The Unsexy LMS

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Title: The Unsexy LMS


Former user (Deleted), University of Delaware


Using Sakai

Date, Time, Room:

Tuesday, Jun 15, 15:25-16:25, Chasm Creek B (live stream) (discussion setup)

Log in and leave a comment if you want to continue this discussion. I'm tracking this page. - Mathieu

Brief Abstract

Is the LMS becoming just another tool to support? Are faculty members now just using the LMS because it's convenient or required? How can the LMS add value to teaching and learning and get users excited again? This session will attempt to answer some of these fundamental questions we stumble on when consulting with faculty members and helping them choose the right tools to fit their needs.

Full Abstract

As more and more institutions rely on learning management systems to support their core business, is it becoming just another tool to support? Are faculty members now just using the LMS because it's convenient or required? What is the role of the LMS today, especially when compared with all the new and shiny free web 2.0 services that are available out there, and that seem to be offering more features than their equivalent tool in the LMS? When is to appropriate to stay inside the walled garden of the LMS, and when is it appropriate to just let go? How can the LMS add value to teaching and learning and get users excited again? This session will attempt to answer some of these fundamental questions we stumble on when consulting with faculty members and helping them choose the right tools to fit their needs. Information technology decision-makers should also find some food for thought to help them decide which technologies to support. Participants will be invited to brainstorm and exchange their thoughts on this topic.


Recorded Archive

TitanPad Archive as of 6-21-2010: Brainstorming for "The Unsexy LMS" session

TitanPad Link:

For which activities does the LMS perform better than other technologies?

  • integration with class rosters. (and other backend SIS functions)
  • less dependence on external providers (more internal control), and what happens if that external vendor goes out of business?
  • one password
  • Managing assessments
  • UI / Brand Consistency
  • addresses FERPA issues
  • Support for integration/embedding from many sources

In which contexts would it be more appropriate to use free web 2.0 tools?

  • Brainstorming
  • Bigger audience than LMS - you may not want external users in your course site
  • Meeting the students where they already are
  • fill gaps which LMS does not provide
  • File storage
  • content portability beyond the course
  • student ownership of content
  • better mobile access for certain tools (accessibility)

Problems with web 2.0 tools

  • Who owns the content?
  • security & privacy concerns
  • Copyright concerns. Does the LMS offer more of a fair use umbrella?
  • Inconsistency in quality of content created by subject matter experts
    • Brand damage

Sakai/LMS value statements

  • Make innovation easier
  • Can't just be innovation for innovation's sake. Should contribute to student learning & success. Should add value to the pedagogy or no point to bringing it in.

Other points discussed

  • Are there small changes we can make in Sakai tools which will make the basic tools in Sakai more appealing? (appearance for example) So people don't need to go outside the system?
  • LMS has to be able to meet both ends of the spectrum? Every university has someone at bleeding edge and someone dragging his/her feet who doesn't want to touch it. how can you support it?
  • Would like to see a video tool, so I can see if students can speak. Option to submit written or oral. ability to have private conversations