Gap analysis (working document)

Gap analysis (working document)

The following table represents a first pass (still in-process) at trying to determine what functionality is missing from the Improving the CLE v1.0 designs (second column), when compared to functionality in Sakai 2.5 <http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8081/portal>, as well as in some local implementations (i.e. blue text denotes when it's a local need). The third column attempts to list what is missing from the "Sakai 3.0"/MyCamTools implementation <http://mycamtools.caret.cam.ac.uk/dev/index.html> , which is basically an implementation of the designs with some variation.

This is a simple element-by-element comparison. Note that just because something is listed, doesn't mean that it's necessarily a requirement for Sakai: determining that will require further analysis (is it now unnecessary?) and some input from the community. Also, some things that appear to be gaps ("none" listed in 2nd or 3rd column) may not be: while I've looked around the new designs for a place where the equivalent functionality may exist, I'm sure I've missed some and hope the community will fill cells in.

Comparisons have been done primarily against the designs found at the Improving the CLE v1.0 designs page, under "Implementation Summary", since these seem to be the most recent (5 Aug 08). Additional work may need to be done to compare against add'l design work found in the UX Kit.
(Note: As is to be expected, this is a moving target. Since this page was started, Nathan has continued to design; thus more recent work, addressing some of the gaps, is found as well at Round 1 Design mock-ups, and we should expect to see more updates such as this reflected in the table below.)

Sakai 2.5 feature/element/activity

equivalent feature/element in Improving the CLE 1.0 designs

equivalent feature/element in "Sakai 3.0"/MyCamTools implementation


needs of individual institutions






Creating site

(My Workspace: Worksite Setup > New)





choose "Course" as a site type

"Yes" radio button for "Is This a Course site?"

same as designs



choose "Portfolio site" as site type

? "non-course site" option

same as designs

will this really do it for institutions where Portfolios are core?


choose "Project site" as site type

? "non-course site" option

same as designs



specify academic term for a course site

this is present in slide 4a here: Round 1 Design mock-ups




select roster  (from list of rosters for which user is instructor of record) to be added to site 

Round 1 Design mock-ups




see titles of courses when selecting rosters (Berkeley implementation, not sure if in Nightly)

Round 1 Design mock-ups




specify section that's not in choices offered, and get authorization

appears to be accommodated in slide 4a (Round 1 Design mock-ups), with dropdown indicating "Full Course Catalog" (as opposed to 'My Classes Only')




add more than one roster to a site

yes, see slide 6 (Round 1 Design mock-ups)




select rosters for all sections of a course with a single click





create/edit title of site (Berkeley implementation, not Nightly)

Site Name field

same as designs



Write site description

Site Description field




WYSIWIG editing for site Description





information about where Description appears





Short Description field ("Displayed in publicly viewable list of sites. Max 80 characters.")





information about where Short Description appears

none (n/a if not having Short description field)




Appearance (Icon)

? Site logo that can be uploaded in "Edit Look and Feel" may negate need for this




Site Contact Name field





Site Contact Email field





pick tools for site (aided by descriptions of tool), and customize these tools.

none during process of creating a site, but can be added later

same as designs



option to re-use materials from another site belonging to this user

? Perhaps by choosing "Copy One of Your Sites" (as seen in  Presentation, week 2)

same as designs



pick which tools to re-use materials from

? Again, perhaps during "Copy One of Your Sites" (as seen in  Presentation, week 2)

same as designs



have site that's not available to anyone but self (Publish checkbox)

none during process of creating a site

same as designs?

as long as no rosters are added during site creation process, and default in Site Settings is "Private" this is achieved

option to have published site available only to participants, i.e. don't let others join (Global Access checkbox)

none during process of creating a site

same as designs?

as long as default is "Private" this is achieved.


pick default role for those that join on their own

"Member's default role" dropdown

"All new members become" dropdown


















Site settings

(Site Info> Edit Site Information)





Display of Site Title

Site Name field

same as designs

why was it changed from Site "Name" to Site "Title"?

Edit title of site (Berkeley implementation, not Nightly)

Site Name field

same as designs



Display of Term





Description field

Description field

same as designs



write site description

Site Description field




WYSIWIG editing for Description





information about where Description appears





Short Description field ("Displayed in publicly viewable list of sites. Max 80 characters.")



