2.3 Release

Development for the 2.3 version of the Gradebook was focused on adding four major areas of functionality: 1) upload and import of data; 2) selective control over the release of posted scores and grades by date, by time, by individual assignment, etc.; 3) organization of gradebook items into categories, while allowing for the assignment of different weights to those categories when calculating course grades; and 4) configurable control over the data that gets exported from the Gradebook.

Of these, two new pieces of functionality made the 2.3 release:

2)selective release
Item 3, weighted assignment categories, requires an extensive re-thinking of the gradebook UI, the resolution of difficult interoperability issues, and the re-architecture of the application . It is a post-2.4 project.

Item 4, configurable grade export, will be in the 2.4 release. 

An updated comprehensive functional specification and release notes for 2.3 are pending.