2011-02-02 End-User Documentation Meeting

Only Alan and Sean participated in this call. Alan created an action list that was sent to some in the group.

The basic notes:

  • (1.) Elizabeth Venstra is the main contact for IU KB items. I will follow up with her on that.
  • (2.) Seth T. is the contact for the TCC. I am reaching out to Seth for coordination on 2.8.x branch updates to the help files.

Mathieu has been gracious enough to volunteer to serve as TCC point of contact in March. I'm filling in for Sean in February since he has a new, big project (big congrats to Sean!).

Next steps (Alan):

  • (1.) Write the doc teams and check in on any progress or issues.
  • (2.) Flesh out styleguide thoughts. Propose basic principles (Simple and helpful; no technical jargon; active, active, active) and additional thoughts for all members to review and amend/approve.
  • (3.) Schedule call with you to push forward with T&Q docs.
  • (4.) Schedule next group conf. call in Feb.
  • (5.) Reach out to Elizabeth Venstra. (Done on 2-4)
  • (6.) Reach out to Seth Theriault. (Done on 2-4)

Next steps (Sean):

(1.) Verify that it's okay to keep using the Sakai 3 conference line for the meantime.