
Rachels Comments

5) Should there be an "Inactive" CanonicalCourse type? What if it's
not unlisted or discontinued, but it's not active?

6) Might we want to add a "Required" type to CourseOfferings? If it's
not a Prerequisite for anything, but is a required class?

7) We need more course section types. "Offsite", "Group", etc. Can
we ask some faculty types? Charles Kerns might have a lot of input
to this.... Same with CourseGroup types.

Extracted from Design Document

Course Offering types are bit overloaded. For example, an offering might be both a prerequisite and active. We might want to move prerequisites and corequisites into another mechanism.

Chuck Comments

Chuck suggested that rather than having so many different kinds of type objects, that we just treat them as properties or metadata with vocabularies instead of types. This might lead us more in the direction of RDF as well.

Additionally, Lance has defined the Persistable and Typable interfaces to add basic Id support and Type support to Sakai common services.