26 - arcq - Create Survey

Title in left menu: Create Survey
Page heading: Creating a survey




Creating a survey

Note: To complete these procedures, you must be assigned a role having the necessary permissions. To determine your role, follow the directions in Participant roles. For a basic understanding of roles and permissions, see Permissions and roles: Overview.

You can create a survey using the same process you would to create an assessment, since the "Survey" question type allows you to choose from a predefined set of scales commonly used for survey reporting. Those scales are as follows:

  • Yes, No
  • Disagree, Agree
  • Disagree, Undecided, Agree
  • Below Average -> Above Average
  • Strongly Disagree -> Strongly Agree
  • Unacceptable -> Excellent
  • 1 -> 5
  • 1 -> 10

Hence, to create a survey, simply create an assessment that consists of "Survey" questions. For more, see Creating questions for an assessment. (You cannot create multiple choice or true/false questions with no correct answer.)