Where does short description (see "Join & Edit Sites"p6-7) come from if not here?


information about where Short Description appears

none (n/a)




Appearance (Icon)

? Site logo that can be uploaded in "Edit Look and Feel"



Don't use at Berkeley

Site Contact Name field

?Site Owner name field


Is there a difference? "contact" makes more sense in case of staff/TA/other setting up or administering a site for an instructor. The"owner" is perhaps the instructor.
See further discussion here:  <http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence/display/UX/3.+Manage+Site+Settings?focusedCommentId=46727254#comment-46727254>


Site Contact Email field


















Adding members

(Site Info > Add Participants)


Members tab of Site Settings not functioning, so can't check for any of the following



option to add members using username or email address

"Enter Member's Username or Email Address" (but notes say will only ask for email address)




instructions for how to enter more than one user



text in designs refers to adding " line-breaks" (not a term that all users will be familiar with, nor do they need to be familiar with it.)


add campus ("official") members separately from non-campus ("official") members



wouldn't it be better if there was a single field and a lookup could happen to determine how to process


option to assign unique roles when adding more than one member



Nathan's notes acknowledge that may want to do this. Also, can change roles later in Site Settings: Members tab.)

Role descriptions when selecting roles

? Possibly can get to from "What does this mean?"




option to add members without sending any email

?none, looks like Invitation is always sent




add members by adding official roster










Member management

(Site Info & Roster)


Members tab of Site Settings not functioning, so can't check for any of the following



Change role for individual site participants

dropdowns in Role column (Members tab of Site Settings)




Change status (active/inactive) for individual site participants

dropdowns in Status column (Members tab of Site Settings)




sort list of members by name

assume can click head "Members" (Members tab of Site Settings)




sort list of members by roster they're enrolled in





sort list of members by id

none (although if "Email" is standing in for id, then could presumably click Email column)




sort list of members by credits





sort list of members by role

assume can click head "Role" (Members tab of Site Settings)




view only members of a specific roster (Roster tool)





view only members that meet a particular search criteria (Roster tool)



Provide the ability to search by Name or User ID on both the Overview and Pictures screens.


view list of site's members in a tabular layout (one member per row), with separate sortable columns for: Name, Privacy Status, User ID, Email Address, Role, and Group and Section Membership (Roster tool)



Note: The Group and Section Membership column must include the name of each Section and/or Group to which a participant belongs.
If all information doesn't fit on a single line, without wrapping, the system can truncate the content and add ellipses.
Hovering over a record will display a tool tip that will provide the full content of the field.
Default sort order is ascending by Name.


filter list by group or section from Overview and Pictures screens (Roster tool)





restrict AI/TA view to only those users who are in the same group(s) and/or section(s) as the AI/TA





export (as csv) list of members with their ID, email address, and role (Roster tool)



Include Group or Section on export.  Display full content of fields on export.


print list of members with their ID, email address, and role (Roster tool)



Include Group or Section on print.  Display full content of fields on print.


get a tally of how many members there are in a site on overview and pictures screens (Roster tool)





get a tally of how many members there are in each role (Roster tool)



Note: Display this information on Overview and Pictures screens


from list of members, go directly to Profile for an individual member (Roster tool)

click member's name on Members tab of Site Settings


Note: System displays only information designated as public in the Profile view.


from list of members, send email to individual member (Roster tool)

click email address on Members tab of Site Settings




see official photos of members (Roster tool)



Note: Only users with the roster.viewofficialphoto permission will see the option to view official photos.


see Profile pictures of members (Roster tool)





beneath each photo, display the user's name and user ID (Roster tool)





hide names of members when looking at photos (Roster tool)





give users with permission to view both official photos and profile pictures the ability to toggle between official photos and profile pictures (Roster tool)



Note: Users must have the roster.viewofficialphoto permission to view official photos.


print list of members with their photos (Roster tool)



Provide the ability to print in single- or multi-column layout.  When printing in single-column layout, provide sufficient room for instructor to write notes in the space next to each photo.
Display full content of fields on print.


