This shows what other people's profiles will look like in the context of Searching on People, or as a Connection.
When a user searches People, or when they view a connection, they will get a view like this. The notes on the page describe variations based on whether
Things you can do with this user are listed below the photo, if there is one. Note, Add a Connection as it is on 3akai seems OK. The only new button that was specifically asked for was "Remove Connection"--see below for a description of what happens when it is clicked.
Therefore Send a Message and Invite to a Site are just examples of being able to do things directly from a Profile, rather than going to Inbox or Sites. I don't know if they make sense or are desired at this early stage. |
If you attempt to remove a connection (from here or any other screen) you will need to confirm this is something you want to do.
Why a confirmation box? Although you can reconnect easily, and people may not invest Connections with the same level of social status as Friends, it's still something you want to avoid doing unless you really mean it, and could be done by accident.
When you click Remove, the page below should update--Remove Connection option should disappear (along with Already a Connection), and Add as Connection should appear. |