Course Evaluations video tutorial
Here is a screen cast of the work flow involved when setting up an evaluation in the Course Evaluations tool. We are using this tutorial to help our course conveners, administrators and non-academics looking to use the tool. We also have a public help guide detailing the steps in the video. While we allude to the use of the tool for surveys/questionnaires the specific scenario that we are going to evaluate is the use of the tool in the evaluation of a course (ie quality of course materials and lecturers/faculty).
Target audience: Lecturers / Course conveners / teaching assistants / tutors / administrators / survey departments / site owners / managers / directors
This will be helpful to those introducing Course Evaluations to their institutions. We are using a UCT specific branch of CE, hence some features will not apply if you are running trunk.
Windows .wmv format
iMac / iPod .mp4 format
Streaming Video:
Credits: Rulisha Chetty and Roger Brown
Results of the usability test
- placeholder -
How we constructed the screen cast
The screen cast was created using Camtasia Studio Version 6, of which the creator is a first time user The following steps were taken to build the screen cast:
- Rough storyboard of screen cast (based on the existing help guide)
- Identified areas in the CE tool that users struggled with or struggled to understand:
- Lecturers/Tutors selections: What the lecturer/tutor options meant to users, how they go about choosing an option that suits them (this is a UCT specific feature)
- The difference between a template and an evaluation.
- Creating a user's own template as opposed to a using an existing one. A matter of whether to create a survey or not. If a user wanted to create a survey they start from scratch.
- Can co-site owners allow other members of the site to see the evaluation before it is published? The answer is no.
- The difference between the lecturer view and student view of the live evaluation.
- (continued...) Wrote a draft of screencast script/dialogue
- Created a rough draft of screen cast
- Made necessary changes to script such as wording, actions etc.
- Ironed out technical problems such as sound quality of screen cast etc.
- Recorded final version of screen cast, yey!
Please give us your feedback!