UCT Sample Use Cases

Sample use cases for UCT Course Evaluation requirements, targetted for Mar 2009

Notes on terminology: Lecturer = Instructor, Tutor = TA

Simple course

Amina Bhorat teaches the course BUS2944Z, which has around 50 students and one lecturer. She created a Sakai site for her course earlier in the year. When it's time to run a course evaluation, she adds the Course Evaluation tool to the BUS2944Z site and goes to the tool to set up the evaluation.

She adds a new evaluation, choosing the existing template "Course Evaluation: Single Lecturer".

She then edits the evaluation, changes a few of the questions, and adds some of her own.

She then assigns the evaluation to her BUS2944Z site. When prompted to select which lecturers should be included in the evaluation, she selects herself from the list. When prompted to select who should be able to see the results of the evaluation (in addition to herself as the evaluation owner), she enters the email address of the department's HoD (head of department).

When the evaluation open date is reached, she receives an email confirming that the evaluation is open, and URLs to see the evaluation questionnaire, and the current response rate and submission status. Her students each receive an email with details on how to complete the evaluation.

She checks the response rate daily, and also checks the 'submission status' page to see which students have responded, so she can encourage students to complete the evaluation when she sees them in class.

When the evaluation closes, she and her HoD receive an email with a URL to the evaluation report page (which has links to the Excel and PDF views).

Multiple lecturers (evaluate all)

Anna is departmental administrator for a large department with 10 undergraduate courses. She is tasked to set up course evaluations for all courses currently being taught. The department uses the same standardized questionnaire for all its courses.

She creates an evaluation using a course evaluation template for the department, and assigns it to all of the department's current courses. For each assigned course, she selects the lecturers to be included in the evaluation, and sets the visibility of the results to include the lecturers and the department's HoD.

The evaluation includes a set of instructor questions for each lecturer identified.

When the evaluation opens, the lecturers and students receive an email with appropriate details (as above).

When the evaluation closes, the lecturers, evaluation owner (Anna) and HoD receive emails with links to the evaluation reports page.

Multiple lecturers (select one)

In one specific course, students are divided into groups, and each group has a specific lecturer, so although there are 4 lecturers, each student only evaluates 1 lecturer.

The evaluation process is as above, except that when students complete the evaluation, they select which lecturer they are evaluating (from a list of choices) rather than completing a set of questions for each leturer.

Multiple tutors (evaluate all)

As above for "Multiple lecturers (evaluate all)" except applied to tutor category questions.

Multiple tutors (select one)

A large undergraduate course has 60 tutors, but each student is assigned to a tutorial group led by a specific tutor, and so only evaluates one tutor.

This case is similar to "Multiple lecturers (select one)", except that students select a specific tutor to evaluate in the tutor section.