A Sakai and OpenSyllabus Pilot at HEC Montreal

Track: Deploying Sakai
Date:  Tuesday, Jun 15   Time:  11:10 - 11:40      Room: Highlands
Martin Montminy - Martin Montminy is project manager at HEC Montreal.
Rémi Saias - Technical Coordinator and ScrumMaster at HEC Montreal

In this presentation, we discuss the results of a Sakai 2.6 pilot conducted at HEC Montreal. The main goal of the pilot was to test our Open Syllabus contrib tool and its integration with other Sakai tools like resources, citations and assignment. The pilot was also the occasion to test our parent-child solution to course sections. More than 800 students and 25 instructors and staff were involved in 11 different courses given in French and English (many with sections). Not surprisingly, the pilot was quite helpful to identify some configuration problems that were quickly fixed. The pilot also led to some very helpful suggestions that are currently implemented. Overall, Sakai 2.6 along with Open Syllabus proved to be a very successful replacement to our current home ground system and we look forward to the 2010 Fall roll-out.
Presentation Slides : Denver 2010 - Sakai OpenSyllabus Pilot HEC.pptx