08 - arec - Order Questions

Title in left menu: Order Questions
Page heading: Ordering questions


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Ordering questions

Note: To complete these procedures, you must be assigned a role having the necessary permissions. To determine your role, follow the directions in Participant roles. For a basic understanding of roles and permissions, see Permissions and roles: Overview.

On the Assessments page, click the --Select Action-- drop-down menu next to the title of the assessment you wish to work on, and choose Edit. You'll see a list of questions for that assessment. For each question, from the "Question" drop-down list, select the numerical order in which you'd like that question to appear. For example, if you'd like a question to be the third question, select 3.

When you reorder a question, it will move questions that were originally above it down the list, and questions that were originally below it up the list. For example, if you use the drop-down list to change question 3 to question 1, then question 1 will become the new question 2, and question 2 will become the new question 3.

Note: You cannot set the order of questions if the part containing them is configured for random ordering.