "Search Library Resources" pop-up window closes properly


Click the "Done" button to close the pop-up window. It should close gracefully.

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Click the window's close button to close the pop-up window. It should close gracefully.

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Make sure the "Search Library Resources" pop-up window is open and then click the "Add" button in the Citation List Editor, committing the Citation List you were working on. The "Search Library Resources" pop-up window should close gracefully.

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Make sure the "Search Library Resources" pop-up window is open and then click the "Cancel" button in the Citation List Editor, cancelling the Citation List you were working on. The "Search Library Resources" pop-up window should close gracefully.

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3 Citation Actions

3.1 Verify that you can reach the Citation Editor


From the Citation List Editor, click the "Create New Citation" button. The Citation Editor should pop-up in a new window with all Citation fields empty.

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3.2 Verify that you can add a custom Citation


From the Citation Editor, attempt to 'Add Citation to List' without entering the required Title field. You should get an error preventing you from adding an empty Citation to the Citation List.

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From the Citation Editor, set the Citation Type to "Journal Article" (it should default to this option). Create a Journal Article Citation with any data you'd like and Add it to the Citation List. Experiment with adding multi-valued fields such as Author, Rights, Citation, Subject, Note and Links (custom URLs and URL Labels).

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From the Citation Editor, set the Citation Type to "Book" - the field labels should change to ones more suitable for a Book. Create a Book Citation with any data you'd like and Add it to the Citation List. Experiment with adding multi-valued fields such as Author, Rights, Citation, Subject, Note and Links (custom URLs and URL Labels).

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From the Citation Editor, set the Citation Type to "Book Section" - the field labels should change to ones more suitable for a Book Section. Create a Book Section Citation with any data you'd like and Add it to the Citation List. Experiment with adding multi-valued fields such as Author, Rights, Citation, Subject, Note and Links (custom URLs and URL Labels).

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From the Citation Editor, set the Citation Type to "Report" - the field labels should change to ones more suitable for a Report. Create a Report Citation with any data you'd like and Add it to the Citation List. Experiment with adding multi-valued fields such as Author, Rights, Citation, Subject, Note and Links (custom URLs and URL Labels).

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From the Citation Editor, set the Citation Type to "Unknown" - the field labels should change to ones more suitable for an Unknown item type. Create an Unknown Citation with any data you'd like and Add it to the Citation List. Experiment with adding multi-valued fields such as Author, Rights, Citation, Subject, Note and Links (custom URLs and URL Labels).

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3.3 Verify that you can add a Citation from Search


From the Citation List Editor, launch the "Search Library Resources" pop-up window and conduct a search. Add Citations and verify that: 1) the "Add" button becomes a "Remove" button, 2) the added Citation becomes highlighted, and 3) the added Citation appears in your Citation List Editor window.

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From a "Search Library Resources" pop-up window populated with search results, add a number (say, 5) of Citations in quick succession. Verify that all the Citations appear in the Citation List Editor window. Note that this may take a few moments after having clicked on all 5 Citations to Add.

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3.4 Verify that you can properly view inline Citations


After adding various types of custom Citations (see two sub-categories above) or adding Citations through search (see one sub-category above), examine the inline Citation listing that appears in the Citation List Editor. The following format should be followed (it is in Journal Article form; similar fields apply to other Citation Types):

Title. Author 1; Author 2; and Author 3. Journal Title, Vol(Iss) Date. Pages.
Find It! | Custom Link 1 Label | Custom Link 2 Label | revise | remove

Note that if a Citation does not have a certain field (such as Pages, for example) it will not appear in the inline display.

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3.5 Verify that you can View Citations (read-only)


From the Citation List Editor, click on the title of a Citation (you should have a number of custom Citations along with Citations from searching library resources). You should see a read-only view of the Citation pop-up in a new window. Verify that all metadata for the Citation is appearing in the read-only view. Do this for all the Citations in your Citation List.

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3.6 Verify that you can Revise a Citation


From the Citation List Editor, click on the 'revise' link of a Citation (you should have a number of custom Citations along with Citations from searching library resources). You should see an editable view of the Citation pop-up in a new window. Verify that all the metadata for the Citation is appearing in this view. Once finished examining the Citation, hit the "Cancel" button and the pop-up window should close gracefully. Do this for all the Citations in your Citation List.

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From the Citation List Editor, click on the 'revise' link of a Citation (you should have a number of custom Citations along with Citations from searching library resources). Change the type of the Citation. Various field labels will change according to the Citation Type you choose. Verify that these mappings make sense. Click to "Save Changes" to the edited Citation and then view the Citation in read-only mode to verify that your changes were saved. Do this for all Citations in your Citation List.

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From the Citation List Editor, click on the 'revise' link of a Citation (you should have a number of custom Citations along with Citations from searching library resources). Change the value of various metadata fields and "Save Changes" to the Citation. View the Citation in read-only mode to verify that your changes were saved. Do this for all Citations in your Citation List.

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3.7 Verify that you get an SFX Menu when clicking on a Citation OpenURL link


From the Citation List Editor, click on the OpenURL Link for a Citation (labelled either "Find It!" or "IU Link"). This should cause another window to open with an SFX Menu in it. Verify that the metadata SFX is displaying (Journal Title, Volume, Issue, etc.) matches that of the Citation you clicked the OpenURL Link for. The SFX Menu may not display all the metadata that we know about, but it should not miss metadata that we do have (i.e. we have a Volume number, but SFX is showing a null Volume number). Do this for all Citations in your Citation List.

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3.8 Verify that you can Export Citations


From the Citation List Editor, select one Citation to export and Export it. You should be prompted to download a file called, 'citations.RIS'. Save this file and open it in a text editor. You should see all the same metadata that you see in the Citation read-only view, but labelled with RIS tags instead of our labels.

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From the Citation List Editor, select multiple Citations to export and Export them. You should be prompted to download a file called, 'citations.RIS'. Save this file and open it in a text editor. You should see each selected Citation's metadata appended one after another. This should be the same metadata that you see in the Citations' read-only view, but labelled with RIS tags instead of our labels.

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From the Citation List Editor, select all Citations using the global select checkbox and Export them. You should be prompted to download a file called, 'citations.RIS'. Save this file and open it in a text editor. You should see each selected Citation's metadata appended one after another. This should be the same metadata that you see in the Citations' read-only view, but labelled with RIS tags instead of our labels.

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3.9 Verify that you can Remove Citations


From the Citation List Editor, Remove a Citation by clicking the 'remove' action link underneath a Citation. The Citation should be removed from the listing of Citations and the order of the Citations should be unchanged.

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From a "Search Library Resources" pop-up window populated with search results, add a few Citations to a Citation List. The "Add" buttons should become "Remove" buttons. After verifying that an added Citation has appeared in your Citation List Editor window, click the "Remove" button in the "Search Library Resources" pop-up window. This should: 1) change the "Remove" button to an "Add" button in the pop-up window, 2) remove highlighting from the removed Citation in the pop-up window and 3) remove the Citation from the Citation List Editor window without changing the ordering of the Citations in the Citation List.

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From a "Search Library Resources" pop-up window populated with search results, add a few Citations to a Citation List. The "Add" buttons should become "Remove" buttons. After verifying that an added Citation has appeared in your Citation List Editor window, click the 'remove' action link underneath the added Citation. This should: 1) change the "Remove" button to an "Add" button in the pop-up window, 2) remove highlighting from the removed Citation in the pop-up window and 3) remove the Citation from the Citation List Editor window without changing the ordering of the Citations in the Citation List.

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