(inactive) Sakai 11 "Early Warning" Testing

Sakai 10 qa1 Testing corresponds to the first round of QA testing for Sakai 10

Sakai 11 Early Warning QA

Sakai 11 - Early Warning QA

We are looking for obvious bugs in some of our more complex tools. The tools we will test are Assignments, Samigo Test & Quizzes, Lessons and Gradebook.

If you have limited time to test, we also have a list of blocker and critical level Jiras which have been resolved and we wish to verify in trunk and insure no regressions have been introduced. The list is a worksheet in the Google doc for testing (see below).

Morpheus note: Morpheus is the new response design CSS code for Sakai. We are not focusing on testing Morpheus as it is expected to change over the next month.


SAK-29249 - Getting issue details... STATUS

QA meeting

QA check-in - TBD




Before you start!

Create a Jira account: https://jira.sakaiproject.org

Subscribe to the QA email group by sending an email to: sakai-qa+subscribe@apereo.org

Jira Process

  1. Sakai Jira Guidelines
  2. Everyone with a Jira account can create tickets, sub-tickets, search the system and add comments. Anybody can make a Jira account for him/herself. Others have additional permissions to update the fields on the ticket to reflect current status. If you think you need this level of access contact neal.caidin@apereo.org
  3. Updating a ticket with the "Tested" button - to verify a ticket requires clicking on the "Tested" button. You must be logged in to Jira and part of the Jira QA group. If you wish to be added to this group contact neal.caidin@apereo.org . 






If you find a bug

If you find a bug in Sakai 11, please test to see if the issue exists on a 10.x on server - Sakai nightly servers . This will help determine if it is a regression.

To Get Your QA questions answered

To get your questions about QA testing answered, please email the QA group at sakai-qa@collab.sakaiproject.org or directly to Neal Caidin - Sakai Community Coordinator