Activity Lead Responsbilities

PC-Status and Plans Pages Discontinued

We have had a very poor response rate with projects keeping their PC-Status and Plans pages updated as a way to keep the community informed of activities and plans, so we have begun removing them, rather than giving the community a false-sense of activity (or lack thereof).

Activity Lead Responsibilities

We ask each Activity Lead to be responsible for keeping the Sakai Community informed of their group's ongoing activities. This information is shared via the "Status Summary Tables" in the this Confluence space; there is a separate table for each type of activity: Discussion Groups, Working Groups, and Project Teams (/wiki/spaces/MGT/pages/13953859738, /wiki/spaces/MGT/pages/13953859736, and /wiki/spaces/MGT/pages/13953859735).

The mechanism for providing this information is a collection of specific pages in each activities' Confluence space, and you as the Activity Lead should update these pages on a regular basis. The content from these pages is in turn aggregated using Confluence's {include:<Space Key>:<Page Name>} macro into the appropriate Status Summary Table. An important advantage of this approach is that the information you are sharing can be re-used in other locations as well; for instance, you can "include" it in your own activity's space, and other groups, such as QA, can incorporate it to meet their needs as well.


  • PC-Leads - a page to hold just the list of Activity Lead(s), (e.g., [~knoop]) for use in the "More Information" column of the Summary Tables, on the default Home page of Project Teams, etc.

Confluence Pages

In the following sections we describe the various pages you are asked to take care of for your activity. Keep in mind that the content of these pages is often being aggregated across activities for presentation purposes, so please honor the formatting guidelines and restrict the content to overview and summary material so that everyone's contributions play well together. You can always provide more complete details elsewhere in your activity's Confluence space.

Note that the titles of these pages all begin with the prefix "PC-". Also, if you are having difficulty locating one of these pages, check for it using "Browse Space", as when these pages are created, they generally do not have a Parent Page, so do not show up listed under "Children" on another page. If you would like to associate these pages with your space's Home page (or another page), simply edit the page and add the appropriate page as the "Parent Page".


Please provide a short, text-only description of your activity. Please feel free to incorporate a link (i.e.,"More details...") that the community can follow to a more complete description of your activity. This text is included into the "Description" column of the Status Summary Tables.

PC-Status (for Discussion Groups)

Please provide a short, text-only description of your activity's status. Include a time-stamp at the start of the message so that the community can judge how up-to-date the information is when they read it. This text is included into the "Status" column of the Discussion Group Status Summary Table.


  • For consistency, please format the time stamp like this: place the date between "*"'s, i.e.*02-Apr-2006* to get 02-Apr-2006.
  • Think of this content as answering questions like, "What has your activity been up to for the last few weeks? What are its plans for the future?"
  • Please do not append subsequent entries, simply replace existing ones with your new information. With this page you are providing an overview of your group's ongoing activities, not a log of its past efforts.
  • Update this information every couple to few weeks. If there is no new information to share, please take the time to at least update the time-stamp so that the community knows the information is current.

PC-Sakai <x> Plans (for Working Groups and Project Teams)

Note: Contrib Project Teams are being swtiched to use PC-Plans as their page, as their work is not necessarily tied to the Sakai release cycle.

Please provide a short, text-only, bulleted list of your plans for new features or modifications for the <x> release of Sakai, for example, PC-Sakai 2.5 Plans. Include a time-stamp at the start of the message so that the community can judge how up-to-date the information is when they read it. This text is included into the "Sakai <x> Plans" column of the Working Group and Project Teams Status Summary Tables.


  • For consistency, please format the time stamp like this: place the date between "*"'s, i.e.*02-Apr-2006* to get 02-Apr-2006.
  • Think of this list as your series of bullet points for the Release Notes when code freeze arrives.
  • A bulleted list is a good way to present this information, however, a few short sentences will work well too.
  • You should not explicitly mention you're working on bug fixes for the release, that's an implied goal for all activities.
  • If there is a specific, important bug fix or two that you would like to highlight in your plans, then please feel free to explicitly list them. Just make sure that you include a summary description of the bug fix, in addition to the Jira issue key, as the key by itself will generally not mean anything to the greater community. You can also use the "jira" macro to include an issue key as a link to the issue: {jira:SAK-1234} will display as a link, SAK-1234 - Getting issue details... STATUS , for those who want to click-through for more information.
  • If you have a more detailed plan or roadmap for your activity in your own Confluence space, please feel free to add a "More details..." link to it.
  • Update this information every couple to few weeks. If there is no new information to share, please take the time to at least update the time-stamp so that the community knows the information is current.

PC-Plans (for Contrib Project Teams)

Note: Contrib Project Teams are being swtiched to use PC-Plans as their page, as their work is not necessarily tied to the Sakai release cycle.

Please provide a short, text-only, bulleted list of your plans for new features or modifications. Include a time-stamp at the start of the message so that the community can judge how up-to-date the information is when they read it. If your comments are intended for a specific Sakai release, please indicate which one. This text is included into the "Future Plans" column of the Contrib Project Teams Status Summary Tables.


  • For consistency, please format the time stamp like this: place the date between "*"'s, i.e.*02-Apr-2006* to get 02-Apr-2006.
  • A bulleted list is a good way to present this information, however, a few short sentences will work well too.
  • Think of this list as your series of bullet points for the Release Notes.
  • You should not explicitly mention you're working on bug fixes, as that's an implied goal for all activities.
  • If there is a specific, important bug fix or two that you would like to highlight in your plans, then please feel free to explicitly list them. Just make sure that you include a summary description of the bug fix, in addition to the Jira issue key, as the key by itself will generally not mean anything to the greater community. You can also use the "jira" macro to make the issue key a link to the issue: {jira:SAK-1234} will display as a link, SAK-1234 - Getting issue details... STATUS , for those who want to click-through for more information.
  • If you have a more detailed plan or roadmap for your activity in your own Confluence space, please feel free to add a "More details..." link to it.
  • Update this information every couple to few weeks. If there is no new information to share, please take the time to at least update the time-stamp so that the community knows the information is current.