Documentation Issues to Serve as Motivation

Documentation Gaps to Serve as Motivations

Question or Issue

Answer or Explanation

Sources Already Checked

Notes Regarding Documentation

T&Q: What are those three fields at the bottom of each question's edit page?

They were added for later use, not taken up, and not recorded or referenced anywhere.

KB Help files, RSN docs

Mentioned briefly in the RSN (rSmart) KB, FAQS from Vivie Sinou.

T&Q: Why is the progression through stages so strict??

Samigo grew out of Stanford's handling of Human Biology problem sets, developed and monitored closely by TAs for formative assessment, adapted to Indiana's need for high-stakes summative assessment.

KB Help files

What piece of documentation would contain explanations like this??  Yet this is what people seem to want when they ask for an overview or background.

T&Q: How can I retrieve names for a quiz accidentally made anonymous?

(a) Map with Comments field. (b) Change database.

KB Help files

Both are workarounds.  Anonymity is meant to persist.  So where should this be documented?

What's the difference between Feedback, Drop Box, and Assignments?


KB Help files

Involves pedagogically-driven comparison among tools; not addressed explicitly in Help files.  Best explained in some high-level user document?

Assignments: Why doesn't instructor X see all students listed in submissions?

Because some are null, instructor X must have asn.submit permission in Assignments tool.

KB Help files






Email Archive: Can students send e-mail that gets saved with Email Archive?

Yes!  Instructor or organizer must set permissions so.

KB Help files

This contradicts a couple of the introductory Help files.

Calendar: What is the format for imported entries?

It's CSV, except that extra line breaks will terminate the file.

KB Help files, with ReadMe file and Sample data

Not specified in detail.

Wiki:  How to add a link with different display text?

Use the "link" macro.  Described in the "Notation Help - Full Help Page", but not in the Help files.

KB Help files, Full Help page, Oxford web page

User wants more immediate help for this task.  Raises question:  When is reference to other documentation acceptable?

Sign-Up Tool:  New features not mentioned, Reference to yale e-addr

Some features such as the Advanced user-defined timetable is not explained. Sections "Sign-Up Overview" directs those who want to grant student permission to "please email"  But "Suggestions for Use" is nice!

KB Help Files

What is the policy for removal of site-specific details (such as the Yale e-addr) in Contrib tools-- any agreed practice?

Site Setup (Course Creation) process

This question, "What controls which terms are included in the dropdown?" comes up time after time on the mailing lists.  Answer:  Controlled by database entries.

None yet

Why is this information so hard to find?  Where should it be?