Sakai Conference Bridge Schedule
Connecting to a Bridge | #Schedule Explanation | World Clock
Getting Connected
The Conference Bridges support both Internet (e.g., Polycom, XMeeting (for MacOS), Ekiga (Linux, Windows)) and telephone connections:
Dial in to the bridge Telephone: +1 812 856 7060
Polycom or Lifesize:
Tandberg or XMeeting: 22X@
GDS E.164: 0011439X
Then use the codes as follows:
- Sakai001 +1 812 856 7060
- Conference Code: 22348#
- PIN: 72524# (no longer needed)
- Sakai002 +1 812 856 7060
- Conference Code: 22350#
- PIN: 72524# (no longer needed)
- Sakai003 +1 812 856 7060
- Conference Code: 22386#
- PIN: 72524# (no longer needed)
Schedule Explanation
- The conference bridges are color-coded in the schedule (see key on right-hand side of calendar.)
- Sakai001 is preferred for regular scheduled, recurring meetings, while Sakai002 and Sakai003 are preferred for first-come, first-serve ad-hoc meetings.
- Contact the meeting organizer for connection information for calls scheduled in "Other System".
- You can change your timezone preference for viewing the calendar by clicking on the timezone in the upper-left corner of the calendar.
- During Spring and Fall, pay close attention to meetings times, as no all locales around the world switch on/off daylight savings time on the same day.
Conference Bridges provided courtesy of Indiana University.