2.2 Release

A significant amount of work done on the Gradebook for Sakai 2.2 release was  under-the-hood:

1) Repackage Gradebook service component

2) Restructure Gradebook directories and package names

There were other major changes that did impact end users (excerpted from the release notes)

New features

  • Configurable grading scales are now supported. See details.

Changed features

  • Simplified and coordinated student view Before 2.2, the instructor's view of assignment scores (as numbers) differed
    drastically from the student's view of assignment scores (as letter grades),
    but there was no way for the instructor to see the student's view.
    The UI has been simplified to coordinate the two views. Now both instructors
    and students see numeric scores for assignments and letter grades for course
    grades. (Full configurable support of letter-graded assignments and addition of
    a "view as student" page are both feature requests for future releases.)
  • Date formats are now internationalized.