GAP analysis between Gradebook2 and Gradebook

Main differences between Gradebook2 and Gradebook

This document has been elaborated by members of the University of Murcia (Special kudos to Former user (Deleted)) and it includes the main differences that have been found between the latest versión of Gradebook2 and the latest versión of Sakai’s Gradebook.

This document was presented at the BoF: Migrating from Gradebook2 to the new GradebookNG for Sakai 11 JULY, 29th - 9am-10am EST. The University of Murcia encourages anyone interested in the topic to help improve this information.

1. Not able to define weighted items, in GB1 weighting is only possible between categories.


This is the same as ?

No. The PR 689 is about getting the average from several grade items within a category.  

I.e. The PR 689's proposal is: If there are 2 grade items: grade1 and grade2 within a category, the score will be (grade1 + grade2)/2 = grade1*50% + grade2*50%

Our proposal is about setting any weight to the grade items within category.

I.e: If there are 2 grade items: grade1 and grade2 within a category, the score could be grade1*35% + grade2*65%.



2. GB1, not able to include an item in the final grade if such item is not visible to students.


Q: does anyone know the background to this? Is there an academic use case for this? It could be fixed in the API (with a PR).




3. GB1, if the Gradebook Item Point Value is modified, the grades already introduced are not re-scaled, they continue having the same value. In GB2, the user have the option to choose if they want to re-scale the points.




4.(Section Awareness) Students won’t see in GB1 items created from Assignments or Assessments for an specific group if they are not members of the specific groups. GB2 does not include this functionality.


 This does not work with items created directly in GB1, it only works with items that come from an external tool like assignments or assessments...  -

Do we know if the score is calculated removing the items where you don’t have access (because you are not in the section)?I think that score is re-calculated when removing items although you don’t have access to these items. This feature affects only to the item’s display.

From the BoF Chat: Laura Cira - 15:22 : This is a big issue for our instructors with multiple sections and groups in GB2. Different assignments/projects released to the various sections or groups show up in the gradebook for every student. It can be very confusing!  Laura Cira - 15:23 : Of course the grades not entered for a student (a nil) aren't counted against them.



5.The structure and the grades stay the same if you change between GB1 and GB2.


 This was tested some months ago in a Sakai instance that included GB2 and Gradebook1. Changing between both tools within the same site did show the same structure and grades. The main difference was that the weight within an item is not been kept in GB1 because GB1 does not allow this option - See point 1 of this document.

6.  GB1 includes new functionality for exporting/importing data:


Yuanhua Qu-Txstate - 15:28 : Gradebook2 has export integration API you may use to allow you integrate the submission grades to SIS

Earle - 15:31 : GB2 export feature is implemented using and InstituionalAdvisor which is called when a user clicks submit final grades.  Earle - 15:32 : there are web services for getting grades as well

Yuanhua Qu-Txstate - 15:33 : Not sure if NG has that similar submit final grades to SIS as well

Chris Schauer - 15:34 : Earle, if we have an InstitutionalAdvisor implementation to submit grades from gb2 is it easy to reuse that for gb1?

Yuanhua Qu-Txstate - 15:37 : Chris, Earle, hopefully NG will have similar implementation like GB2 submit final grades through InstitutionalAdvisor to be reused for gb2 users migrate to NG?

Earle - 15:38 : GB1 doesn't have InstutuionalAdvisor so something similar would need to be added





7. When working with weighted categories, GB1 does not allow that the total sum greater than 100%.


 Feel free to add comments here...



8.  There are more grading possibilities than in GB2. Possibilities:


 Feel free to add comments here...





9. Within a category, GB1 offers the possibility to discard the the highest grades, discard the lower grades or keep the highest grades.


 Other grades won’t be considered


Christie DeCarolis - 15:33 : Drop lowest difference in GB1 vs GB2: in GB2 the items do not have to be worth the same amount of points to apply drop lowest, but the items in a category do have to be worth the same amt of points in GB1 in order for drop lowest to work.


 GB1 (Trunk)

10. More difficult to delete an item in GB1. Few clicks more that in GB2 which is straight forward by using right mouse click -> delete item. 


This is addressed in GradebookNG.



11. Ability to Set Ungraded Items to Zero but in a different way that GB2 does. GB1 will set all gradebook items include in the final grade to 0, not just a particular item. This change can not be reverted. GB2 allows to change the option as many times as wanted with the checkmark ‘Give ungraded no credit’.


This is addressed in GradebookNG. You do this on the gradebook item itself. You can also choose something other than 0. Can’t undo it though as the grade assigned is just a normal grade, and it might have been valid to set to 0 on an individual item, so if you undo it, you’d undo a valid grade that was entered.




12. There is a Log for grades modification per student. Instructor is able to check the different grades modifications. GB2 offers this information and other type of events (new item, new category, new grade, update grade…), all centralized in one page, not by student.


 Very useful when you have a group of TA’s helping an instructor. Good ‘paper trail’. Also helps us trouble-shoot when things accidentally get deleted.

The gradebook API has a log of grade updates only, not a log of other events.



13. No excel entry mode to input grades in GB1. This will be resolved by the new GradebookNG.


Expected GradebookNG (the latest and greatest)


 GradebookNG (Enhacements)

14. GB1 offers the ability to sort items within a category but it’s not possible to sort/re-order categories.


 Feel free to add comments here...




15. GB2 allows to create items with the same name and GB1 doesn't allow that.




 GB2 allows to create items in the same Gradebook with the same name (in different categories). This really, is a bug in GB2, 

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
 but as this only appears when you try to copy a site with assignments attached with GB items with the same name than others, is usually not detected. Item name is used internally by the edu common code as unique identifier of the item in some places, that's why the items should be named different. 




GB2 allows to create them

GB1 doesn't allow this