Meeting Notes


  • Arizona State University (Ruvi, JeffA)
  • Windsor
  • Michigan (Steve
  • Indiana (Rita, Jonathan, Margaret
  • Berkeley (Jon
  • Hawaii, (Leeward CC,Brent)
  • Wyoming (Robin)
  • Yale (Gloria, David)
  • Stanford (Christine)
  • Stockholm (Ida Wellner)
  • Hebrew Union College (Michelle Lazarow) -


Among the universities that were present, the consensus was that we should work together to improve the community's help documentation and share the instructional materials that institutions use to support various Sakai installations.  This is not a new conversation for some, so to move this effort forward we have planned the following:

  • Identify a name for our activities within the Sakai Community.  Current working name is: End-User Support Documentation
  • Raise awareness of our work with a link from the main Sakai website  *(Anthony Whyte willing to maintain links)
  • Initial efforts will be focused within Confluence, but the group will consider other options if Confluence is found to be an ineffective forum
  • Define a basic organizational structure for shared materials.  Some suggested tags include: audience, medium, subject
  • Will inevitably need some language around intellectual property where appropriate.  In the interim, requesting permission seems logical.

Types of Materials that organizations might share:

  • Tutorials
  • Video-based Training 
  • Training schedules
  • Workshop Presentations
  • others? 

Sakai Context Sensitive Help 

  • Indiana shared with group strategies for reporting problems with Help Documentation (will post soon)
  • There is a general interest in streamlining institutional process for customizing the help system within Sakai. (Indiana & Michigan have strategies that are worth discussing further)