
Course Management Service and Tools Requirements

Detailed Requirements by Functional Area

  • 2.4 Requirements
    • Gradebook
    • Section Info
    • Roster
    • Site Info/Worksite set-up - changes to the new course site wizard
    • CM browser, admin tool
    • Homepage (new tool)

The set of requirements below are a combination of the Initial Requirements and requirements from User Research expressed in Context Scenarios. While most of the functionality in the current Sakai Worksite Set-up/Site Info, Section Info and Roster tools is included, that set of functionality has not yet be combed through to be included in this list. Also, these requirements do not address the admin-only tools like Realms, Sites, Users, etc.

Needs to be updated!

Post 2.4 Requirements

  • Site administration
    • Course site creation
      • Method for creating course sites
        • Auto-populate based on SIS data
        • Manually create with or without SIS data
        • Instructor request, admin approve with or without SIS data
      • Course structures represented by a course site with or without SIS data
        • Simple course offering with one primary section
        • Section or multiple sections within a course offereing (e.g. language courses)
        • Large lecture courses with multiple sections and/or section types (e.g. Chem 101 with both lecture and lab sections)
        • Cross-listed courses
        • On-going, no-term courses (e.g. professional school core courses, seminars)
      • Means to represent course structures within course site
        • Display all courses (including sections) a user is known to be teaching in specified term
        • Aggregate multiple sections or course offerings, including cross-listings, into one site
        • Disaggregate course sections into multiple sites
        • Allow user to differentiate between courses/sections for which a site has been created and those which have not
      • Instructor view of home page
        • Display a "Site Building" checklist for user to check progress
        • Make clear where user is in the site creation process.
        • Add and/or view (if supplied by SIS???) course information including title, description, grade type, department, courseID number, max size, current size, credits, prerequisites and instructor to a course site
      • Instructor requests
        • Request that course offering rosters not formally crosslisted in the SIS be manually added to a single course site.
        • Request that a not yet available roster be associated automatically with a course site upon becoming available from the SIS.
    • View
      • View Course Offering Information including title, description, grade type, department, courseID number, max size, current size, credits, prerequisites and instructor
    • Edit course site
      • If authorized by institution, add Course Offering Information including title, description, grade type, department, courseID number, max size, current size, credits, prerequisites and instructor to a course site.
    • Course site content
      • Ability to copy materials from another course site at site creation.
      • Copied course site materials with date attributes are adjusted to the current term's dates.
      • Copied course site materials are marked with visual cues so they can be reviewed for current course site.
      • Student access to a course site (publishing) can be set to a particular date/time.
    • Site Access
      • Allow access to/publish site
        • Allow specified site members (usually TAs) access to the site before it is generally available
        • Allow access by role
        • Allow access at a certain date/time (release date) for students
        • Notify site members when they have access to a site
        • Remind instructor if general site access has not been turned on by certain date/time
        • Clearly see if a site is "published" or not
  • Membership
    • Allow people to join site
    • Add people to course site
      • Members are added via SIS data
      • Add members manually
      • Switch from SIS-populated membership to manually controlled membership
      • Upload roster from excel file
      • Add user not registered with Sakai to a course site in a particular role by querying an official campus directory and then assign the user to a section as part of a continuous workflow.
    • Section creation and population
      • Manually set-up section
      • Specify the category (e.g., discussion, lab, project).
      • Manually set-up multiple sections of particular types at once
      • Assign student(s) to a section or sections if more than one section type
      • Assign TA to section(s)s
      • Assign lead TA
      • Find users in institutional directory
      • Send students email about signing up for sections
      • If authorized by institution, give a distinct title to each section in a category. By default the section titles are the category names, with each section uniquely identified by a number in a sequence that ends with the total number of sections created within a category (lab 1, lab 2, lab 3 . . . lab 21).
      • If authorized by institution, set the locations and times of section meetings, and set the maximum number of students in a section.
      • Authorize students to sign up for and/or switch among all sections.
      • View student authorizations to sign up for and/or switch among all sections.
    • Edit sections
      • If authorized by institution, edit the locations and times of meetings, and the maximum number of students in a section.
      • If authorized by institution, disband sections.
      • Override course section membership from the SIS with Sakai's local memberships
      • View and sort on a list of per-section specific info (days, time, assigned TA, room, current enrollment, available slots, max enrollment, section category).
      • Open views to edit section properties, assign TAs and assign students for each individual section.
      • Create new sections for a course and
    • Site membership listing
      • Roster
        • View, sort and filter by name, student ID, role and pictures in roster list
        • Show SIS-provided student pictures in roster
        • Show section membership next to student names in roster
        • Set the number of students to view per page in the site roster.
        • Page through all students based on the number of students to view per page.
        • Authorize students to view roster data, including photos, if they have been released for public viewing
        • Ability to grade student assignments and final grades via roster in assessment tools
    • Edit people
      • Switch roles of site members
      • Add user not registered with Sakai to a course site in a particular role by querying an official campus directory and then assign the user to a section as part of a continuous workflow.
    • Create ad-hoc groups within course site
    • Create ad hoc course groups with memberships taken from the course offering roster at large
  • System administration
    • Required roles
      • Instructor
      • TA
      • Head TA
      • Student
      • Admin
      • Local Admin
    • Role-based permissions
      • Select which course site roles are allowed to view roster photos
  • System requirements
    • Provide a list of all students associated with a course offering
    • Provide enrollment status of all students associated with a course offering
    • Provide grade type, (e.g., P/NP, letter) for all students associated with a course offering
    • Provide unique student ID based on local institutional requirements
    • Provide a list of all TA's associated with a course offering
    • Prohibit any student from membership in more than one course section per section category within a course
    • Prohibit students in a crosslisted course from joining or switching to a course section if it cannot share memberships based on its formal association with another course section.
    • Reconcile SIS course section memberships with Sakai's
    • Create one or more types of sections based on course management data
    • Prohibit the removal of any section officially defined through an enterprise system outside Sakai
    • Associate and persist current enterprise defined students in a course offering with their course sections
    • Associate and persist current enterprise defined TAs in a course offering with their course sections
    • Prohibit or restrict the membership management of sections officially defined through an enterprise system outside Sakai
    • Configure type of site creation by role
  • Note
    • Functions marked with a "*" should be configurable based on role, by institution