view list of members with their official course status ("waitlisted" or "enrolled") and the number of credits (Roster tool)



note that this status is different than the status indicated in Nathan's design; this is course enrollment status rather than status in this Sakai site


view only members that are officially enrolled in the course (Roster tool)





view only members that are wait-listed for the course (Roster tool)





export (as csv) list of members with their ID, email address, status, and credits (Roster tool)



Include Group or Section on export.  Display full content of fields on export.


print list of members with their ID, email address, status, and credits (Roster tool)



Include Group or Section on print.  Display full content of fields on print.


sort list of members by their status ("waitlisted" or "enrolled") (Roster tool)





sort list of members by number of credits (Roster tool)





get a tally of how many enrolled members there are, and how many waitlisted members there are (Roster tool)










Access Management

(Manage Access)





have site that's not available to anyone but self (Publish checkbox)

? Active/Inactive Status?

same as designs

Pretty sure it's the same thing, though text in designs is confusing. (What if user doesn't want users to find and join site, but wants the site available to participants? First sentence suggests she should check "Inactive", whereas what this user really wants is "Active" and "Private".)


option to have published site available only to participants, i.e. don't let others join (Global Access checkbox)

Public & Private radio buttons

same as designs



pick default role for those that join

"Member's Default role" dropdown

"All new members become" dropdown













Tool Management

(Edit Tools)





Add tools

Add Tools link & Add buttons in Add Tools Lightbox

same as designs



Remove tools

Delete (error)
button next to each tool

same as designs

Designs also have a Remove button in Add Tools Lightbox


Reorder tools (Page Order in Site Info)











(Site Info > Edit Class Roster(s)





Add/Edit rosters














Importing content

(Site Info > Import from Site)


none of this appears to be implemented



copy selected material from another site

?would have to export, import?




import already exported content from a file

Import (Site Settings: Site Backup & More)









Duplicate site

(Site Info > Duplicate Site)





Duplicate site that you're in (leaving out content created by students)

?User could "Copy one of My Sites" (as seen in Flash presentation)














Group Management

(Site Info > Manage Groups AND Section Info)


no group management functions appear to be implemented



Create a new group





Provide a title for group





Provide description for group





Move participants into group





Remove participants from group





Sort list of groups by group title





Sort list of groups by number in group





Delete groups





specify meeting times and locations (could be multiple) for each group





specify maximum size for group or that there is no maximum





specify type (category) of group (e.g. lab, discussion, etc)





assign members to groups based on official university section





specify whether group membership should be updated automatically based on external membership changes





see groups updated automatically if external membership changes





specify if participants can join groups, switch in and out of them





assign leader(s) to group.





Sort list of groups by TA, Day, Time, Location, Number of members, how many spaces available.





see what groups I am leading





See what groups each site member belongs to





Download or print a roster list that provides each participant's group memberships





sign up for group





remove self from group





switch groups





see what groups I'm in
















(My Workspace > Preferences)





specify how want to receive low priority notifications (individually, once a day digest, not at all)

Preferences:Email Notifications

same as designs



specify top sites to appear in tabs in navigation





make specified sites invisible (i.e. no tab)

none (i.e. doesn't appear to be a way to hide sites in list of sites)

same as designs

if goal is to reduce clutter, could put all the sites that one wants to hide in a "inactive" folder


re-order listed sites





pick time zone

Time Zone dropdown on Preferences: Account Details

same as designs



pick language

Language dropdown on Preferences: Account Details

same as designs



hide personal information from others in site (Note: not in Sakai 2.5 Nightly, but available in Michigan implementation)




















(My Workspace > Profile)

 Looks like Profile wasn't tackled in designs...



Berkeley doesn't use Profile

Enter Public Information (first name, last name, nickname, position, department, school, room)


Can enter first name, last name in Edit My Profile.



Enter Personal Information (picture--choosing from University ID picture or URL of other picture, email, home page, workphone, home phone, mobile phone)





Enter additional information  (WYSIWYG)





Hide Profile





Hide Personal Information when showing Profile











(My Workspace > Account)





See account details (user id, first name, last name, email, registration type, ?who account was created by, ?when account was created, ?who account was modified by, ?when account was modified)