09_24_2009 Evalsys Team Meeting (Sakai Bridge 002)
09_24_2009 EVALSYS Team Meeting
- Sean DeMonner, U-M
- Jim Eng, U-M
- Dick Ellis, U-M
- Rick, UMD
- Tom, Virginia Tech
1. Continue review of U-M merge Jiras: http://confluence.sakaiproject.org//x/9Q-tAw
2. Pending merges from other institutions
3. Next steps:
- feature freeze & QA period (there's been recent mention of tagging eval-1.2.2. What should be included, timelines, etc....)
- next technical/merge coordination meeting
- progress on product/project management coordination effort?
Action Items:
Stephen: Will work on Confluence to organize feature sets & documentation [from last meeting]
All: Carry over discussion of usability of tool